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Groups Teams and Conflict


Submitted By boots98c
Words 1073
Pages 5
Groups, Teams, and Conflict
January 19, 2015

CardiCare Valves Project
Riordan Manufacturing is a Fortune 1000 company specializing in the design and manufacturing of custom plastics. Current customers include companies from the health care and food and beverage industries. The purpose of the following project presentation and plan is to accommodate the production of the newly designed CardiCare Valve heart valves. The company is currently planning to gear up for production under their current model, borrowing resources from varied divisions while expecting to hire an undetermined number of new employees. As one of the newly hired superintendents hired to assemble and lead new teams to begin this new production for Cardicare Valves, the research into the issue has been undertaken and the potential strategies have been identified to implementing a successful ramp-up and shift in production.
The available strategies to build successful teams include the following: clearly defining the goals of the team and the skills required, selection of team members, ensuring valuable communication, promoting a productive workgroup, resolving conflicts, and managing motivation (Robbins & Judge, 2013). There are, of course, several challenges that could be barriers or obstacles to success. For instance, there might be personal or professional differences between team members and/or managers, chosen communicators may fail to properly communicate the goals of the project, or team members could simply protest the oncoming changes. The best strategy for team building will be determined by available resources, including current company resources and how well they can be managed logistically, in addition to available financial resources to bring new and fresh resources into the company. Sometimes, it is necessary to bring in specialized skills to

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Conflicts Management

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