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Barenboim's Theory Of Anti-Semitism

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Pages 9
Prejudice in society has constructed endless “isms” that exist all across the globe, such as racism, heterosexism, and lookism, which have divided and battered the population for decades. Defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group,” anti-Semitism derives from the ideation that the Jews were involved in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (Merriam-Webster).
Anti-Semitism is believed to have originated from the time period when Jesus Christ was crucified. Some believed that all of the Jews were responsible for Jesus’ death and began to despise anyone who practiced the religion. Daniel Barenboim, an Argentinian musician, asserts his opinion of how anti-Semitism came to be by claiming: “Anti-Semitism has no historical, political and certainly no philosophical origins. Anti-Semitism is a disease” (Anti-Semitism Quotes). …show more content…
In his book, he divided different races and ranked them by his opinion of superiority. Calling his idea of the perfect race “Aryan,” he claimed a person must be from German descent, and have blonde hair and blue eyes; additionally, he mentioned that Jews were poisoning Germany and needed to be removed from the country in order for the Aryan race to prosper. Although rumors had speculated that members Hitler’s family were Jewish, his hatred has no proven explanation and is only formed from his personal views. There were approximately 9.5 million Jewish people living in Europe before the holocaust, Joseph Sher’s family being one of them. Born in the Polish town of Krzepice, Poland, he and his relatives knew their lives would be filled with adversity due to the fact that they were Jewish. Sher tells what his childhood was like by

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