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Building Teams and Resolving Conflict


Submitted By casper01
Words 531
Pages 3

ARTICLE ON BUILDING TEAMS AND RESOLVING CONFLICT When looking to put together a team in which is going to show diversity, the first thing that must be determined is the goal of the team and then the right methods to be used to bring in the right elements of diversity. Let’s use for instincts ethnicity, it’s not always a guarantee of values or thinking differently. In this day and age people are living in many countries and having to learn many different cultural trades. In this modern day and age we have become more culturally complex by adopting several cultures. Clearly ones age and physical make ups can help in the process of choosing teams like engineering which demand a lot of man power is a friendly environment type for all selections of people. In such a case like this constructing an ideal team these things should be taken into consideration, the gender, height, weight, age, sexual orientation and handicap. These would all be traits that would come in handy when designing a restroom and its accessibility whether it’s unisex, brail writing instructions or even if the paper towel dispenser are manual or automatic. Structuring the lifts and ramps for the company and mobility devices for the elderly would be created to fit the need if it was crafted by an individual that was physically challenged or if they were an senior citizen who were apart of the construction team. Now when combining member from diverse groups conflicts are going to began to arise, but however at this point it is the manager or team leader’s job to resolve the issue and keep productivity flowing. Within the group each team member should be able to address the floor and contribute their ideals so that the right plans and decisions might be made. The biggest thing for the team is going to be making sure that they are able to get their points and views across to all audiences, whether they are young or old. Training and preparation is needed for the diverse team due to the fact that everyone is not able to work in an environment of controversy. All team members need to know when to listen and be open to their team mates inputs without cause any conflicts, they also need to use critical thinking skills so that not one person think that they are more important than the next person because they is no wrong or right opinions in an diverse team. The one lesson that the team members have to remember is that they have to be tolerant of the other members who are different, and to embrace the differences because they can play a valuable party in the diversity of their team.


The value of diversity (Saxon 2007) Retrieved October 10, 2013 from:
Embrace Diversity to build Effective Teams (Manning ) Retrieved October 10, 2013 from:
Jehn, K. (1994). Enhancing effectiveness: An investigation of advantages and disadvantages of value-based intragroup conflict. International Journal of Conflict Management.

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