...I intend to create a personal website. Basically, the website will be about myself. At the front page, I want to put in a large picture of me, a brief “about me” and “my belief” with some other several links to other pages in which contain the information related to me. I will set the front page as the “home page” so every time, someone clicks in “Home”, it will directly lead to the front page, so they can have a quick glance about me. The second page will be the “Biography”, in which, I will put in the pictures of me in order of time, since I was a child, high school time, and so on. There will be a brief summary biography of me going along with the pictures I put in. I will also put in the achievements in that page and the links to the schools I have attended and the companies I have worked for. The third page will be about what I am doing right now, what company I am working for and what projects I have. There will be a bit more details on my projects for everybody to understand what I am doing. The fourth page will be about “Finance” which is the field I have studied and working on. I will explain what Finance is about and why I chose Finance to be my career job. The fifth page will be “Books & Movies”, in which I will put in my favorite Books & Movies. There will be also my thoughts and the implications of those books and movies in my life. Last but not least, the last page will be contact information for those who want to contact me. There will be also disclaimer of the...
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...Trivandrum 695 581 , Phone: (0471) 6456457, 2700300 Website: www.3esolutions.net , www.3esolutions.net/careers , | 2. | | Aaric Technologies Pvt.Ltd. C-24 ,Thejaswini, Technopark Campus Phone: 0471 4068585 Email: info@aarictpl.com Website: www.aarictechnologies.com | 3. | | Accel Frontline Limited 311, Nila., Technopark Campus Phone: 0471-3061234,3061235 Email: business@ushustech.com Website: www.ushustech.com | 4. | | Accentia Technologies Limited 233-241, NILA, Technopark Campus , Thiruvananthapuram - 695 581 Phone: 471-2700964 Email: info@accentiatech.com Website: www.accentiatech.com | 5. | | Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd SBC Module No.08 , Thejawini Building, Technopark Campus | 6. | | Advanced Media Technologies Pvt. Ltd (AMTEC) GF-011, Ground Floor, NILA Building, Technopark Campus Phone: + 91-471-2700786 / +91 9567595681 Email: info@amtec.in Website: www.amtec.in , www.amtecanimation.com , | 7. | | AES Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Gayatri Building, Technopark Campus Trivandrum 695 581 , Phone: +91 471 4060462, 4060463 Email: info@aes-solutions.com Website: www.aes-solutions.com | 8. | | Afras Academy for Business Communication(AABC) (Academic Institution) Thejaswini Annexe, Technopark Campus, Trivandrum 695 581 Phone: +91-471-3217654,+91-471-3227654 Email: aabc@aabc.in Website: www.aabc.in | 9. | | Aisthis Media Creations Pvt. Ltd. NO. 5, Amstor Building, Technopark Campus Phone: +91 9496005999 / +91 93493...
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...lot of importance such as building a brand recognition. This is a good step to introduce the brand to the customers because they will not know there is a new brand coming out unless they have the information. 1.3 THE PLACE ITS DISPLAY Sometimes, this banner is put in the website in the corner of the page with a variety of size. The common one is 480 x 60. It is easy for people to read it in this size but nowadays the size become smaller and smaller because people are hated to see the pop-out ads. 1.4 EXAMPLE Example of banner ads from ADIDAS. 2.0 SKYSCRAPERS 2.1 OBJECTIVE The objective of building a skyscraper to get the greatest measure of usable space out of the littlest measure of area. By building a building with many stories to it, the area space on which the building sits is duplicated by the greatest number of floors as the building can bolster. On the other hand, put another way, if the majority of the floors on a skyscraper were put at ground level, the building would possess a horrendous parcel of space. 2.3 IMPORTANCE Basically, this ads also has the same interest as banner ads which is to build the brand recognition but this type of ads give more information. They can put as many information as they want because this ads is very tall which is 600. The people can see clearly what had been promoted with this ads. 2.3 THE PLACE ITS DISPLAY Usually, this ads is put on the left side or on the right side in the website. When you scroll down it...
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...10-step guide to social link building A publication of A A A A Hubspot’s All-in-one MArketing softwAre brings your whole marketing world together in one, powerful, integrated system. get Found: Help prospects find you online convert: nurture your leads and drive conversions analyze: Measure and improve your marketing Plus more apps and integrations request A deMo Http://bit.ly/get-your-deMo UqM leAd generAtion g leAd MAnAgeMent blogging & sociAl MediA eMAil & AutoMAtion sY seArcH optiMizAtion MArketing AnAlytics 3 deep dive into social link building An introduction incoMing links to A website or web pAge received froM A A A A inbound links AnotHer website or web pAge; Also known As bAcklinks A business that doesn’t generate inbound links is like a car without gas: it exists but doesn’t work. so how can you generate links? through link building: the key off-page search engine optimization factor. the more links you have pointing to your site, the more traffic and better rankings you can secure through search engines. Inbound links bring three major benefits to your business: brAnd exposure And AwAreness direct/indirect trAffic (And leAds) seArcH engine rAnkings (residuAl trAffic) social media becomes a key tool in attracting a large number of inbound links at a low cost. in this deep dive we examine how to magnetize others to link to your site without spending a red cent on advertising...
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...The Relative Importance of Website Design Quality and Service Quality in Determining Consumers’ Online Repurchase Behavior Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu and Bin Wang 2010, Information Systems Management 2012 The Relative Importance of Website Design Quality and Service Quality in Determining Consumers’ Online Repurchase Behavior Tao Zhou, Yaobin Lu and Bin Wang 2010, Information Systems Management 2012 Analysis of “The Relative Importance of Website Design Quality and Service Quality in Determining Consumers’ Online Repurchase Behavior” Buying products and services on the Internet has become more popular worldwide. According to Zhou, Lu and Wang, (2009), over 298 million people use the Internet with 24.8 percent of these people making online purchases (p. 327). Website design quality and service quality are both important, but how do these affect consumer behavior? Website design definitely affects the first purchase of an item as customers as they eagerly decide to buy or decide not to buy, but what factors determine whether customers continue to buy? Website design quality is important because attracts customers to keep coming back to the website whether it is a simple thank you to keeping track of customer orders that have become complicated. Website design quality attracts customers to the website while service quality makes a difference by taking care of the service needs of the customer. Zhou, Lu, and Wang (2009) hypothesis that “compared with website design quality, service...
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...History of the Building: Founded by King Henry VI and built between 1448 and 1515, King’s College Chapel is considered as one of England’s greatest Medieval buildings.[i] Its reputation comes from the purity of its architecture: despite a long construction history, the chapel’s builders remained true to its initial plane creating a unified interior and robust exterior. King Henry VI was only 19 when he laid the first stone of the 'College roial of Oure Lady and Seynt Nicholas' in Cambridge on Passion Sunday, 1441. At the time this marsh town was still a port so, to make way for his college, Henry exercised a form of compulsory purchase in the centre of medieval Cambridge, levelling houses, shops, and lanes, and even a church between the river and the high street. It took three years to purchase and clear the land.[ii] In 1455 the Wars of the Roses began when Richard Duke of York challenged Henry's kingship. The subsequent story of the building of the Chapel and the Wars of the Roses are closely intermingled. For the first 11 years of the war, the construction continued under Henry's patronage, even though the annual grant of £1000 from the king's family estates, the Duchy of Lancaster, became irregular. Then, in 1461, Henry was taken prisoner and he was killed in 1471. The new king, Edward IV, passed on to the College a little of the money that Henry had intended for his Chapel, but very little building was done in the 22 years between Henry's imprisonment and the death of...
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... | . All rights reserved. Course Description This general education course is designed to introduce the intentional learner to communication, collaboration, information utilization, critical thinking, problem solving, and professional competence and values. The course uses an interdisciplinary approach for the learner to develop personal academic strategies in order to reach desired goals and achieve academic success. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read...
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...Increased Transactions on website a) Revenue earned from merchandise b) Donation for Foundation * Increased offline events attendance * Increased physical media sale of CD’s and cassettes. We have included increased physical media sale of CD’s and cassettes as a tangible benefits as our uodated website will be having sample of albums that would encourage the user to order them online. Intangible benefits include: * Motivation for donating to charitable foundation. * Fan’s loyalty increased * More timely information * Brand building (Strong Brand) * “Like Me” * Open, innovative and reliable * Drive internal discussion * Fan cohesion The new website will be integrated with social networking site which will help fans to socialize with each other. Tangible costs include: One time Cost * Designers salaries * Renting the server * Buying an URL * Project fees * Data Conversion Recurring Cost * Renting the Server * Maintenance fee * Staff cost * Marketing cost * Online transaction and security * Shipping cost For building a new website we have to hire new staff and advisor and training costs associated with them. Once we have finished building the website we need to make it known so there is a marketing cost associated with that. We also need to consider online transaction and security cost as lots of online transactions would happen. A major part of ecommerce website is the shipping costs...
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...McVeigh happened to be extremely against it. It is one of the reasons that McVeigh bombed the building. He bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995(Biography.com editors). He was bullied to the extreme as a kid and learned to deal with things in a very extreme way. A problem like being against the government, brought him all the way to bombing the building, a very extreme attack. His parents also got divorced as a kid. He was put through a lot as a kid, and in result, bombed the building. This source by Biography.com is a very credible source. The information is current and all the links are functional. The website is definitely related to my topic. It was put to a lot of use when writing out my thesis and research questions. I have viewed a lot of different websites and this is one of the best ones I have seen. I would use this source for a research paper because of how credible it is. All the information is supported by other websites and books. It isn’t biased in any way toward anything else. In conclusion, it is very...
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...Website Migration Student’s name Institution Date Website Migration Introduction The process of moving the old Website from an externally hosted solution to an internal one requires a lot to be put in place. There is a need to follow the system development life cycle (SDLS) for it to be successful and have transformational effect on the company’s operation (Klein, S. 2007). If there is redundancy in the site of the company, some measures should be carried out to ensure that it functions well to serve the company’s information needs. There should be a back-up site available as a failover in case the main site goes down. There is also a need for the site to be redesigned to allow customers to order products online. The system development life cycle (SDLS) is involves seven phases or steps that are followed in developing an information system from conception up to disposition. The following is the seven-step phase of developing an information system by a software engineer: 1. Conceptual Planning 2. Planning and Requirements Definition 3. System design 4. Development and Testing 5. Implementation phase 6. Operations and Maintenance phase 7. Operations and Maintenance phase Conceptual Planning This is the first phase in the system development life cycle. In this phase the information system conceptual framework is constructed. This will include the evaluation and assessment of the system to be developed to determine the cost and risks associated with the system...
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...invention, and when a programmer begins to develop a website that is going to be used on mobile devices, several aspects needs to be reflected on. One aspect needing to be thought about is the users. Which audience will be using the website more whether it is the younger generation or the older generation? User friendly is another feature which needs to be on the programmers mind. After clicking on the website, the information needs to be brief and to the point so that it doesn’t take long to load on the device. Type of client has to be thought about as well whether the programmer wants a thin based or a rich client. Besides the type of devices that will be developing for, a UI for mobile devices needs to be developed. Resources such as its battery life, memory size, and speed of processor need to be looked attentively at. Features such as authentication and authorization such as needing an email or not to sign up for the websites access should be thought about. The graphics and colors also need to be taken into thought. Themes of the site need to run smoothly. The key when beginning a website for mobile viewing is implementing the needs of the consumers to the device capabilities. Not only does HTML5 help keep the adaptive experience easy to manage and acceptable, but also allows for the virtual keyboard to be brought up right on the touch screens. Structure is aided in HTML5 when a programmer uses the code in building their web page. The help that I received from the group...
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...1. Executive Summary 2 2. Introduction 3 2.1 Company Overview 3 2.2 Security Policy Overview 4 2.3 Security policy goals 4 2.3.1 Confidentiality 4 2.3.2 Integrity 5 2.3.3 Availability 5 3. Disaster Recovery Plan 6 3.1 Risk Assessment 6 3.1.1Critical Business Processes 7 3.1.2 Internal, external, and environmental risks 7 3.2 Disaster Recovery Strategy 8 3.3 Disaster Recovery Test Plan 8 3.3.1 Walk-throughs 8 3.3.2 Simulations 9 3.3.3 Checklists 9 3.3.4 Parallel testing 9 3.3.5 Full interruption 9 4. Physical Security Policy 10 4.1 Security of the building facilities 10 4.1.1Physical entry control 10 4.1.2 Security offices, rooms and facilities 11 4.13.Isolated delivery and loading areas 12 4.2 Security of the information systems 12 4.2.1Workplace protections 12 4.2.2Unused ports and cabling 13 4.2.3 Network/server equipment 13 4.2.4 Equipment maintenance 13 4.2.5 Security of laptops/roaming equipment 13 5. References 14 Executive Summary The objective of this proposal is to present the information security policy created for Bloom Design Group. The issue of a company’s network security continues to be crucial because the results of data loss or significant system failure can be disastrous for a company. An alarming number of companies fail to realize how vulnerable their network is to internal, external, and environmental risks. One of the top priorities of an organization should be maintaining...
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...Factors Affecting Initial Trust in C2C E-Commerce and Strategies of Building Initial Trust in China Huamei Sun Factors Affecting Initial Trust in C2C E-Commerce and Strategies of Building Initial Trust in China Huamei Sun School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China E-mail:shm9166@sina.com Abstract The study of initial trust is very important to the development of e-commerce. On the basis of current status of China’s C2C e-commerce, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the factors affecting the consumers’ initial trust. At last, the paper provides some valuable marketing strategies as to how to build the initial trust so as to facilitate the success of online transactions. The research conducted by this paper will help enterprise enhance their competitive advantage and contribute to the development of e-commerce. Keywords: Initial Trust, C2C E-Commerce, Online Shopping 1. Introduction The study of the trust in the e-commerce environment has long been mostly focusing on the B2C Model, yet with the development of the information technology, the online C2C business has accounted for more than 75% of the online shopping turnover, which has influenced people’s work environment greatly and become an important part in the daily life of consumers in the information society. Under the C2C e-commerce environment characterized by the person-to-person transactions, it’s difficult for the buyer and seller to build a high degree...
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...Internship Report Summer 2002 By: Danielle Cauthen Company: 3M Internship Dates: May 2002 - July 2002 Table of Contents 1. Biographical Sketch 2. Company Background 3. Internship Program pg. 3 pg. 3 pg. 3 4. Internship Project 4.1 Project Overview 4.2 Project Relevance 4.3 Project Timeline 4.4 In-House Training 4.5 Project Tasks and Results 4.6 Project Evaluation 5. Technical Products 5.1 Design Description 5.2 Code 5.3 Sample Outputs 6. Professional Growth 6.1 Challenges 6.2 Technical Skills Acquired 6.3 Business/Management Skills Acquired 6.4 Lessons I Would Apply to Next Internship 7. Summary/Conclusions pg. 3 pg. 4 pg. 4 pg. 4 pg. 5 pg. 5 pg. 5 pg. 5 pg. 5 pg. 6 pg. 6 pg. 6 pg. 6 pg. 7 pg. 7 pg. 7 pg. 7 2 1. Biographical Sketch I am originally from Silver Spring, Maryland, located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, and am currently a graduating senior at Florida A&M University, majoring in Computer & Information Sciences. After graduation, I will be attending graduate school, in the Fall 2003, to pursue my master’s degree in Computer Science, at, hopefully, New York University. As far as previous internships, I have had three summer internships with 3M, starting the summer after my freshman year, and, in this report, I will be discussing my third and last internship with 3M this previous summer. 2. Company Background 3M, which stands for Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, is headquartered in St. Paul, MN, and is a diversified manufacturer of...
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...very stressful to start an online business. The only way to run a successful online business is to market the business effectively. The 10 steps to brand yourself online will help you get your businesses information out to the world. Distinguish Yourself The initial step to take in the process of building your brand is to let people know who you are. Create a bio that describes what makes you unique, tells your history, and elaborates on your experiences. Make a Website Making a website is a great way to provide people with information about you and your brand. Your name or business name should be the sites domain name. This site should represent you and let the world know who you are and what you stand for. Make a Blog Creating a blog can also be beneficial to building your brand. With personal blogs you can let people really get to know what type of personality you may have. Even though you can be personal, it must also be professional. Join Related Websites and Blogs There are websites and Blogs for every topic available. Finding websites that are related to your expertise can help you get your name out there. People will begin to see your logo or name on numerous websites and may want to look into what you do. Network on Social Media Sites Just about everyone is familiar with social media networks. Sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter have millions of subscribers. Joining these sites is a great way to quickly network with millions of people. Get your content...
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