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Hitler's Anti-Semitic Attitudes Towards Their Children From The Holocaust

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After Adolph Hitler became Germany's leader, he started anti-Semitic attitudes towards the Jews. Jewish families were concerned about their children because his opposition towards the Jews grew more. People in Britain and other European countries responded by trying to find a way to save Jews. The British government and the Jewish parents saved Jewish children from the Holocaust by working together to get the children out of Germany.

One reason is why they did this is because Jewish parents were worrying about Adolf Hitler getting more powerful. As he got more powerful he would not like the Jews more and more. In the text it states that,"Many people, Germans included, were terrified of Adolf Hitler's extremely fast rise to power.” The author ,"This growing tension was causing a lot of fear in many Jewish families, who were quickly noticing Hitler's anti-Semitic policies.". My evidence backs up my claim because it states why Jewish parents were beginning to be afraid of Hitler and that Hitler was getting powerful.

Another reason is that many Jews were concerned about living in Nazi places. They feared that the Nazis would hurt them. The author states that,"Many Jews sensed danger coming and fled Germany and surrounding countries, …show more content…
The program gave a chance for the Jewish children to get out of Germany before it got worse. The article states that,"The Kindertransport was a 9-month rescue operation that helped Jewish children escape these dangerous countries and go to freedom in other European countries, or even America.". The author informs the reader that,"In response to Kristallnacht, a committee called The British Jewish Refugee Committee appealed to Parliament and the House of Commons and asked to provide safe transport and passage for Jewish children to England.". Both my reason and evidence are similar because the evidence gives details why Kindertransport saved many Jewish

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