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World Interview Assignment

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For my Religions of the World Interview assignment, I interviewed a fellow friend of mine, luckily, he happened to practice the Hindu religion. Yuganish came to the United States of America from Malaysia eight months ago, in pursuit of a college education. His dreams and goals are large, and he intends to achieve each and every one of them. When I was creating interview questions to discuss with him, I kept in mind where he came from, and how he grew up. Yuga presented me with an even broader insight on the Hinduism practice, not only as a religion, but also as a culture.
Hinduism religion is complex in many different aspects, one of these being the texts they follow and praise. Yuga informed me that there were many different texts that played large rolls in his religion and how he practiced it, but made it quite clear to me that he felt the …show more content…
To my surprise, he informed me that Malaysia is a very multi-racial country. Although Hinduism is the second largest practiced religion, there are also many other popular religions which include Christianity and Buddhism. Yuga explained to me that living around people who belonged to these other religions never got in the way of practicing his religion, it actually made it easier. Since Malaysia is so religiously and culturally diverse, the country makes it convenient for each of these religions to practice as they need. Yuga believes that the most unique aspect of his religion, compared to the others he grew up around, is the importance on karma. Yuga says he lives his life in order to acquire good karma. He also that another larger difference between his religion and the others is that the Hindu religion is very peaceful, and they do not try to force their beliefs or practices on other people or religions. Hinduism is more of a way of life for him, instead of just a

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