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Ilma Research Paper

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Since the successful trial of ILMA, various studies have been done about its safety, efficacy and complications. Many authors comparatively studied ILMA and direct laryngoscopy for advantages, disadvantages, clinical efficacy and pressor response.

 The first LMA prototype was used in 1983 by Dr AIJ Brain when he bioengineered LMA by forming a shallow mask with an inflatable rubber cuff, joined to a tube communicating with the lumen of the mask at right angles. He explained, “The rubber cuff of a Goldman paediatric dental mask was stretched onto the diagonally-cut endotracheal end of a Portex 10-mm clear plastic tube and fixed in position using acrylic glue. The resulting apparatus resembles a spoon.”47

 In 1995, further work was done, and …show more content…
Adequate ventilation was accomplished in all patients, with minor adjustments required in four of these patients. Blind ETT insertion was successful in 149 of 150 (99.3%) patients. In 75 (50%) patients no resistance was encountered and the trachea was intubated at the first attempt, 28 (19%) patients required oneadjusting manoeuvre and 46 (31%) patients required 2-4 adjusting manoeuvres before intubation was successful. They concluded that the ILMA appeared on initial assessment to be an effective ventilatory device and intubation guide for routine and difficult airway patients not at risk of gastric …show more content…
The ILMA insertion was possible in 30( 97%) patients, 20 in first and 10 in second or third attempts. 28 of 30 ( 93% ) could be intubated through the ILMA. So they concluded that, the ILMA may have a potential role over current intubation aids in managing difficult airway.
 Parr M.A.J., Gregory M, Baskett P.J.F52. in the same year (1998) again described the successful use of ILMA in a case report of three cases of failed or difficult intubation and concluded that the ILMA may prove to be a useful adjunct in difficult airway, for allowing passage of tube either blindly or under fiberoptic guidance.
 Shung J, Avidan MS et al53, conducted a study in the same year on 15 patients with anticipated difficult airway and could intubate via ILMA under sedation and airway topicalsation. The intubation was successful in all 15 patients, three had difficulty in ILMA insertion and required more than one attempts and three more needed more than one attempt of intubation. Sore throat and hoarseness was only self-limiting complications. Thus they concluded that ILMA can be used as an alternative to fiberoptic bronchoscopy in certain cases with difficult

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