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Franlin Kaernick Case Study

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Pages 3
Imagine if taking a stand for something you believed in cost you your job. This is exactly what happened to Colin Kaepernick. Last year, during his preseason game against the Packers, he chose not to stand during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner before the game. This caused an uproar in the NFL and with the general public. This created a problem with who would even consider hiring him due to controversy. Even though Colin felt he was protesting he felt was legitimate, it didn’t come across very well to the NFL or public. In reality, every person is different, we all agree, disagree, but ultimately we have to do what our beliefs guide us to.
It is easy to disagree with someone, it is just as easy to agree. Many people in the NFL believe Colin Kaepernick is being treated unfairly. Some believe Kaepernick’s forum that he chose to protest about racial inequality and other issues are the reason he remains unemployed. Some even think he is being blackballed. Many agree Colin Kaepernick is probably good enough to play in the league. Although he is not the best player out there, they still believe he should have the chance to at least try. In reality the owners of other teams will not have much to do with him because he was an embarrassment on the field. …show more content…
Some people will say Kaepernick has not signed on a team because he has not earned the confidence of team owners and other players. He has not acquired a reputation to be a great performer, either. He has created a great controversy with the way he demonstrated his political viewpoints. An expert said professional sports teams have the right to decide who they think will be the most beneficial for their team. The owners of the teams who have not employed Colin thought somebody else could do better for the position. This is not as a result of his political

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