...an Alloy model and analysed using the Alloy Analyser. 1 Introduction Over the past two decades Web Applications have become increasingly vital, affecting almost all aspects of our daily life such as banking, retail, information gathering, entertainment and learning. Such applications are mostly mission critical [1]. Hence, ensuring the correctness of the specification and implementation is a primary concern and has received considerable attention [2–4]. To analyse these systems, it is important to create a formal model. For example, [2] uses µ-calculus to represent the model, while [3] makes use of a variant of automata as the analyzable model. Stotts and Navon [4] present a model based on Petri nets. Our approach makes use of MDA [5–7] transformations to automatically create the analysable model. Unlike other approaches [2–4] we use a formalism [8], which is ideal [9] for the analysis of object oriented systems, such as web applications. This paper aids to the analysis of Web Applications [10]; software...
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...Alex Age: 13 Time Zone and Country you’re staying/living in: Denver Mountain Time, USA Minecraft Username: KinG_KhaoS11 #1. What qualities, knowledge, or other various reasons should you be accepted to hold a staff position? Why are you applying? What makes you qualified? Be specific. I have been staff on many Minecraft Pocket Eddition servers even ones with about 100-200 players and have been asked many questions and able to help many of the players asking. I have also helped with my friend's server on pc eddition he only had like 5-10 players online but I helped them all and was often the only staff on. Everyone said I was the best and that I deserved many promotions. I also want to help this server become hacker/cheater free. I know many players say it and it will probably never happen but I want to minimize the numbers and do my part. I also want to expand the number of players on the server by advertising the IP and telling people how awesome your games are. I have already got 2 people to join the server and they think it is a really cool server. I also know the rules fairly well and can serve the correct punishments for those players whether it's a ban or just a simple warning. I can also easily tell apart hacking from skill from all my pvp experience and bow practice....
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...Exhibit 1.1 USA Today | Strengths – S * Circulation * Concise * Referrals * Leading news app | Weaknesses – W * Lack digital subscriptions * Lack of diverse demographics * Disparity in consumer’s gender | Opportunities – O * Increase in online audience * Increase of average time spent on site * Shifts in readership | SO Strategy Use our superior print circulation and high number of social media referrals to take advantage of the shifts in readership towards online news | WO StrategyHave our increased online/mobile audience (51% male, 49% female) promote incentives for women to buy more print versions (69% male, 31% female) i.e. coupons, fashions tips/advice, etc. | Threats – T * Fierce competition in online info. distribution (TV, magazines sites, etc.) * Internet based companies have moved into advertising * Continuing decline of newspaper readership * Growing consumer demands for free online news * Rising distribution and promotional costs * Print and online revenue steadily falling | ST StrategyWith rising cost and a decline in newspaper readership, we must use our exceptional distribution to promote a shift to the online news distribution | WT StrategyPromote more online use, which has a more balanced audience (51% male, 49% female). This will help mitigate the disparities in our consumer’s gender and bring in more of a younger demographic | Exhibit 1.2 Source: http://www.naa.org/Trends-and-Numbers/Newspaper-Revenue/Newspaper-Media-Industry-Revenue-Profile-2013...
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...Document 4: 1) People started to actually believe that Iraq and Hussein were involved, but they were not. The American government was brain washing American citizens just to get there support. Document 5: The newspaper criticize the U.S response to 9/11 because there invading Iraq , when they had nothing to do with the attacks but also the U.S government was using violence as there last resort. Document 6: 1) USA Patriot act authorized wiretaps over communication devices, seize suspicious records with knowledge, and surveillance someone who seem suspicious without their knowledge. 2) So by doing all those fixes they stopped 28 terrorist attacks since 9/11. The terrorist had foiled a lot more plots to destroy the US. Part II: 1) Two actions taken by the United States government were that they took a violent turn and also got so paranoid that they had to bug the communication devices. In document 2 it shows how the U.S reacted with violence. The parents of Greg Rodriguez wrote a letter how it is important to not react with violence and just grieve. Another action the U.S took was destroy the Taliban camps and the disrupt communications. That was a good thing because it stopped future...
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...Systems Engineering Perplexity at Apple Systems Engineering Architecture and Design December 12, 2014 Abstract In response to the ever-increasing complexity of new products and systems, Systems Engineering has emerged as a distinct professional discipline in the past half century. It is an interdisciplinary approach to design, implementation and evaluation and helps to successfully develop complex systems. This paper provides a brief overview of the current gaps existing in today’s SE approaches exercised by the company Apple Inc. which is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California. They design, develop and sell online services, consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers (Apple Inc., 2014).This papers discusses the right/wrongdoings of Apple Inc. in the Systems Engineering domain, the changes they should be making and how they can implement these changes. Introduction and background Apple is the world's second-largest information technology company by revenue and the world's third-largest mobile phone maker. It is also the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, with an estimated market capitalization of $446 billion by January 2014. The Mac line of computers are its best-known hardware products, the iPod media player, the iPhone smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer. Its online services include iCloud, iTunes Store, and App Store. Apple's consumer software includes the OS X and iOS operating...
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...5 myths about the flu: In a new survey by Consumer Reports, only 30% of respondents were "very confident" that this year's flu shot is safe. That leaves many doctors and scientists perplexed. Of all the many things to fear in the world, they say, vaccines should be at the bottom of the list. USA TODAY's Liz Szabo talked to vaccine safety experts to address some of the most common myths. Myth 1: The flu shot causes the flu. The viruses in the flu shot are dead, so they can't give people the flu, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its most common side effect is soreness in the arm. FluMist nasal spray contains weakened viruses, so they don't cause severe, flu-like symptoms, either. Side effects in children can include a runny nose, wheezing and headache. So why do some people swear that they got sick right after getting a flu shot? Flu shots tend to be given at a time of year when respiratory viruses are beginning to circulate, doctors say. So it's only natural that some people will catch a respiratory bug shortly after getting a vaccine. And since it takes about two weeks after getting a vaccine for the body to develop immunity, some of those bugs could be the flu. But the vaccine itself isn't causing disease. Myth 2: The flu is just a bad cold. While some people develop worse symptoms than others, flu symptoms tend to be much more severe than — and come on much more suddenly — than a cold. Many who got H1N1 (swine flu) last year were out of work...
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...Computer Network Security for Social Networking McCray C. Devin Undergraduate Business, Leadership, Information System Technology Security Regent University 1000 Regent University dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23464 e-mail: devimcc@mail.regent.edu Abstract In this paper, I will address the security issues, flaws, and problems that social networking sites are faced with in retrospect to information that the sites hold. The Information is not protected from the public in any way, why is this a normal operation about the popular social media sites. Lastly I want to address the simplicity of gaining someone vital information through a protected individual’s social network profile. 1. Introduction In today’s society almost everyone has some type of social networking service that they hold an account with. These social networking sites are a great way to communicate, network, and interact with fellow colligates and friends. Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus are just a few social networking sites to mention. These sites all have a one factor authentication system for the user to log into their account (Beaver) .This simplistic authentication systems is very easy and efficient for the users accessing there accounts. The idea arose if it is this easy for me to log into my account how easy would it be for an outside party to gain access within my account. Companies are faced with the problem of convenience over security. (McCHale 12) In this paper I would like to address...
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...Hien Truong Email: cheunghien84@yahoo.com Phone: 0449112609. Address: 9 McIver Place, Kensington, VIC 3031, Australia. Nationality: Vietnamese. Marital status: married. Date of Birth: 05/01/1982. PERSONAL STATEMENT I have over 8 year experience in software development and Java development area. With a solid knowledge on OOP and Java Enterprise development, I can adapt to large scale projects in a shortest time. Also, I usually work with over 100% of my performance. My knowledge and experience can bring more business values to company. KEY SKILLS * Programming languages: Java, C/C++/C#/Objective C. * Script: Javascript, Adobe ActionScript (PureMVC Framework). * Framework: Spring, Hibernate, JPA, PureMVC, Struts, SWING, EJB, JSP/Servlet, Web Services, RESTFUL Web Services, J2EE. * Web application server: IBM Websphere, Tomcat, JBoss. * Operation System: Linux (Ubuntu,Suse, Redhat, CentOS), Windows, MacOS. * Versioning tools: Maven, Subversion, CVS, Microsoft SourceSafe. * DBMS: PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL Server, DB2, MySQL. * Methodology: SCRUM Agile. * IBM FileNet: Installation, application development. * IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ, MS Visual Studio 2010. * Sharepoint: MS Sharepoint Administrator 2010. EDUCATION * Bachelor of Science, Software Technology, Ho Chi Minh Industrial University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2003. * Bachelor of Arts, Information Management Major, University of Economics HoChiMinh...
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...Life, Death, and the Critical Transition: Finding Liveness Bugs in Systems Code Charles Killian, James W. Anderson, Ranjit Jhala, and Amin Vahdat University of California San Diego {ckillian,jwanderson,jhala,vahdat}@cs.ucsd.edu Abstract finding bugs with model checking currently requires the programmer to have intimate knowledge of the low-level Modern software model checkers find safety violations: actions or conditions that could result in system failure. breaches where the system has entered some bad state. For We contend that for complex systems the desirable bemany environments however, particularly complex con- haviors of the system may be specified more easily than current and distributed systems, we argue that liveness identifying everything that could go wrong. Of course, properties are both more natural to specify and more im- specifying both desirable conditions and safety assertions portant to check. Liveness conditions specify desirable is valuable; however, current model checkers do not have system conditions in the limit, with the expectation that any mechanism for verifying whether desirable system they will be temporarily violated, perhaps as a result of properties can be achieved. Examples of such properties failure or during system initialization. include: i) a reliable transport eventually delivers all mesExisting software model checkers cannot verify live- sages even in the face of network losses and delays, ii) all ness because doing so...
Words: 19579 - Pages: 79
...12/11/2015 HR Articles: Problem Statement, HR Recruitment influenced by Internet 1 More Next Blog» Create Blog Sign In Find Air Tickets, Book Hotels & Rent Cars Problem Statement, HR Recruitment influenced by Internet +1 Recommend this on Google jetradar Origin Origin Destination Destination Depart date 18 december, fr Return date 25 december, fr Passengers/Class 1 passenger economy сlass Search http://humanresourcesarticles.blogspot.my/2014/11/problemstatementhrrecruitment.html 1/15 12/11/2015 HR Articles: Problem Statement, HR Recruitment influenced by Internet Show hotels Most Popular Posts Most Popular Posts Launching an Intranet; Data in Hiring; Bad Phish Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 7 Tips to Launching an Intranet Social intranets are helping organizations overcome the barriers of location, language and ... Dec 10, 2015 11:21 AM Kutik on the Real Five Generations in the Workplace Email not displaying correctly, click here. December 10, 2015 Welcome to our weekly look at Webexclusive columns that appear on www.HREOnline.com ... Dec 10, 2015 11:08 AM Last Chance: 40% Off + Free Shipping on Custom Holid... It's crunchtime to order your holiday cards get them today to ensure delivery next week! Grab them now from The Signature Collection, with cards... Dec 10, 2015 9:50 AM A day in the Life of HR The industrial relations system is defined as an analytically subsystem of...
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... and child grooming. There are also problems of privacy when confidential information is lost or intercepted, lawfully or otherwise. Internationally, both governmental and non-state actors engage in cybercrimes, including espionage, financial theft, and other cross-border crimes. Activity crossing international borders and involving the interests of at least one nation state is sometimes referred to as cyber warfare. The international legal system is attempting to hold actors accountable for their actions through the International Criminal Court. History Public interest in cyber terrorism began in the late 1980s. As 2000 approached, the fear and uncertainty about the millennium bug heightened an interest in potential cyber terrorist attacks also increased. Although the millennium bug was by no means a terrorist attack or plot against the...
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...are rising slightly. The up part rises a little higher than the down part. Some might only notice a difference by mid 1960’s. 4. The Earth’s carbon dioxide levels fluctuate from summer to winter. What causes this natural fluctuation? The reason earth’s temperature fluctuates is because most of the land on our earth cover the northern hemisphere instead of the southern hemisphere. When the northern hemisphere is facing the sun (during summertime), the leaves are able to breathe in CO2. When the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun (in the fall/winter), the leaves fall and breathe out CO2. 5. What can bubbles of atmosphere trapped in glacial ice tell us? The bubbles of atmosphere in a glacier give the amount of CO2 that was in the air the year when it was snowing. It can also tell us what the climate was the year when it was snowing very accurately. 6. How do measurements of carbon dioxide and temperature compare? Measurements of 1,000 years of CO2 and temperature compare very much the...
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...Why Information Security is Hard – An Economic Perspective Ross Anderson University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD, UK Ross.Anderson@cl.cam.ac.uk Abstract According to one common view, information security comes down to technical measures. Given better access control policy models, formal proofs of cryptographic protocols, approved firewalls, better ways of detecting intrusions and malicious code, and better tools for system evaluation and assurance, the problems can be solved. In this note, I put forward a contrary view: information insecurity is at least as much due to perverse incentives. Many of the problems can be explained more clearly and convincingly using the language of microeconomics: network externalities, asymmetric information, moral hazard, adverse selection, liability dumping and the tragedy of the commons. risk of forged signatures from the bank that relies on the signature (and that built the system) to the person alleged to have made the signature. Common Criteria evaluations are not made by the relying party, as Orange Book evaluations were, but by a commercial facility paid by the vendor. In general, where the party who is in a position to protect a system is not the party who would suffer the results of security failure, then problems may be expected. A different kind of incentive failure surfaced in early 2000, with distributed denial of service attacks against a number of high-profile web sites. These exploit a number...
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...Writing Assignment #1 Chapter 4, Real World Activity #1: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Prior to the implementation of a successful Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform, General Electric’s Global Procurement Group had the immense challenge of coordinating the multinational company’s massive supply chain. GE settled upon Aravo, a technology platform that, although relatively small and little-known, provided the functionality and cost savings that GE needed. This eventually became the largest SaaS implementation of all time, with over 100,000 GE procurement users able to access the same information on over 500,000 global suppliers at anytime, anywhere in the world. The following discussion will focus on other examples of successful SaaS implementations similar to the case of GE. SuccessFactors and Nissan SaaS applications are not only limited to supply chain functions. SaaS can be used to support a wide variety of key business functions and strategies. SuccessFactors, a company that was acquired in 2012 by SAP AG, is focused on providing cloud-based human capital management (HCM) software. SuccessFactors allows a company to better utilize its workforce’s full potential: corporate key objectives are cascaded down to individuals across all levels of the organization, ensuring that individual efforts are aligned with company strategies. Employees and managers monitor and focus on their goals and there is a heightened sense of visibility and accountability in performance evaluation...
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...RESISTANCE IN DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF TOMATO AGAINST INSECT PESTS An internship report submitted for the award of degree of Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Agriculture In Department of PBMG By Babar Usman Roll No. 110 Reg. No. 2009-URTB-1136 Session: 2009-2013 The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Faculty of Agriculture Rawalakot CERTIFICATION It is certify that M. Usman Afzal, Reg. No. 2009-URTB-1136, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Faculty of Agriculture Rawalakot has successfully completed his internship program submitted by his report in this present form by the University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Rawalakot. Internship Supervisor ……………………….. Department Chairman…………………………. DEDICATION DEDICATED TO HOLY PHROPHET (PBUH) MINER AT OF KNOWLEDGE My beloved Parents (Father) WHO SUPPORTED ME FINANCIALLY AND MORALLY AND GAVE A LOT OF SACRIFICES FOR MY STUDY. (Mother) Who guided me to the right path Who was the inspiring force behind Each and every step I took forward in my life Especially to My sisters, brother and friends who encourage Me & Guide me to right path to future ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to acknowledge the omnipresent kindness and love of the Almighty Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, Who made it possible for me to complete the writing of this internship report. I would love to express gratitude and respect to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who is forever a torch of guidance...
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