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Soul Destination Research Paper

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Soul Destination is a new technology that was only created about 50 years ago. It is able to take people's souls, and send them off to a different planet and, sometimes, a different universe. This new technology is still in development, so anyone can say that all of those souls that were previously sent out were experiments.

Soul Destination is very unstable, and there is a high chance that it could completely destroy a person's soul. It is highly dangerous, but it is also the most mysterious, even when compared to the Time Machine. This is why many geniuses wish to help further the development of Soul Destination with all of their hearts and minds.

Vastoria's scientists have long ago found out that there were other universes and planets that are inhabitable. That was the biggest discovery that …show more content…
"They accused me of something that I never did! Why?! Why?!!! They were my idols! I would never do such a thing to their creation!"

The 3, 90 year old men who created Soul Destination had accused her of her crime. Jake Sranta, Lekon Hutson, and Christopher Grimm were Sarah's only idols in Vastoria. She thought that she was going to be able to help them out and gain their praises, but instead, she got their accusations.

"Tsk. I was extremely stupid to believe in them." Sarah punched at the concrete floor with all of her might.

[You should calm down before you waste all of your energy.]

"Don't tell me what to do, Star! I'll do what I wish." She yelled at the machine within her body. Every scientist in Vastoria gets to have a computer placed into their body in order to help them be more calculative. In a way, all of the scientists could be said that they were geniuses due this fact, but, even without the computer within her, Sarah would still be many times better than they are.

With Star within her, she is basically a genius that is even more of a genius than her three idols.

[Happy birthday, Sarah Dogswater. You are now 20 years

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