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Essay On Democracy In America

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Democracy is a right that many citizens hold dearly to their hearts. From small issues such as school funding to large issues like voting for president, nearly every citizen desires that their voice be heard and their opinions be carefully considered. Democracy has effectively shaped the United States as a whole. Democracy has created a sense of pride within the nation based on the ideals of freedom and opportunity. Furthermore, the country has been molded by the principles of democracy in the form of politics, morals, values, and social responsibility.
The idea American Democracy was founded in the American colonies. Although at this time they had no interest in declaring independence from Brittan, they realized that they were over 3000 miles away from England and a system of government that brought the people closer together was necessary in order to thrive. As a result of this they formed the Mayflower Compact which set a precedent that the government received its power from the people. This was the first time that these Englishmen were able to elect their own ministers, church officers, and vote on which religion the group would follow. This is officially the first form of democracy in the United States. …show more content…
Taxes and restricted trade was enforced on the colonist by the British Parliament. This led to the creation of the Patriot Movement. The Patriot Movement was a campaign focused on securing the rights of the colonist. The colonist were originally looking to be granted their rights that they felt they were entitled to rather than seeking independence. In May 1776, the first Continental Congress was formed. This was a meeting between the representatives from each colony. This served as the first democracy in the form of a general body. By June, the Declaration of Independence had been signed and the colonies disbanded from the British

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