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Holocaust Children

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The laws that affect Jewish children, how some Jewish children survived, and if the Nazis killed certain children during the holocaust. Many people have died in the holocaust, protected other people, lost all their family, friends, and possessions. The holocaust is a very serious topic so you have to be ready for what you will be reading and what pictures you will be visualizing.
Laws were made that impacted Jewish children's lives. Jewish children were banned from lots of public places such as, swimming pools, parks, and more. All of that was forbidden. The disabled children also known as “useless children” we the first targeted by the Nazis. Children whether they were with a parent, relative, or by themselves went to family camps runned …show more content…
The Nazis killed children with disabilities, both physical and mental, also known as the “useless children.” The 13-18 year old children had a better chance of survival because they were older, and because they could’ve been used for child labor. While the Jewish children were in the ghettos, they dies of starvation and lack of clothing and shelter. Some of the non-Jewish adults hid Jewish children from the Germans. Lots of children overall were protected by people and that’s how they survived. This is a lot like the Anne Frank story. There were 5,000 to 7,000 victims of the “euthanasia” program in Auschwitz. Medical researchers and SS physicians used a number of children for experiments that often resulted in death. Some non-Jewish children we adopted by an appropriate, racial, German, family. Children quickly memorized prayers to say. Mothers that were pregnant while in a concentration camp had to either get an abortion or have to baby and get it taken away by the Germans to die. Children who lived in the ghettos often went back to their home to find things to sell and found other ways to survive such as smuggling food and medicines into the …show more content…
The Nazis would kill the children that were abandoned/unwanted or dangerous. The Nazis killed children with disabilities, both physical and mental, also known as the “useless children.” 9,000 Jewish children survived the holocaust. 5,000 jewish children were left out of the almost 1 million Jewish children in Poland after the holocaust. 6,700 teenagers were selected for forced labor Parents, children and rescuers soon faced many challenges as they found out they had to go into hiding. Some of the Jewish children passed as non-Jews and lived a happy life. Many Jewish children were baptized into christianity, with or without their parents permission. On average, Jewish children stayed in up to four homes per year. Some of the children's “rescuers” would endure them with physical or sexual abuse. 5% of Jewish children were treated badly, 15% was occasionally mistreated, and 80% we treated kindly. The most painful memories that the children had to deal with was leaving their friends, family, siblings, grandparents, and more. There are various reasons for the friends and family members leaving was mostly from lack of space. This separation tormented both parents and

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