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Submitted By kiranj73
Words 10481
Pages 42
Human Resource Management

SECTION A 1. Define and differentiate between Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Evaluation. Select an appropriate job evaluation method and create a plan for evaluating jobs of scientists in different grades.


JOB DESCRIPTION: It is a statement of duties, tasks, activities of a position. It elucidates the primary and secondary activities of a position. It also presents the reporting relationship and also the conditions under which the position holder should work. (For ex, desk job, lot of travelling involved, always on the field, etc)

JOB SPECIFICATION: It is a statement of the eligibility criteria. It describes the qualifications, skills required for the position.

JOB EVALUATION: It is a process of estimating the worth of a job in order to fix the salary/wage. There are many methods used to evaluate a job viz., point method, factor comparison method, etc.

Job analysis is one of the preliminary activity necessary for preparing a proper job description. However job analysis may be used for other purposes also.

A job description is defined by BS 32207 as a written outline of the main tasks of a job. It is a written statement covering the essential features of a job, including its purpose, duties, skill requirements and a set of duties and responsibilities that indicate the content of the job in detail. One obvious use of job description is for clarifying duties and responsibilities. Other uses of job description include job evaluation and merit rating, and preparation of job specifications.

Job analysis is a systematic process of analyzing a job for identifying job contents, leading to job description, job specification, and job evaluation.It involves determination of the requirements

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