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Brushing Your Teeth Research Paper

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Every day I wake up early in the morning, take a cold shower, brush my teeth, dress up, and go to school. Off all of those things, the most important part of my morning routine is brushing my teeth. Growing up, I once heard that if I didn’t brush my teeth people will hate me and avoid me and that really scared me. Here is the story about why brushing my teeth is so important to me. One day, I woke up and I couldn’t find my toothbrush nor my toothpaste. I was nervous and frustrated I didn’t have time to look for them or buy new ones, I had to go to school. I woke up my brother to see if he knows where my toothbrush was. He responded by grunting and turning away, it was safe to say I began to panic. I looked over at the clock to see that it read

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