...between both concepts exceed the similarities. It will then look at different studies done by many researchers to support the Hypothesis that Organizational Learning is indeed a predictor of effective strategic management. This paper will present how organizational learning can help managers with their strategic thinking to better execute goals and tasks. In the world today, we are surrounded by millions of businesses. We rely on these businesses for many of our essential needs. They provide us with food, clothes, entertainment and so much more. So, when problems occur in a business, it does not only affect the company itself but us as well. It is crucial that businesses run smoothly, and those who are in command know of solutions when certain problems arise to avoid negative outcomes. Those in charge are often called Business Manager’s. Business manager's come across problems on a day to day basis, whether big or small, managers must resolve these problems by making the right decision(Uma Sekaran, 2010, p. 2). Depending on the dilemma, decisions and solutions can be quite difficult to come up with so a process to make this task easier can be extremely helpful to the manager. Also, some encounters that need to be solved urgently need solutions that aren’t so time consuming to think of; these are just only few reasons why Manager’s rely on research. According to Uma Sekaran, (2010) “the entire process in which we attempt to solve problems is called research" (p. 3). When saying...
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...BATTLE –CORPORATE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Dr PP Singh-Director, C.T Group of Institutions Maqsudan Campus Jalandhar. Arora Gaurav Singh-Management Faculty, Lovely Professional University Jalandhar. Rohit Kapoor-MBA-International Buisness,Lovely Professional University Jlandhar. Abstract In the current Business environment we often come across some facts where corporate enterprises form strategy to meet the second biggest challenge after transforming its business into corporate. The mainstream of the literature on corporate sustainability follows the win–win paradigm, according to which economic, environmental and social sustainability aspects can be achieved simultaneously. Where making profit is one primary objective and challenge for any corporate on the other front dynamism in the business environment lays corporate to plan down certain strategies to sustain in the battle irrespective of the crest and troughs in the business. This paper examines various strategies adopted by the companies to sustain ie- Corporate and social responsibility, stake holders management relations, environment management or it also the cost cutting part to be on the kitty to maintain the balance of revenues. The paper also highlights the manipulation of figures by the companies to be the arena. Introduction Corporate sustainable development means a formulation of Business strategy that puts the company in the drivers seat to prosper...
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...[pic] LOVELY SCHOOL OF BUISNESS AND ARTS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT TERM PAPER TOPIC:POWER AND POLITICS IN CORPORATE SECTOR Submitted to Regards, Miss Tejbir Kaur Kaushal Kishore(RR1903B42) POWER AND POLITICS IN CORPORATE SECTOR Contents: ➢ Introduction ➢ Power empowerment ➢ Objectives Of Power & Politics ➢ Defination of power ➢ Types of power ➢ Graphical Representation of power ➢ Defination Of Politics ➢ How power and politics means in corporate sector? ➢ Relate power and poltics ➢ Methodology ➢ Conclusion INTRODUCTION Power and Politics have been described as the last dirty words. People who got power but they supposed to deny and sometimes they misuse their power and they want it not to try and not look like they are seeking it, and those who are good at getting it are secretive and how they have to do so. Politic also plays an important role in corporate sector. All things should mentioned below, how they supposed to use their political work in an organization. By harassing the employees and specially the ladies for their sexual...
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...Determinants of NPAs in the Indian Public Sector Banks: A Critique of Policy Reforms Dr. Pradip Kumar Biswas* and Ashis Taru Deb** The paper analyzes the process leading to formation and perpetuation of high levels of NPAs in Indian Public Sector Banks (PSBs). It distinguishes between random and non-random reasons of NPA formation in PSBs. It points out that a high degree of arbitrariness is involved in defining NPAs as it fails to capture diversity in terms of the seasonal and cyclical nature of the economic activities in India. The study conceptualizes random reasons for default in a simplified framework of a Poisson process. It then argues that the non-random reasons go beyond the conventional paradigm of interim, ex-ante and ex-post information asymmetries and incomplete contracts. It points out that the financial notion of NPA as a mere risk phenomenon is inadequate, because a number of reasons leading to non-random generation of NPA are related to the dimension of uncertainty. It highlighted that the use of a secondary asset market may take care of NPA problem, but it requires a number of conditions for its use, which hardly exist in India. The study observes a number of reasons for generation of NPAs which are important and peculiar to India. This is followed by a critical evaluation of the series of policy measures that have been adopted to improve the NPA scenario since liberalization. While one set of policies granting greater autonomy to the PSBs are proved to be quite...
Words: 19466 - Pages: 78
...investigating the case from two perspectives. First in a macro level, by focusing on Greece as a member state of the EU, and second, in a micro level focused on the country itself with all its special characteristics that define its economic, political, social and cultural sphere. By having a closer look on various statistics and facts there will be an attempt to describe today’s reality and then justify why Greece rests still behind towards the emergence of the Information society. Introduction 1. Defining Information society In reality trying to define “Information Society” seems so hard as when somebody is trying to define separately what “society” or “information” is. In my mind if Information society had a shape, it could include various concepts such as: Post-Industrial society, information revolution, microelectronics revolution, capitalism, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), innovation, knowledge, networks and even...
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...pestel analysis There are many factors in the macro-environment that will effect the decisions of the managers of any organisation. Tax changes, new laws, trade barriers, demographic change and government policy changes are all examples of macro change. To help analyse these factors managers can categorise them using the PESTEL model. Provides an understanding of the wider business environment.Encourages the development of strategic thinking.May raise awareness of threats to a project.Can help an organisation to anticipate future difficulties and take action to avoid or minimise their effect Even Coca Cola, the worlds’ largest beverage company has to consider about their macro environment and its opportunities and threats. They too have to analyze their Political, Economical, Social Environment. limitations .The external factors considered during PEST analysis are dynamic and they change at a very fast pace. At times, these changes may occur in less than a day’s time, thus making it tricky to predict why and how these factors may affect the present or future of the project.Collecting enormous amounts of relevant data from the right sources becomes a bit of a problem, especially since most of the pertinent data must be collected from external agencies. This makes PEST analysis not only time consuming but costly as well. Also, getting the latest data and keeping the analysis updated with it becomes a problem.A proper PEST analysis requires a lot of information to be collected...
Words: 3337 - Pages: 14
...[pic] A Term Paper On ANNUITY, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF INSURANCE BUSINESS IN BANGLADESH Course Title: INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT Course Code: MKT-224 Submitted to: Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad Professor Department of Marketing University of Dhaka Submitted by: UNICORN Date of submission: 24th November, 2014 Group Profile |Serial |Name |Roll | |1 |Md. Shahin Hossain |04 | |2 |S.M. Fahim Uddin |20 | |3 |G.M. Sohel Bari |56 | |4 |Tapan Mandal |78 | |5 |Rony Mollah |90 | |6 |Md. Ariful Islam |92 | |7 |Sharmin Akter ...
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...The Right Choice The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency describes it as “a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Schedule I drugs are classified as having a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.” (DEA p.1). American country singer and marijuana advocate Willie Nelson said, “I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?” (Nelson p.1). Larry Malerbra D.O, a practitioner, educator and leader in the field of holistic medicine argues that, “The medical benefits of marijuana (cannabis) are pretty well established. There is voluminous scientific research on the subject that verifies its efficacy when applied to a variety of medical conditions, and plenty of first-hand evidence that it works for those who use it for their own health problems.”(Malerbra p.1) With so many different ideas on what exactly Marijuana is, a controlled substance, an herb and a flower, or a medicine. There is no wonder there is much controversy of the legalization of the substance that has just as many names as descriptions. It is referred to as, weed, pot, dope, grass, reefer, herb, Mary Jane, Cannabis sativa, hemp, and most commonly marijuana. In our...
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...Discussion paper Do you agree with the concept that there is only one social responsibility of business- to use it's resources and engage in activities to increase it's profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in free and open competition without deception or fraud? I feel that businesses have an obligation when it comes to social responsibilities to not only act ethically but to act responsibly when it comes to all business engagements. I don`t agree with the Idea of a business being created just for the idea of making money but I believe that the core of each business should be to improve the lives of others and their surroundings. If the cocept of others are placed in the heart of each business and if the businesses abide by it, then the amount of deception, fraud, and the lack of ethics that may be found in business today will dramatically decrease.I don`t think that there is only one social responsibility of a business but there are a few responsibilities that businesses should take in and apply. I can`t think of all the responsibilities because it can change do to the nature of the business, but a couple things that should always be the priority for all businesses are to take care of the workers and the customers. If the business can keep their workers and the customer happy, then it will be a foundation for a successful business."A firm that consistently fulfills its social obligations makes itself a desirable member of the community...
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...Scientific Management - Scientific Management Fredrick Taylor, the father of scientific management. He had a firm belief in "one best way" (Samson & Daft, 2003), of doing something. In the year 1899, Taylor held an experiment that involved German and Hungarian men, whose job involved some very heavy-duty work (Gabor, 2000). To his disappointment, men either refused to work, or wouldn't work to his expectations. The men hated him utterly; to the extent he required security when going home (Gabor, 2000). In his entire dilemma with his employers, in stepped Schmidt, a man not of intelligence but had the strength of a bull and an ox-like mentally required to reach the standards of Fredrick Taylor.... [tags: Taylorism Business Management Essays] :: 3 Works Cited :: 6 Sources Cited 1822 words (5.2 pages) $29.95 [preview] Scientific Method - Scientific method what comes to mind. Do we start thinking of some type of formal process that will answer all our scientific questions or problems. When I was in school many years ago, we were taught that scientists go through a series of steps to find a solution to a problem or find evidence...
Words: 8474 - Pages: 34
...International Journal of Management and Strategy (IJMS) 2013, Vol. No.4, Issue 6, January-June 2013 http://www.facultyjournal.com/ ISSN: 2231-0703 A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION PERSPECTIVES IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY IN MALAYSIA Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy, Quest International University Perak (QIUP), Malaysia ABSTRACT Satisfaction is fulfillment of a need or desire and the pleasure obtained by such a fulfillment. Employee satisfaction is a good measure to evaluate personal attitude to the professional activity of an organization. Employee satisfaction is considered to be a critical success factor for organizations. The concept of employee satisfaction has gained a special concern from both academicians and practitioners. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between career development, compensation & rewards, job security and working environment with employee satisfaction in the hotel industry in Malaysia. A total of 127 employees’ responses were collected from four three star hotels in Ipoh, Perak. Data were collected over a period of two months using survey questionnaire and multiple regression analysis were used to examine the correlation between independent variables and dependent variable. Since, the sample of this study comprises only the Food & Beverage staffs, it is hoped that a future extended study would include the front and back hotel staff as well. The results indicate that there is a positive relationship between career development, compensation...
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...and loyalty to a socially responsible organization in comparison to one that doesn’t show these things. Most importantly, businesses that are not socially responsible are at severe risk of alienating their customer base, thereby impacting their longevity and profitability. Consumers hold the power as they have shown and will continue to boycott corporations that are found to engage in irresponsible practices. With this in mind, it is no longer a question of if a corporation should consider integrating social responsibility aspects to their operations, but rather a question of to what extent leadership wishes to go and how they will develop and communicate this in terms of having a meaningful impact on local community and the environment. In the past, a corporation’s primary responsibility was to turn a profit. The concepts of being socially responsible demand that company leadership look beyond the bottom line and demonstrate responsibility to the environment, local communities and global population. There are five aspects of social responsibility that should be integrated into the corporate decision making process and daily operations. These aspects are environmental, social, economic, stakeholders and voluntariness. The environmental...
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...ARTICLE IN PRESS Int. J. Human-Computer Studies 63 (2005) 436–451 www.elsevier.com/locate/ijhcs Developing creativity, motivation, and self-actualization with learning systems Winslow Burlesonà MIT Media Lab, 20 Ames St. Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Available online 10 May 2005 Abstract Developing learning experiences that facilitate self-actualization and creativity is among the most important goals of our society in preparation for the future. To facilitate deep understanding of a new concept, to facilitate learning, learners must have the opportunity to develop multiple and flexible perspectives. The process of becoming an expert involves failure, as well as the ability to understand failure and the motivation to move onward. Meta-cognitive awareness and personal strategies can play a role in developing an individual’s ability to persevere through failure, and combat other diluting influences. Awareness and reflective technologies can be instrumental in developing a meta-cognitive ability to make conscious and unconscious decisions about engagement that will ultimately enhance learning, expertise, creativity, and self-actualization. This paper will review diverse perspectives from psychology, engineering, education, and computer science to present opportunities to enhance creativity, motivation, and self-actualization in learning systems. r 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Keywords: Creativity; Learning systems; Psychology; Failure; Motivation Education...
Words: 7748 - Pages: 31
... | | | | | |8/18/2012 | | Vodafone Egypt Organization | Table of contents Vodafone organization profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Vodafone external environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vodafone stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vodafone core values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Vodafone code of ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Vodafone corporate social responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Vodafone Corporate governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Vodafone...
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...manage all sectors of the organized economic activity. 2. To equip the youngsters with conceptual and interpersonal skills and social purpose for managerial decision-making and its execution in real situations. 3. To develop and encourage the entrepreneurial capabilities of young generation to make them effective change agents. 4. To meet the demand for trained and professional people in the country at the top level management of business and industrial organizations in the light of the new economic and industrial policy of the country. 2. COURSE DURATION The MBA (Full Time) programme of Mahatma Gandhi University shall be spread in two years duration with 4 Semesters. Each semester shall comprise of a minimum of 16 instructional weeks of 5 days each of 5 hours a day (total contact hours 400). Continuous Internal Evaluation during the course period and University examination at the end of each semester shall be conducted. There shall be a semester break of 15 days each in addition to the usual Onam, Christmas and summer holidays. 3. ELIGIBILTY FOR ADMISSION 1. A pass in any Bachelor’s Degree Examination of Mahatma Gandhi University or an equivalent degree of any other universities duly recognized by M.G.University with not less than 50% marks in the aggregate for all parts of examination or a Master’s Degree examination with 50% marks in aggregate. 2. SC/ST students A pass in any Bachelor’s Degree examination is needed for SC/ST candidates 4. ADMISSION PROCEDURE Admission to MBA...
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