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Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

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What is emergency management?
When a disaster – a sudden, calamitous event either natural or man-made such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, flood, avalanche, fire or airplane crash – occurs, a community can suffer widespread damage and losses to its residents, property, economy and the environment. Catastrophes often overwhelm communities that lack adequate resources to respond to or recover from a hazard. Disaster or emergency management, according to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (, can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with the humanitarian aspects of emergencies, particularly in preparedness, response and recovery, to lessen their impact. The goal of disaster management is to help communities reduce risk, establish strategies to mitigate the effects of, prepare to respond, respond to and recover from all types of disasters. Emergency management assists communities before, during and after disasters, helping citizens return to a normal life as quickly as possible. …show more content…
Disaster management requires a partnership among federal, state and local levels of government and the private sector, including business, voluntary organizations and the public ( The federal government is responsible for assisting states by reviewing emergency plans, providing guidance, making plans and assessing their capability to provide protection from large-scale, nationwide disasters, according to FEMA. State and local governments also develop emergency management plans and continually assess them to ensure effective prevention, intervention and protection from disasters and other

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