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Submitted By jani
Words 430
Pages 2
Benefits and Costs Analysis:
Tangible benefits include: * Increased Page Views * Decreased Page loading Time * Increased Transactions on website a) Revenue earned from merchandise b) Donation for Foundation * Increased offline events attendance * Increased physical media sale of CD’s and cassettes.
We have included increased physical media sale of CD’s and cassettes as a tangible benefits as our uodated website will be having sample of albums that would encourage the user to order them online.
Intangible benefits include: * Motivation for donating to charitable foundation. * Fan’s loyalty increased * More timely information * Brand building (Strong Brand) * “Like Me” * Open, innovative and reliable * Drive internal discussion * Fan cohesion
The new website will be integrated with social networking site which will help fans to socialize with each other.
Tangible costs include: One time Cost * Designers salaries * Renting the server * Buying an URL * Project fees * Data Conversion
Recurring Cost * Renting the Server * Maintenance fee * Staff cost * Marketing cost * Online transaction and security * Shipping cost
For building a new website we have to hire new staff and advisor and training costs associated with them. Once we have finished building the website we need to make it known so there is a marketing cost associated with that. We also need to consider online transaction and security cost as lots of online transactions would happen. A major part of ecommerce website is the shipping costs.

Intangible costs include: * Confusing website viewers from website change * Delays caused in other projects of the client * Lack of experience in using new system * Need for staff retraining * Time
The most important tangible cost is

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Criminals Are Born Not Made

...3,'4+))5'60-+' 7,02+-.+,'%8'9&%:' !"#$%&&')' •  C+A.D,+,'?'HF/0)+'I/,AF/5' •  C+A.D,+,'?'4+))5'60-+' •  J)F0)+'2+).>,'?'C0-/'K/,,0->)' !"#$%&&'()*+,-./)*0)1'!,02+' 6++;'%'' !,020)>F>15'()0.'J=+,0)1-' •  !D,,+).'D)0.-'/L/0F/MF+N' –  !"#$%&&'()*+,-./)*0)1'!,02+' –  !"#$%&%'OD-.,/F0/)'!,020)/F'4D-PA+'F>15'/)*'4D-PA+',+)-0A'22D)0P+-' –  !"#$:SQ'7,/)-)/P>)/F'/)*'!>2T/,/PL+'!,020)>F>15' –  ,'9&%Q'/)*'9&%VN' –  TDF/,'!DF.D,+'/)*'!,02+' –  G>,+)-0A'!,020)>F>15' –  A0/F'R,>MF+2-N'!,02+'R,>MF+2-' –  6>,;0)1'Y0.@'J=+)*+,-' –  "+-+/,A@0)1'!,02+' –  O)/F5-0)1'!,02+'3/./' –  ']0AP2>F>15' !>)./A.'K>D,-' 7D.>,0/F-' $>)*/5'9^:T2'H*DA/P>)'>;'?'>)F0)+' •  $>>*F+'-0.+' •  7+[.M>>;N' –  K/5+-8'K'/)*'R,+)cF+,8'7'9&%9b'!"#$"%&'()*+'"#%'#,&-./#0"(# ,&-.-"'1'234#5&(#/(-+'"4#6/0&7'"4#8&/"*97#8'&/7%:' !>)-DF./P>)' 30-AD--0>)'M>/,*'>)'$>>*F+' H2/0F'D)0.'A>>,*0)/.>,N'4>@)'B'_-A>B`aD)+b+*Db/D'' 7D.>,N'!F/0,+'G+,1D->)' •  $/0F' O--+--2+).'./-;-' Q'O--+--2+).'./-;-N' ' •  J)F0)+'.+-.'Y>,.@'%&d' •  O)'+--/5'Y>,.@'Q&d' •  J)F0)+'.+-.'Y>,.@'%&d' •  O)'+[/2'Y>,.@'Q&d' J)F0)+'.+-.'%' •  e,-.'>)F0)+'.+-.'Y>,.@'%&d'' •  JT+)'Z>,'9'@>D,-'' •  JT+)'Z,>2'S/2'$>)*/5'%-.'OT,0F?' $0*)01@.'$>)*/5'%V.@'OT,0F' •  I/-+*'>)'.@+',+/*0)1-'>)'*+L+F>T0)1' ,+-+/,A@'/)*',+Z+,+)A0)1'Z,>2'Y++;-' 9^Vb' •  U>D'Y0FF')++*'.>'/AA+--'.@+'(XH'F0M,/,5' T/1+'Y@0F-.'A>2TF+P)1'.@0-'.+-.' J)F0)+'.+-.'9' •  9)*'>)F0)+'.+-.'Y>,.@'%&db' •  7@0-'.+-.'Y0FF'A>L+,'.@+'2/.+,0/F'Z,>2' Y++;-'f^%9b'7@+'.+-.'Y0FF'M+'>T+)'Z>...

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...dlxnf lj?4 lx+;f sf] Ps cWoog – d's'Gbk'/ gd"gf uflj; cWofo – Ps kl/ro !=! k[i7e"ld lkt[;QfTds d"No / dfGotfdf cfwfl/t c;Gt'lnt ;fdflhs ;+/rgfsf] sf/0f n] k'?ifsf] k|wfgtf / dlxnfsf] ;xfos e"ldsf ePsf] ljBdfg g]kfnL ;dfhdf dlxnf lj?4sf] lx+;f k'?ifn] dlxnfdfyL cfˆgf] >]i7tf l;4 ug]{ dfWodsf] ?kdf k|of]u ul/ /x]sf 5g\ jf:tjdf lnËdf cfwfl/t dlxnf lj?4sf] lx:ff n}lËs e]befjs} Ps ?k xf] h;n] dlxnfsf] clwsf/ pkef]u ug]{ Ifdtf tyf :jtGqtfdf c3ft k'ØfpFb5 . 5f]/L hfltnfO{ ;w} kl/jf/sf] af]em 7fGg] cr]t k/Dk/f / k'Vof}{nL dfGotfnfO{ jt{dfg g]kfnL ;dfhn] klg 5f]8g ;s]sf] 5}g . hasL k/fk'j{sfnb]vl ;dfhdf o; lsl;dsf] efjgf ljBdfg /x]sf] kfOG5 ls dlxnf / k'?if Ps /ysf b'O kfªu|f x'g Pssf] cefjdf csf]{ ;+rfngdf /xg ;Sb}g . wfld{s b[li6sf]0faf6 klg oxl dfGotf /x]sf] kfOG5 ls dlxnf / k'?if Ps csf{ k|lt cfl>t 5g\ . CUj]bdf dlxnf / k'?if cyf{t klt,kTgLn] ;dfg :yfg xfl;n u/]sf] s'/f pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . eg] dg'sf] egfOdf a|fDXfn] cfˆg} z/L/nfO{ b'O{ efudf ljefhg u/]/ g/ tyf gf/Lsf] ;[li6 u/]sf] s'/f pNn]v 5 .-g]kfn sfg'g kl/rrf{ )#%_ o; k|sf/ wd{u|GynfO{ cfwf/ dfg]/ x]g]{ xf] eg] klg dlxnf / k'?ifsf] pTklQ ;dfg cj:yfaf6 ePsf] TfYojf/] JofVof ul/Psf] kfOG5 . o;/L wd{u|Gydf ;dfg ?kdf x]/]klg dlxnf lj?4sf] e]befj xfd|f] ;dfhdf lhjg rs|sf ?kdf b]vfk/]sf] 5 . lxGb' wd{df b'uf{, eujtL,nIdL,;/:jtL,kfj{tL,/fwf h:tf b]jLsf ufyf kfOG5 . / lhjLt b]jLsf] ?kdf s'df/L nfO{ k'hf cr{gf ul/G5 . h:nfO{ dlxnfsf] k|lts sf ?kdf lnOG5 . h:fn] ubf{ lxGb' wd{df dlxnfnfO{ b]jL zQmL jf eujfgsf ?kdf k'hf cr{gf ul/P...

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Online Media

...Contents 1. Introduction – What New Media is (Viktoria) 1 2. Push and Pull Media – how it workes (Katja) 2 2.1 Performance and display marketing – it’s payment structure (Katja) 4 2.2 Publisher and marketer – their main differences (Katja) 5 3. Statistics 2012 (Katja) 7 4. The impact of New Media on everyday life 8 4.1. The user as customer (Viktoria) 8 4.2 Advantages within the private sphere (Viktoria) 10 4.3. Disadvantages within the private sphere (Viktoria) 11 1. Introduction – What New Media is (Viktoria) The media has been become an important part of our society since the early nineteenth century. Starting with radio and television as the first sources of information dissemination and entertainment in the form of image- and audio transmission, media today develops at a rapid pace. Especially the term “New Media” will be of particular interest within this paper. In contrast to media in analogue signal transmission, the term “New Media” means the processing of all data in digital form. Customarily, the World Wide Web is associated with New Media; however, there are also other branches related, e.g. the digital television transmission. Using New Media, it is possible to spread each kind of information all over the world within a couple of minutes as brief, digital processing is much more complex and allows faster as well as qualitatively higher information processing. Within this context, we will focus on the forms of communication which New Media...

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Offer Last Forever Unless Expressly Revoked

...lnlvtd sf=lh=sf=d=kf=j8f g+ ( j:g] aif{ #( sf] lbks cfrfo{ –! sf=lh=sf=d=kf=j8f g+ ( j:g] aif{ a:g] aif{ sf] zlz /fd e08f/L –! ;d]t hgf @ cfu] xfd|f gfddf btf{ x'g] l6xfe]{i6 k|f=ln=gfds sDkgL btf{ ug{ To; sDkgL /lhi6«f/ sfof{nodf xfdL cfkm} pk:yLt eO{ sDkgL btf{ tyf k|df0f kq lng xfd|f] sfd ljz]ifn] k'm;{b gkfpg] ePsf] x'gfn] sfg'gn] jf/]; lbg kfpg] sf=lh=d'nkfgL uf=lj=;=j8f g+ * a:g] a:g] aif{ @& sf] clwjQmf /fhs'df/ vltj8fnfO{ lgj]bg btf{ ug{, k|jGw kq tyf lgodfjnLdf cfjZos yk36 tyf ;+zf]wg ug{ / lg0f{o ePkZrft k|df0f–kq a'lemlng tyf cGo cfjZos sfo{ ug]{ u/L clVtof/L lbO{ k7fPsf 5f}+ . lghn] sDkgL /lhi6«f/ sfof{nodf pklyt eO{ sDkgL btf{ u/L xfdLn]] kfpg] ;Dk'0f{ sfuhft j'emL lnP xfd|f] d+h'/L 5 . kl5 xfdLn] kfpg] sfuhft c?n] kfpg] xf]Og egL st} s'g} k|sf/sf] gfn]; ph'/ ug]{ 5}g u/] o;} d+h'/Lgfdfsf] sfuhn] jb/ u/L lbg' egL xfd|f] dgf]dfg /fhLv';L ;fy lsgf/fsf ;fIfLx?sf] /f]xj/df of] d+h'/Lgfdfsf] sfuh n]vLn]vfO{ ;lx5fk u/L tkfO{ /fhs'df/ vltj8fnfO{ lbof} . d'sfd sf=lh= sf=d=g=kf= #@ cgfdgu/ xf] . O{lt ;Djt @)^( ;fn sflt{s dlxgf =====ut] /f]h === z'ed\===. gfd y/ M lbks cfrfo{ gfd y/ M zlz /fd e08f/L x:tfIf/ M x:tfIf/ M NofKr] ;lx5fk M NofKr] ;lx5fk M ldltM @)^(÷)&÷==== >Ldfg /lhi6«f/Ho" sDkgL /lhi6«f/sf] sfof{no, lqk'/]Zj/ sf7df8f}+ . ljifo M– sDkgL ;+:yfkgf u/L kfpFm . dxf]bo, xfdLnfO{ l6xfe]{i6 k|f=ln=gfds gfdsf] k|fO{e]6 lnld6]8 sDkgL ;+:yfkgf ug]{ O{R5f ePsf] x'Fbf sDkgL P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf...

Words: 7504 - Pages: 31

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Export Business

...International section International business development – what are the considerations? Robert G. Watters Introduction There are now many companies in various business sectors which can be classed as global operators. Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Avis, IBM, Sony and Ford are ideal examples of worldwide brands. There are also many other companies which have decided to expand their marketing operations by going into new markets abroad because they are confident they can compete, although they could not be truly classed as global operators. Marks & Spencer with their move into France and Aldi’s move into the UK are examples. Global operators The financial services sector has no worldwide brands and has even lacked this extensive expansion across borders because, while some of the considerations, such as management control and language, are the same as other business sectors, others, such as legislation and regulation, are unique to this sector. Perhaps the relative importance of these factors has limited expansion and contributed to why there are no truly global financial services brands, although there are some noticeable success stories in companies like General Electric USA, through their financial subsidiary, GE Capital Services, which has successfully expanded by using, or creating, local brand names in niche markets. This expansion consists currently of 13 businesses in Europe providing financing, leasing and loan servicing for capital equipment and speciality insurance...

Words: 5011 - Pages: 21

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Medienkonzentration in Deutschland

...Fach: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten Wintersemester 2013/2014 Leitung: Dozent Robert R. Kessler Medienkonzentration in Deutschland (Hausarbeit) Lisa Hoffmann Matrikel-Nr.: MUWH104461 Hochschule Fresenius München Fachbereich Wirtschaft und Medien Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement Abgabetermin: 10.02.2014 Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 2 Einleitung............................................................................................................3 Medienkonzentration.........................................................................................4 2.1 2.2 Der Begriff Medienkonzentration..............................................................4 Erscheinungsformen der Medienkonzentration........................................5 Größenvorteile..........................................................................................6 Verbundvorteile der Produktion................................................................6 Transaktionskostenvorteile.......................................................................7 Auswirkungen auf den Wettbewerb..........................................................8 Auswirkungen auf die publizistische Vielfalt und Qualität.........................9 Allgemeine Regulierungsmaßnahmen......................................................10 Die gescheiterten Übernahmepläne der Axel Springer AG.......................12 3 Ursachen des Medienkonzentrationsprozesses.............................................6 3.1 3.2 3.3...

Words: 3849 - Pages: 16