...Introduces and analyzes the basic concepts of compensation administration in organizations. Provides an intensive study of the wage system, methods of job evaluation, wage and salary structures, and the legal constraints on compensation programs. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required Resources Martocchio, J. J. (2013). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall / Pearson. Supplemental Resources Andersen, S. (2012). The keys to effective strategic account planning. Velocity, 14(1), 23-26. Burkhauser, R. V., Schmeiser, M. D., & Weathers II, R. R. (2012). The importance of anti-discrimination and workers’ compensation laws on the provision of workplace accommodations following the onset of a disability. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 65(1), 161-180. Employee compensation: 12 trends for 2012. (2012). HR Specialist, 10(2), 1-2. Survey of the Month: Companies Focus On Updating Compensation in 2012. (2011). Report on Salary Surveys, 18(12), 1-5. The Society of Human Resources Management (2012). General format. Retrieved from http://www.shrm.org WorldatWork. (n.d.). General format. Retrieved from http://www.worldatwork.org COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Analyze how compensation practice can be applied to positively impact an organization and its stakeholders. 2. Examine the ways in which laws, labor unions, and market factors impact companies’ compensation practices. 3. Evaluate the effectiveness...
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...all part of an important process in business—Recruitment. Hiring/recruitment is an essential key to every successful business. Without the recruitment process, small companies would not have developed into the large corporations they are today. But in order for this to happen there are other important factors that make it possible. Businesses need to have specific components to make the job structure process easier including job analysis, job description, and job evaluation. Throughout this paper, I will be defining and discussing about job analysis, job description, and job evaluation, the importance of the three, the steps of the job analysis process, and how they all apply in the business world. To get a better understanding of the internally consistencies I will go in depth of what they are and how they work. This helps you understand the value of each job and how HR professionals determine who will be getting paid more due to the responsibility aspect being higher. There are two processes that make it easier are Job Analysis and Job Evaluation. Job Analysis is a Systematic process for gathering, documenting, and analyzing information in order to describe jobs. While job evaluation systematically recognizes differences in the relative worth among a set of jobs and establishes pay differentials accordingly. Generally speaking job analysis is to help managers understand the kinds of skills and abilities it takes to perform a job. Furthermore, I will be discussing more about...
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...1 Comparing internally consistent HR at the Airport Express Train (AET), Oslo, Norway and Southwest Airlines (SA), Dallas, U.S.A. Bård Kuvaas and Anders Dysvik, BI Norwegian School of Management This case study provides a comparison between internally consistent HR in two very different organizations with respect to size (small versus large), age (new versus old), ownership (an independent company reporting to the Norwegian Trading and Business Commerce versus listed), competitive strategy (cost leadership and customer service versus differentiation and customer service), and national context and labor laws (Norway versus the U.S.A.). The main similarity, besides that they both operate in the travel industry, is that they try to achieve competitive advantage through people by implementing internally consistent HR. Internally consistent HR is the degree to which the various HR practices are internally consistent, complementary, and reinforcing each other. Historical background of the SA and AET Despite the severe economic collapse that hit the airline industry in 2009, Southwest Airlines (SA) still prevailed and managed to remain profitable. The results for 2009 marked SA’s 37th consecutive year of profitability. SA was established in 1971, with three Boeing 737 aircrafts. SA became a major airline in 1989 when it exceeded the billion-dollar revenue mark. Southwest is currently the United States’ most successful low-fare, high frequency, point-to-point carrier. SA operates 537...
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...Introduction | 3 | Concepts | 6 | Conceptual Discussion | 10 | Implementation of CG & CSR in corporate | 18 | CSR/CG framework | 21 | Bibliography | 30 | I. INTRODUCTION: CSR is concerned with the impacts that the activities of an organization have on the social, environmental and economic environment in which it operates. CG is concerned with the manner in which the senior management or Board of Directors direct, manage and control the organization and relate to shareholders. The concepts cannot be mutually exclusive but merge together, each offering a different yet complementary perspective on the activities of an organization, to form a robust strategic business management tool. The aim of the CSR and CG management system is to define, understand and improve the balance between entrepreneurship and ethical practice. Organizations must demonstrate this core organizational competence, not only to investors but also to other stakeholders, to comply with requirements of the escalating CSR and CG agendas. In other words, directors and managers of organizations must run their businesses profitably yet also be accountable for the impact of the actions of their organizations. Therefore, the key challenge for organizations is to find sustainable solutions that...
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...from the days of Fords assembly line to the present emphasis on quality systems. The next millennium will belong to the convergence of Information Technology. How organisations are able to leverage IT to get advantage in a highly competitive market will be the key to success. Leading the way would be the organisations which are in the IT industry. These are the ones which have shown that the quickest way to business excellence would be through optimum utilisation of IT. The IT boom has brought with it, its own set of challenges to organisations. How to put in place systems and process that are in tune with the IT revolution, how to strategies and compete in the IT era? etc. But a major challenge that the IT industry per se has been facing is in the field of Human Resource Management. The IT industry is a service industry. How well are you able to offer quality service to individuals and organisations will determine the success of your organisation. This leads us to the fact that the creativity, innovativeness, knowledge and skill of your employees are your important assets. How you are able to manage these assets is the challenge that the IT industry is facing. It is not capital or finance or marketing management that gives the competitive edge but rather how well you are able to manage your human resources whose intellectual applications drive your business. Recruitment has become an important sub system in HR especially in the IT industry. When your major asset are your Human...
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...Mr. Scott Byron Freeman Compensation & Benefits Management, BUS4343 Holland Enterprises Benefit & Compensation Analysis Instructor: Jason Sheedy Tuesday April 11, 2011 Holland Enterprises Benefit & Compensation Analysis The purpose of this analysis is to review the current status of Holland Enterprises benefits program including the current philosophy, pay structure, base pay incentive, external versus internal equity, and principle benefits. Recognizing the current employee loss rate and understanding the results of the exit interviews; this analysis will give answer to why employees are leaving. This plan will also create a process that will sustain employment levels while creating a positive employee growth rate. The reasons and development process created for Holland Enterprises will attract and hold the type of employee that will allow them to be successful in the future. Current Status of Holland Enterprises Holland Enterprises is a company that currently employs 3,500 employees. Although this is a high number it needs to be understood that the company has actually lost 25% of the staff since 2007. At that time the personnel count was approximately 4,667 employees. When workers ended their time of service with the company exit interviews were held. The top reason given for leaving the establishment for other options was that the compensation and benefits offered by the Holland Enterprises were not competitive with other companies recruiting like-minded...
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...Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources 2.2 Human Resources are the most vital resource for any organization. It is responsible for each and every decision taken, each and every work done and each and every result. Employees should be managed properly and motivated by providing best of their abilities as per the industry standards. There are many activities in HR that the employee’s working in the HR department needs to partake in to support an organisation. Below are three that I have decided to focus on Recruitment and selection: When it comes to recruiting for an organisation, an HR employee has a lot to get involved in. They are the ones that arrange, or provide assistance in posting vacancies, developing and implementing recruitment strategies, identifying and selecting candidates, assuring all pre-employment requirements are met, and confirming job offers. Advertising the job role is something an HR employee has to do. They can advertise job roles in many different ways such as internal emails. Most companies start out emailing internal employees about current job vacancies incase another employee would like to apply for the role or a friend or family member would. This is cost effective as no money is spent on advertising publicly; therefore if they are working within a budget, this is a good way to save money. Advertising publicly can become an expense. If an HR employee does choose to advertise publicly such as in the local paper, then they...
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...The relationship between Miles and Snow's strategic types and human resource practices. Abstract: Purpose: This study explores the relationship between organizational strategy and human resources practices, specifically as they relate to the Miles and Snow typology of strategic choices (1978). Design/methodology/approach: Using self-classification, employees assessed their firm's strategy using descriptions characterizing the Defender, Analyzer, Prospector and Reactor strategies developed by Snow and Hrebiniak (1980). Findings: This paper presents empirical evidence supporting the notion that different types of human resources practices more closely complement the unique strategic choices. Specifically there is a significant relationship for the use of the more modern types of human resources practices in the Prospector organizations. For Defender organizations, where more traditional human resource practices were expected to be appropriate, the results were not significant. It does appear that Defender organizations use the traditional HR practices more extensively than Prospector organizations. It appears that regardless of their chosen strategy, most companies still make at least limited use of the traditional HR practices. Research limitations/implications: Further research is needed to confirm and validate these findings with a larger sample which could include a broader mix of US companies as well as global respondents. While this exploratory research has...
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...MGMT 3385 TERM PAPER Talal Wazeer A00260788 Instructor: Matt Macphee Table of CONTENTS Table of CONTENTS ii LIST OF FIGURES ii eXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 jOB ANALYSIS QUESTIONNAIRE AND RESULTS 3 dOCUMENT CONTROL SUPERVISOR JOB DESCRIPTION 8 analysis and Targeting of three job markets 13 Description of the selection process 15 Recommendations to improve the selection process 17 JOB-SKILLS TEST PROPOSAL 18 compensation profile and comparisons 18 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN 23 REFERENCES ….. 24 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Sample Document Control Supervisor Advertisement………11 Figure 1.2 Sample Document Control Supervisor Advertisement…….. 12 Figure 2.1 Document Control Supervisor Median Salary in HRM……….. 19 Figure 2.2 Document Control Supervisor Median wage in HRM………….. 20 Figure 3.1 Document Control Supervisor Median SALARY in CANADA…. 21 Figure 3.2 Document Control Supervisor Median wage in CANADA….... 21 Figure 4.1 Document Control Supervisor Median SALARY in CALGARY... 22 Figure 4.2 Document Control Supervisor Median WAGE in CALGARY..... 22 Executive Summary Background In 2011, Irving Shipbuilding Ltd. was awarded a $25 billion contract to build new combat ships for the Canadian navy over the next 20 years. This contract award had some far-reaching consequences at all levels of the organization. More importantly, the Human Resource function would now have to adapt...
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...1/30/2015 PrintFriendly.com: Print web pages, create PDFs Apple’s new strategy ukessays.com /essays/businessstrategy/applesnewstrategy.php In a highly competitive environment such as the computer and technology industry, the structure of an organization needs to balance the benefits of a free and creative workforce all the while employing rigid guidelines to ensure cost control and efficiency. Apple Computer tried to accomplish this grey area of management when they restructured the organization in 1992. While some of the techniques they implemented looked promising, others appeared as if they were not going to solve their current problems. To facilitate creativity in generating new and unique products, Scully will “articulate a farsighted vision very broadly, at a 50,000 foot level” and leave the lower level managers and workers to fill in the blanks. While it is important for Scully to allow the engineers freedom in generating ideas for new products, he may be allowing them too much freedom. Without providing the lower level workers certain specifications and milestones, they will surely overshoot their budget and miss deadlines. To ensure that these milestones are met, Scully should provide them with a semi rigid guideline for the development, yet still allowing wiggle room for creativity that will distinguish their products in the market. The freedom that is allowed for creativity at Apple also has the potential for abuse. The current structure is lacki...
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...National Human Resource Standard Competencies Framework & Body of Knowledge PEMBANGUNAN SUMBER MANUSIA BERHAD 2014 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 1 THE STANDARDS ~ AT A GLANCE ................................................................................................... 2 THE FIVE DIMENSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 3 THE THREE LEVELS OF HR PROFESSIONALS ............................................................................... 4 HR COMPETENCIES .......................................................................................................................... 6 HR CORE COMPETENCIES ............................................................................................................... 7 HR FUNCTIONAL COMPETENCIES .................................................................................................. 8 HR COMPETENCIES FRAMEWORK.................................................................................................. 9 HR COMPETENCY LEVELS ACCORDING TO DIMENSIONS......................................................... 10 HR BODY OF KNOWLEDGE............................................................................................................. 19 CONCLUSION .....................................
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...Human Resource Management Learning Objectives • Explain what is meant by human resource management • Understand the relationship between human resource management and management • Describe the HR manager’s role • Understand the human resource management activities performed in organisations • Explain the meaning of strategy • Explain the meaning of strategic human resource management • Describe a strategic approach to human resource management • Appreciate the strategic challenges facing human resource management What is Human Resource Management? The focus of human resource management (HRM) is on managing people within the employer-employeerelationship. It involves the productive use of people in achieving the organisation's strategic business objectives and the satisfaction of individual employee needs. HRM is a major contributor to the success of an enterprise because it is in a key position 'to affect customers, business results and ultimately shareholder value'. Ineffective HRM is a major barrier to employee satisfaction and organisation success. HRM and Management The purpose of HRM is to improve the productive contribution of people, and should therefore be related toall other aspects of management. There are two basic approaches to HRM: Instrumental HRM - (or hard) approach that stresses the rational, quantitative and strategic aspects of managing human resources; and humanistic HRM - (or soft) approach that emphasises the integration of HR policies...
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...aggressively – they call twice, and that’s it. Clients can literally stiff the firm… only consequence is that it will never take you on as a client again and it will tell all its other clients that you didn’t pay. ▪ Wachtell’s realization rate ~90% (vs. ~80% at other firms) - Clients o By matter, not long-term relationships ▪ Gives the firm independence from clients – fewer conflicts o Can pick & choose interesting, innovative, and high-paying work o Doing only transactional work expands the market because no conflicts o Business from investment bankers (because Wachtell gets the job done) and from other firms who need specialized services (because Wachtell won’t steal their clients) - Compensation: lockstep o Benefit = there is no competition between attorneys ( synergy (the whole is greater than the parts because the pie gets bigger when you help each other) o Risk = free-riding; one team member...
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...| Barilla SpA – Case Report | Implementation of the Just in Time Delivery System | Supply Chain Management | | | | Contents Part 1 – Executive Summary 3 Part 2 – Immediate Issue 3 Part 3 – Systemic Issues 4 Part 4 - Qualitative Analysis 4 Part 5 - Quantitative Analysis 5 Part 6- Alternatives and Options 5 Part 7 - Recommendations and Implementation 6 Part 8 - Monitor and Control 7 Part 9 – Conclusion and Management Plan 7 Part 10 – Exhibits 8 Part 1 – Executive Summary To date, implementation of the Just in Time Distribution System (JITD) has not been successful. It has been resisted both internally with our sales force, and externally with our distribution network. The potential benefits of the JITD remain the same as they did upon the conception of the system designed by Brando Vitali. Rather than placing traditional orders with our factories, the distributors will instead provide us the demand information from the retail store locations. Using the data from the retail store orders, we can determine the optimum schedule upon which to base our production and distribution plans. This will eliminate demand fluctuation and the current lack of ability to plan. We will determine the replenishment orders for the distributors, offering them an additional value added service and minimizing stock outs. The benefits of the JITD system include reduced manufacturing costs, reduced inventory and carrying costs, production planning ability...
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...policy is a formal statement of a principle or rule that members of an organization must follow. Each policy addresses an issue important to the organization's mission or operations. * Communicate values and expectations for how things are done at your organization * Keep the organization in compliance with legislation and provide protection against employment claims * Document and implement best practices appropriate to the organization * Support consistent treatment of staff, fairness and transparency * Help management to make decisions that are consistent, uniform and predictable * Protect individuals and the organization from the pressures of expediency A policy should include purpose, scope, responsibilities, definitions, questions, effective date, review date and approval. Organizations commonly have written policies in the following areas for code of conduct, confidentiality, conflict of interest, working conditions, attendance, hours of operations, termination, recruitment, compensation, performance management, learning and development, overtime, privacy, employee information, compassionate leave, vacation, sick Leave, unpaid leave, health and safety and workplace Violence Nestlé Nestlé is committed to the following Business Principles in all countries, taking into account local legislation, cultural and religious practices: EMPLOYMENT POLICIES The Corporate Business Principles outline the Company’s commitment to fully endorse and to respect...
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