...Behavioral Disorders: What are they? There are all kinds of disorders that are considered a behavioral disorder. According to an article on the website ‘Study’, the definition of a behavioral disorder is “…a category of mental disorders that are characterized by persistent or repetitive behaviors that are uncommon among children of the same age, inappropriate, and disrupt others and their activities around the child.” Are behavioral disorders controllable by those that have them? Or are they just simple controlled by drug treatments? The term “Behavioral Disorder’ is a generic term. There are multiple branches of behavioral disorders. The main branches are Anxiety, Disruptive, Dissociative and Emotional Behaviors. There are additional smaller...
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...Psychiatric disorders differ from neuropsychological disorders. A psychiatric disorder is a type of psychological function or lack of, relating to common functionality in an individual. A neuropsychological disorder is different yet hard to separate due to defining difficulties leading to unclear differences between the two types of disorders. Researchers show that the main difference between the two disorders begins with the archaic mind-brain. In other words the neuropsychological disorders are thought to be a product of a dysfunctional brain. Psychiatric disorders are those assumed to be products of dysfunctional minds, absent in the brains pathology. In recent studies we have learned these two types of disorders are closely related however, there tends to be some differences between them such as experiential factors. Some common psychiatric disorders are schizophrenia, depression, mania, anxiety disorders, and tourette syndrome. No matter what research shows us as far as relation of two types of disorders, it is important to remember how serious some of them can be. In order to understand some of the disorders one should know about what they do and what happens to the individual who suffers from them including drugs that can help or negative effects of association by certain drugs used in common psychiatric disorders. The term schizophrenia was coined in the early 20th century, meaning- splitting of psychic functions. Schizophrenia is the disease which most commonly...
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...Bipolar Disorder Everybody have some kind of mood swing in their life. Moods may be happy or sad; energized or sluggish; embodying various combinations of emotional states. A mood might consist of feelings as well as the thoughts and judgments that give feelings their meaning. An anxious mood may shift into an excited mood with a simple change of perspective, and a depressed mood may shift into a happier one upon hearing pleasing news. Moods are typically transient things that shift from moment to moment or day to day, but they can be prolonged states as well which color the whole psychic life for long periods of time. Bipolar disorder is an disorder that affects people mood swings and their everyday lives. There are many people that are dealing with this disorder. Bipolar has its ups and down that comes with the disorder. Bipolar disorder can be traced back to a family member and can be hereditary. There are many ways to manage the disorder and get information about the disorder. A person can lean the cause of the disorder, diagnosis, sign and symptoms, treatments, and medications. Bipolar disorder is known as manic-depressive illness. It is a brain disorder that cause usual shifts in the mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day- to- day tasks. The symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. The bipolar disorder cycle can last for days, weeks, or months. Bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor job performance and...
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...Shepherd BEH-225 Joanne Schrock Psychologists and theorists have been studying psychological disorders for many years now. Throughout history, different theorists have studied how different psychological disorders affect one's behavior. These theorists have developed their own theories on how to treat the different behavioral affects from different psychological disorders. Some psychologists believe genetics and hereditary factors cause psychological disorders while others believe they are a result from learning maladaptive ways of thinking and behaving. All psychologists and theorists believe different things when it comes to how psychological disorders are developed or what causes them, but their treatment aspects are closely the same. Mood disorders are one of many different psychological disorders. Mood disorders are disturbances in mood or prolonged emotional state. Bipolar disorder is a type of mood disorder. In this essay I will be discussing what bipolar disorder is, current trends of diagnosis, and the treatment available. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which periods of mania and depression alternate, sometimes with periods of normal mood intervening. Mania is characterized by euphoric states, excessive talking, extreme physical activity, and distractedness. People who suffer from bipolar disorder can be excited and full of energy one minute, and then be sad and depressed the next minute. Some people can function with everyday...
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...Psychosis, Lifespan Development Different disorders can be diagnosed differently and the onset of symptoms can pin point exactly what disorder an individual has. Schizophrenia is a chronic severe brain disorder that affects individuals every day and it only affects about 1% of Americans. This psychotic disorder has a very severe impact on impairment, emotions and behavior. Individuals that have this certain disease can lead a normal and healthy life is they take care of themselves and take their medication as they should. We will discuss how schizophrenia has an impact on individuals and how it can affect them throughout the lifespan. Schizophrenia and Psychosis Schizophrenia can be characterized by different types of unusual behaviors and the most important aspect of schizophrenia is the human thought process. This type of disorder can be difficult to diagnose and it does not come out or be perssistant like some disorders. People can go with having schizophrenia for years until something happens causing it to come out of the wood works. Schizophrenia can be inherited or is known to be inherited from a family member that suffers from this disorder. Behavioral components can also play a role in schizophrenia as well as biological components. Types of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia can be put into sub types which are paranoid-type, disorganized-type, catatonic-type, undifferentiated-type and residual-type (WebMD, 2011). Each type can help diagnose an individual who...
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...Wyborny, Sheila. "What Are Anxiety Disorders." Anxiety Disorders. Detroit, MI: Lucent, 2009. N. pag. Print. Wyborny describes what it is like to have anxiety. she describes it as an emotion, warning you that a situation may not be safe. Anxiety means “to press tight” or “to strangle” and as you read you find out that those words correspond with the symptoms of anxiety, such as tightness in neck and chest, heavy perspiration, rapid heartbeat. Sheila explains that anxiety can be triggered when in fearful situations or things that cause abnormal fear to you such as phobias (Wyborny). This was a good source because it had a lot of details and explained it very clearly, it helped paint a picture of what it's like to have an anxiety disorder....
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...Borderline Personality Disorder Mental Disorders appear in about twenty-five percent of people in the United States. Borderline Personality Disorder is known to occur in about two percent of the United States population, but it could be even more than that. Borderline Personality Disorder is a mental disorder that causes extreme changes in mood and behavior, unstable thoughts and emotions, and also causes problems in relationships with people. Although it is not exactly know what the cause of this disorder is, it is believed that it a multitude of factors which could include a traumatic event. This disorder usually starts during early adulthood, but can start during childhood. The symptoms for Borderline Personality Disorder are not always apparent because some often mistake them as other mental disorders because they share many of the same traits. Also, there are many other mental disorders that can coincide with Borderline Personality Disorder. All of these factors help determine that this is a real mental disorder, not just a flaw in a person’s character. Borderline Personality Disorder has many signs and symptoms in order for people to detect it. Some of these behaviors include unreasonable reactions to feelings of abandonment, which can be intense anger, depression, panic, and even self-harm. A lot of these actions are extreme and inappropriate for the situation because the person has a hard time controlling themselves and their actions. Additionally, a person may have...
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...Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a disorder affecting anywhere between 0-1% of the general population (Kring, 2010). Personality Disorders are described as “a heterogeneous group of disorders defined by problems with forming a stably positive sense of self and with sustaining close and constructive relationships.” (Kring, 2010). Personality disorders describe long-term, organised ways of characterological functioning (Ronningstam, 2005). We all display symptoms of personality disorders. However, those who display enough symptoms to be diagnosed with personality disorders can experience trouble with personal identity, relationships and impulse control. There are three clusters of personality disorders: the odd cluster (A), the erratic...
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...Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental disorder. English term schizophrenia comes from two Greek words that mean “split mind” it was found in 1908 by Eugene Bleuler Swiss doctor. Main characteristic of schizophrenia splitting apart of mental functions. Schizophrenia is a group of disorders, which affects thinking, emotions, behavior. Most of the people who diagnosed with schizophrenia disorder may have enhanced perceptions of sounds, and colors. There are two different types of such disorder type one and type two. It is split in to five different subtypes Paranoid, Disorganized, Catatonic, Undifferentiated, and Residual. Schizophrenia is one of the mental disorders that is more common in one racial group than the other, and have different effect on the person according to their racial group. Many times schizophrenia is misdiagnosed with autism especially in children by the persistence of hallucinations and delusions for at least six months, and a later age of onset seven years old. Children with schizophrenia is educated in special schools where they get extra help and surrounded with the faculty that trained to work with children that have mental disorders. When it comes to outside world people might be discriminated against because of schizophrenia, there for law were created to protect you if you are schizophrenic. There is a lot of treatments and medication to treat such disorder but actual cure is not found. People of...
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...Jonathan Richardson August 28, 2013 English Composition Rebecca Foy Essay The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is on the Rise Did you know that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is on the rise? According to the American Psychiatric Association “3-7 percent of school aged children has the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”. This disorder is becoming more common and numbers are increasing with more children being diagnosed. Reports show that boys are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. The Center for Disease Control reported that the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is “one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders among children disorders” (Birnbaum). ADHD is a very serious disorder and needs to be taken seriously if a child is diagnosed because it not only affects the child that is diagnosed with the disorder but the people around that child also. According to the Centers of Disease Control a child with ADHD might daydream a lot, forget/misplace things a lot, squirm, talk too much, make careless mistakes, difficulty getting along with others and etc. On Centers of Disease Control webpage there are three types of ADHD. The three types of ADHD that exist are Predominantly Inattentive Presentation, Predominantly Hyperactive- Impulsive Presentation, and Combined Presentation. The CDC states that some symptoms of the predominantly inattentive presentation include the following: it’s hard for the individual to finish tasks, pay...
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... July 09th, 2012 Running Head…… Depression 1. Introduction There are many individuals in the world that are depressed for many different reasons. For example, many individuals can become depressed as a way of reacting to loss of a love one, a job, life's struggles, or a low self-esteem. When depression occurs, many individuals experience feelings of intense sadness including feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless. These symptoms may last for days to weeks and may keep a person from being able to function normally.I chose this topic to understand why individual may become victims of depression as well how different treatment alternative can assist individuals to cope with depression. According to the article there are many different signs as well as causes of depression. To name a few of the signs of depression is Symptoms of Depression such as low and irritable moods, trouble sleeping, feeling of worthiness, difficulty concentrating as well as repeated thoughts of suicide. There are several types of depression disorders that individuals have been diagnosed with. For example, Major depression is an episode of change in mood that lasts for weeks or months. It is one of the most severe...
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...Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens * Does your child go through intense mood changes? * What is bipolar disorder? * Who develops bipolar disorder? * How is bipolar disorder different in children and teens than it is in adults? * What causes bipolar disorder? * What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder? * Do children and teens with bipolar disorder have other problems? * How is bipolar disorder diagnosed? * How is bipolar disorder treated? * Medication * Therapy * What can children and teens expect from treatment? * How can I help my child or teen? * How does bipolar disorder affect parents and family? * Where do I go for help? * I know a child or teen who is in crisis. What do I do? * Contact us to find out more about bipolar disorder Does your child go through intense mood changes? Does your child have extreme behavior changes too? Does your child get too excited or silly sometimes? Do you notice he or she is very sad at other times? Do these changes affect how your child acts at school or at home? Some children and teens with these symptoms may have bipolar disorder, a serious mental illness. Read this brochure to find out more. What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is a serious brain illness. It is also called manic-depressive illness. Children with bipolar disorder go through unusual mood changes. Sometimes they feel very happy or "up," and are much more active than usual...
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...Psychological Disorder July, 20, 2011 Psychological Disorder Paper Psychological disorders are stated to be abnormalities of the mind, known as mental disorders (Klasco, 2011). Abnormalities of the mind cause persistent behaviors that affect an individual’s daily function and life (Klasco, 2011). The different types of psychological disorders include mood disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders (Klasco, 2011). The causes of these disorders are unknown, but factors that contribute to these disorders include childhood experiences, chemical imbalances in the brain, illnesses, heredity, stress, and prenatal exposures (Klasco, 2011). Psychological disorders can be serious and can be life-threatening (Klasco, 2011). One psychological disorder that will be discussed in this paper is anxiety disorder, more specifically obsessive-compulsive disorder. This paper will discuss the relationship between human development and socialization, along with how this relationship affects obsessive-compulsive disorder. Anxiety Disorder Anxiety is something that each and every person experiences at some point in their life (Chakraburtty, 2009). An individual who has an anxiety disorder can have feelings of fears and worries that can cripple the individual (Chakraburtty, 2009). An anxiety disorder is stated to be a serious mental illness and can interfere with an individual living a normal life (Chakraburtty, 2009). Symptoms of anxiety disorder include feelings...
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...MOOD AND ANXIETY DISORDERS PSY/410 MOOD AND ANXIETY DISORDERS There are a variety of mood and anxiety disorders associated with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV-TR), including: anxiety, mood/affective and dissosociative/somatoform disorders. Furthermore, there are several sub-categories that fall under different mood and anxiety disorders. These include phobias, depression and post-traumatic stress. Each can have their respective type of affect on a person with varying degrees of severity (Benjamin, 2006). According to Hansell & Damour (2008), the common belief is that fear itself is a naturally-promoted human emotion that manufactures anxiety. In addition, anxiety is classified as an emotion filled with uncertainties. DSM IV-TR lists the various disorders and anxiety is one of the common symptoms of anxiety disorders. Anxiety Disorders There is one clear difference between anxiety and fear. Fear itself is associated with a specific stimulus. On the other hand, anxiety is about uncertainty in what the future has in store (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Anxiety overload can quickly produce General Anxiety Disorder, (GAD) and/or panic disorders, as well as social phobia (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Mood/Affective Disorders Personality and moods in most people vary every day, some moderate while others can be more severe. Experiencing feelings of anxiety and fear are normal also, and the level of fear and anxiety can vary. According...
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...Introduction The Global issue relating to Eating Disorders is the subject of this report. A Global issue must occur in 3 parts of the world; in this case study Japan, the US and Africa is studied. It must effect a sizable population, and must be a problem of enormous magnitude. Eating disorders as defined by The American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as a condition characterized by a severe disturbances in eating behavior (Gilbert and Gilbert,p 3). According to disabled world, an eating disorder is a continual disturbance of eating and or eating-related behavior that leads to altered consumption or absorption of food in the body system, in a great way impairing the physical health or psychological and social functioning of the person. Eating disorders are more often than not long-term problems, which can cause great suffering for victims and their families (Eating Disorder Symptoms, Types and Treatment Methods, Para 1). Analysis The writer has chosen this topic because as the statistics across the world have proven obesity has almost turned out to be a national disaster. The thesis of this report is that having an eating disorder puts your body into a high extent of harm. Solutions to the issue will be availed at the conclusion of the report. The writer has chosen this topic because the scope of this enquiry will extend from 2006 to 2011 is discussing the problem, and from 3,000 BC to 2011 AD in...
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