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Submitted By greenery24
Words 443
Pages 2
Liberty Theological Seminary

A Brief Study on Worship in the Early Church: The Origin and Importance of Baptism and The Lord’s Supper

A Paper
Submitted to Dr. David Alexander
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
CHHI 520

Jonathan Ford- ID# 21712916

Submitted on
18 February 2013

Thesis Statement: Even though early believers in Christ kept their traditions of their Jewish forefathers they added the Christian components Baptism and the Lord’s Supper to their practice of worship.
The most common action of the church is worship. Worship serves as a key component of Christian faith. To worship is to present the promise of covenant devotion to the Almighty, and to state our faithfulness as his servants. In understanding our worship today, it is important to understand what worship looked like in the earliest days of the church. Even though early believers in Christ kept their traditions of their Jewish forefathers they added the Christian components Baptism and the Lord’s Supper to their practice of worship.
This research paper will examine the many definitions of worship. It will also provide glimpse of what worship was like in the early church. To help get an understanding of worship in the early church we must first examine the origin of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Pertaining to the origin of baptism, it is implied that while Christian baptism may have been commonly used by John the Baptist, baptism itself did not start off with Christians or John. This research paper will show that Jews practiced baptism as a customary action of cleansing and the beginning of converts to Judaism long before the coming of the Messiah.
In conclusion, there are many questions about the Lord’s Supper being observed on a daily basis in the early church. This question has caused there to be many opinions on which day Christians shall

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