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Theology Research Paper


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Reflection Paper-THEO 104 I. Introduction
By and large humans are inquisitive by nature. Fields of study such as oceanography, space exploration, scientific research, medical advances, and higher education would not be a reality if man was not curious to comprehend the planet we inhibit. We also recognize authority and the need for order in the midst of chaos. There is a probing nature in the heart of man which was imparted by God about Himself. In truth, Romans 1:19 states “because the thing which can be known about God is evident in them, because God made it known to them.” Having stated this, I’d like to explore the following three questions: Does the Bible have authority? How do arguments for the existence of God influence your view of the supernatural? How can we be confident Jesus is returning? The intention of this paper is to answer these questions clearly and concisely to empower the reader to" be “without excuse” Romans 1:20.
II. Does the Bible have authority?
Being a recently retired military member, while wearing the cloth of our nation, I as well as other service members were invisibly ruled by written regulations that are authoritative and directive. We would often hear the phrase ‘read and heed’ when a regulation would be outdated. The Bible however is God’s living word, not man’s instruction that can be superseded several times over.
Hebrews 4:12 declares: "For the Word of God is quick (alive), and powerful (to be effective and active), and sharper than any two edged sword. Piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul (natural man) and spirit (spiritual realm), and of the joints and the morrow (moral and spiritual sense of man). And is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the hearts.” No other book ever penned, has the author made Himself known to the reader in such a way in the scriptures. Devoid of the two edged sword, man would not

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