...My Career Goals I have two main reasons to set my career goals. Firstly, as I was a child, I always had had a dream that I wanted to grow up faster because I could choose what I wanted. I would like to make a decision by my own. After I grow up and to be considered as an adult, I found that making decision was not as easy as I thought because I have to give careful consideration to everything instead of only thinking about me. Secondly, everyone would go to work after he or she graduated from school because they have responsibilities to their own life. If they want a better life, they must work hard to support themselves. Based on these two reasons, I have decided three career goals of my life, including using my strengths to the work, balancing work and life and letting my family have better life. Firstly, using my strengths to the work is important to me. I studied environment science in my country. Because of my major, I worked in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company as a facility engineer who is responsibility for wastewater treatment. The facility engineer use physical and chemical methods to treat wastewater to turn into clean water. I could use my professional knowledge to solve the problem in my work. However, I didn’t want to be only an engineer. Although I was happy to use my talent in my work, I want to make my career have different challenges; moreover, keeping working in the same position confines the development of my career. As...
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...because it is human nature to want to make inspiring things with ones mind. The same as you all, I also strive to create amazing things weather it be small stories only I think I would like or bigger and more ambitious ideas as in ways to improve human happiness through entertainment. In the time we have i’m going to introduce myself to all of you about my personal interests, my goals for college, and as well as my goals for after college. Body (interests): Now my personals interests are quite simple and very common to many people including some of you all. I enjoy writing and reading and expanding my mind to multiple levels of creativity. Like how different genres...
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...always been a person with a plan. I would write down my goals and denote my achievements. Before starting the application for Post University, Master Human Services program, I intended to wait two years before grad school. During my undergrad years, many of my professors advised me against this decision because most people lose the motivation and drive to return to school In undergrad. This did not concern me because I always follow through with my plans. During these two years I would work hard to learn the system of serving in the field of human services. I had recently started to look for employment in the field and after reviewing several sites; however, I did not find much interest in my work, so I requested updates about jobs...
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...Being able to learn more about Islam will help be as a behavioral healthcare provider because it has opened me up to another culture, customs, and religion that I was not familiar with. My career goal is to graduate with my bachelors in Behavioral Healthcare and then get my Masters of Social Work and become an LCSW. Being able to be exposed to another cultural group that I was not familiar with has helped me to have an understanding for not just Arabs, Muslims, and Islam; but all nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, religions, and races. For this portion on the assignment, I interviewed my friend Raya about her experiences as an Arab and Muslim. Raya is of Palestinian descent and is 22 years old. We met our freshmen year of college at Polk...
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...All throughout high school they have you plan what college and career you want to go into, from the beginning of freshman year to the end of senior year, you’re planning your future based on your goals and aspirations. As a senior I have many goals and aspirations. I would like to attend a four year college and major in one of the following subjects: math, science, and a language. I plan to go in undecided until I figure out what I want because there are many things. I will be the first to graduate high school and college in my family, None of my siblings nor parents graduated and that is a big goal of mine. Throughout highschool I worked hard to get good grades even though I faced many challenges. One of the biggest challenges I faced was...
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...pursuing my education and career goals. First would be spending time with my children. I have found it difficult to spend the time with my children I feel is necessary. I have learning in the chapter 6 reading of “Building on your best for career success” that the first thing is, “Time management.” I have accomplished this by having a written schedule. I have scheduled time each day for my children. In the reading it states to schedule one hour a week for your children. I decided to schedule one hour a day for each of my two children. This has worked great and has made feel great about myself. Second I have been challenged with my daily chores around my home. In the reading of chapter 6, I learned that if there is “Anything you must do, that you can do in five minutes or less, do it now.” This has worked perfect for me. Just like the post-a-note I put on my wall, “Just Do It,” from Nike. I write down the chores that need to get done and the amount of time each chore should take. Most all the chores can be done in less than five minutes. So I just do them. At the end of the day I’m not overwhelmed by the amount of work that I need to do. I have also learned to delegate what I can. Tell my children to do some of the bigger chores around my home. Third would be time for my studies. I have also scheduled time to study my school work on a calendar. The same calendar I have for all my daily tasks. Leaving room for my five minute chores and around the hour I schedule for my children...
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...Three concepts that will help me in completing my graduate degree In this lecture, I have gained insight into several strategies that will help me with the successful completion of my degree and achieve my career goals. Among the many, the three main concepts that I have learned in this lecture, which have appealed to me the most as a means to successfully complete my graduate degree are: * Time management * Preview of assignments * and Lecture note taking. It is an essential component for the progress and successful completion of any course. We all have a set of goals, but all goals do not weigh the same importance. Managing time properly helps to prioritize goals, after which one’s daily routine can be organized to achieve these goals (“Time management guide”, n.d.). Procrastination of work is commonly seen when an individual fails to manage one’s time. Also, it is seen often times, that students, without proper time distribution, devote a lot more time than required to certain study activities, while many other important activities are neglected (“Time management guide”, n.d.). For a higher education degree, such as a Masters, time management plays a key role in every stage of the coursework. A sense of time is critical for the following: a. Setting aside time for self-study on a weekly basis. A timed self-study can help an individual to preview and review course materials. b. For assignments, it is critical to assess time carefully...
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...Material Career Goal-Setting Worksheet Respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each: 1. Adjust your professional or career goal you created in Week Two based on the Career Plan Building Activities results from the My Career Plan assignment. How did the results of the Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Activity on Competencies contribute to your professional goal development? My result from the career interest profiler and career plan building activity contributed to my professional goal development because I was able to map out my goals. I was able to understand and decide which goals were important to my career. I also was able to understand how my decision making could improve earning my degree. 2. Describe how you will balance academic expectations and your personal and professional responsibilities. I will be using Time Management to balance my academic expectations, my personal and professional responsibilities. I will be setting time aside and blocking out certain things (turning off my phone and television) while completing my school work. I will also focus more on my school now and will prioritize what is important to reaching my goal. 3. How can understanding the importance of SMART criteria and your career interests and competencies help you move toward your career and academic goals? Understanding the importance of SMART criteria and my career interests and competencies help me move toward my career and academic...
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...Professional Career Action Plan Kara Jenkins HCS/449 January 2, 2015 Instructor: Michael Jones Professional Career Action Plan It is agreed upon by many that the pathway to achieving success involves the establishment of goals. Through this paper I will outline my professional goals and the job I would like to obtain in the health care field. I will also address skills that I have currently acquired and skills that I would like to acquire and skills that I need to change or alter. In closing I will review my plan to achieve these goals, I will identify the organization(s) that will help me achieve these goals, and I will identify how a career action plan outline will benefit my goals. The key to setting career goals begins with having a clear vision of the end state you are trying to achieve. This needs to occur before you can take actions to reach that goal. With that being stated, developing a vision statement for your career path is the first step in reaching your career goals ("Berkeley HR", 2015). My personal vision statement is to become a human resources manager, but not to just become a human resources manager. I want to become a manager with integrity, trust and respect for all persons that I encounter. I also want to be an encourager and one who empowers my staff to the greatest extent possible. Once I have clearly defined my vision statement, I must then give serious consideration to how I plan to make that vision a reality. In setting my goals, I realize...
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...Career Plan: Reasoning Aptitude and Timeline GEN/105 25 July 2013 Christopher Robinson Career Plan: Reasoning Aptitude and Timeline The goals that I have set to reach my career goals were first to find a college that fit my schedule. My second goal was that I needed to achieve a high grade point average while I was in school. My third goal was to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Business Management with a concentration in Supply Chain Management. My fourth goal was to find a job within my degree plan. My fifth goal was to become a manager of a major logistics company. Finding a College that fits my Schedule The specifics of my first goal were to locate a school that fit my schedule. I work a job that requires me to be away from home for days to weeks at a time. I needed a school that was flexible and accessible even when I was away. I looked into several colleges but only one appealed to me, and it was the University of Phoenix. This goal was not difficult because I knew what I wanted in a college and it aligned with my values. Some short term goals that helped me achieve this goal was first to narrow down my choices to 5 online colleges. I went online and just searched online colleges that had degrees in the field that I was looking to work. Another short term goal was to see which college was accessible away from home via phone or Ipad because I traveled a lot and the use of internet to my laptop would be little to none. I accomplished this task...
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...Print Form CAREER DEVELOPMENT COMPETENCIES ASSESSMENT Congratulations on taking a positive step toward your career development. Taking this assessment will help you get started on your journey toward a more fulfilling work life. PRINT THIS ASSESSMENT, ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, AND SCORE USING THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW. GUIDANCE ON YOUR NEXT STEPS IS PROVIDED AT THE END. What allows some people to effectively manage their careers while others do so less successfully? Often, it is the mastery of several key competencies that allow people to be successful in developing their careers. As you read the following list of career management behaviors, assess your own level of competency in each area of our career development model using the following scale: Not True (1) Somewhat True (2) Very True (3) Self‐Assessment Competencies • • • • • • • Career Awareness Competencies • I know what makes work environments personally satisfying and productive to me and am able to create these environments _____ • • • • • • I understand the culture of my workplace _____ I am able to identify desired organizational values and goals _____ I understand industry changes and their impact on my career effectiveness _____ I have a sense of future options and opportunities for my career _____ I am effective at building relationships and support systems for my career growth _____ TOTAL CAREER AWARENESS COMPETENCY SCORE: __________ I know and value my personal strengths and abilities _____ ...
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...your professional or career goal you created in Week Two based on the Career Plan Building Activities results from the My Career Plan assignment. How did the results of the Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Activity on Competencies contribute to your professional goal development? My career goal has not changed after I did the activity. The results of my career interest profiler told me what I had already known all my life. My profiler results and career plan goes right along with what I have wanted to do most of my life. It just helped me to see I know myself much better than I realized. 2. Describe how you will balance academic expectations and your personal and professional responsibilities. I have made myself a very strict routine to help me balance my time and set my priorities accordingly. I have time set up in the morning and afternoon for job searching. I use a majority of the time in between for my schoolwork. I also have the evenings set aside for time with my daughter. 3. How can understanding the importance of SMART criteria and your career interests and competencies help you move toward your career and academic goals? The SMART criteria are just a guideline to setting good achievable goals. It will help me to set more specific obtainable goals in order to be successful in reaching said goals. If you are smart in remembering the four types of goals and following the five guide words (SMART) to setting your goals, it will help you move...
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...educational and career paths and development. Even though there might be other ways to get class assignments done, making a personal plan will help you get your class assignments done, as well as help you with your career path and goals. The reason being is you are using a SMART goals system and setting a schedule that is right for you to help with your classes and class assignments. To help with your career path and goals you can use a Career Interest Profiler as well as the SMART goals system. Having a personal plan will help gets assignments done by setting SMART goals, SMART goals are achievable realistic goals that you can complete. Here are a couple examples of SMART goals. In this first example this can be used for an educational goal in your classes. In the next couple weeks I will take a writing workshop to help with my writing skills. This next example can be used towards your career path or goals. In the next couple weeks I will start to fill out job applications that are in my field of study at university of phoenix. A career interest profiler is a program that asks you various questions about your thoughts on job related questions and then based on those answers gives you some ideas of multiple career interests that are right for you, for example some of mine are: based on my responses I got social, investigative, and conventional. Based off of these results I can see that I will be able to use my social and conventional skills to help me achieve my academic...
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...Material Goal Setting Worksheet Review this week’s resources (for example SMART criteria, and the Career Plan Building Activities). Respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each: 1. Describe one academic goal that you have created using the SMART criteria. How do SMART criteria contribute to your academic goals? One goal I have created using the SMART criteria is to have all my work in by Sunday afternoon. I can create a map each week on how to accomplish this goal. Although it is not a huge goal that is long term it is a very important one and not as easy for some people as it is for others. SMART criteria contribute to my academic goals by showing me how to properly achieve each step you have to take to achieve my goals. 2. Describe one professional/career goal you have created using the SMART criteria and Career Plan Building Activities results. How did the results of the Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Activity on Competencies contribute to your professional goal development? One career goal I have created is to choose which firm I want to work for when I get my degree. Having this in mind will help me create my plan on how to get to the place I ultimately want to be. By knowing where I want to work I can better understand the requirements it takes to get there. The career interest profiler really didn’t help me too much because it came back with careers that I have no interest in being in. The Career Plan Building...
Words: 704 - Pages: 3
...University of Phoenix Material Goal Setting Worksheet Review this week’s resources (for example SMART criteria, and the Career Plan Building Activities). Respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each: 1. Describe one academic goal that you have created using the SMART criteria. How do SMART criteria contribute to your academic goals?. One academic goal I have for myself is to obtain my Associated in Psychology. The SMART criteria helped me to understand that I can set smaller goals related to my bigger goals that I want to achieve. This helps me to feel like I am moving closer to my bigger goal each time a smaller goal is accomplished. 2. Describe one professional/career goal you have created using the SMART criteria and Career Plan Building Activities results. How did the results of the Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Activity on Competencies contribute to your professional goal development? A career I created was to finish my first year of college. The results on my Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Activity on Competencies contribute by showing me my strength and weaknesses. Adapting to Change is the area I am highest in my strength I think that is beneficial when switching from class to class. It is suggested to speak to people in my field and see if there is volunteer work that is available. This will help me gain my insight in my desired field. 3. Describe the stress and time-management strategies...
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