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Mental Health Intake Form Research Paper

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The intake form is a very important part of providing services to clients no matter the kind of services, whether it is counseling, medical, or mental health. The intake form will not only help gain better knowledge about the client, but also help set the standards and build the foundation for the services being provided.
A. Does it ask all of the necessary questions to determine what the client’s presenting problem is? Please support your answer.

Yes! The intake form chosen, was equip all the necessary questions to determine what the clients presenting problem is. The intake form started off by asking for the basic information such as name, DOB, primary care physician, current therapist/counselor information. And then went on to ask, what …show more content…
The instructions on the form stated “Please complete all information on this form and bring it to the first visit. It may seem long, but most of the questions require only a check, so it will go quickly. You may need to ask family members about the family history. Thank you! “The form was also 7 pages long. When there are too many questions on a form it can become intimidating for people, especially depending on their mental health status at the time. On the intake form, there should be questions to collect information that is necessary. From my understanding the purpose of an intake form is to give the social worker a broad overview of the clients’ background and current issues. So some of the questions such as the client’s spiritual life, or legal history, caffeinated beverages, describe their relationship with their children, and spouse, etc… Some of these and other questions could’ve be asked or discussed at a later date. I wouldn’t want the client to get so overwhelmed by the intake form that they do not even want the services anymore or reduces their efforts of wanting to fill out the

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