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Popularity In Middle School

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I never understood my secret desire to be popular and to avoid being labeled as a loser in the Dark Ages of middle school. The sudden drive to be cool, probably brought on by the plague of puberty. This simple desire was so important to me that I started to abandon what was truly important to me, such as longtime friends, forfeit my grades, good habits, my love for reading, and my constant pursuit for knowledge. However, things didn’t go as planned and I actually never became one of the “popular” kids, so after everything that happened I ended up giving up what was important for a title that was only important until college. I entered high school still determined to be popular until I received my summer reading assignment the “Battle of Jericho” by Shannon M. Draper. …show more content…
As I went through my summer, and as a society started manipulating me thinking that being popular is a must in middle school. I entered middle school thinking I had to be popular at any coast, so as a start I stopped reading. A ripple effect happened and soon after to lose my good grades, close friends, good habits, and started to develop a bad attitude. For better or for worse, no matter what I did I couldn’t become “popular” and it was almost the end of my middle school years. Since it was too late to try something else I was going to try harder in high school. As usual we were assigned summer reading, and I thought I would just blow it off like I usually do; my dad, having enough of my attitude, forced me to pick a book. Thinking I would just get this stupid decision out of the way, I decided on the “Battle of Jericho” the book unknown to me that would change my life for the

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