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Gastroesophageal Reflux Research Paper

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Everything You Need to Know About Acid Reflux Disease

Have you ever experienced an unpleasant burning feeling in your chest after eating? How about frequent belching? Do you also find it difficult to swallow your food? If you have these signs and symptoms, you might be having an acid reflux.

Acid reflux disease is a common health problem that happens when the acid in your stomach flows back to your esophagus. That’s why the condition is more specifically referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Reports have shown that in the United States, 25-40% of people experience the signs and symptoms of acid reflux at some point in their lives while 7-10% have to deal with the symptoms every day. The disease can affect all age groups …show more content…
Your stomach and esophagus are part of your digestive system.
When eating, the food that you swallow travels through your esophagus, a hollow and muscular tube that connects your throat to your stomach.
The esophagus has lubricants and moves in wavelike movements to propel food towards your stomach.
Before the food reaches your stomach, it has to pass through your lower esophageal sphincter, which is a ring of muscle that relaxes to allow food entry into the stomach and tightens to prevent food from coming back up (regurgitation).
The food enters your stomach where it is digested.
Food is broken down by the aid of your stomach acid and digestive enzymes.

What Happens in Acid Reflux Disease?
Your stomach acid can regurgitate to your esophagus when your lower esophageal sphincter becomes dysfunctional or when there is a delay in the emptying of your stomach.

Your lower esophageal sphincter prevents acid and food from flowing back into the esophagus. When it becomes dysfunctional, the regurgitated stomach acid can irritate the lining of your

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