Premium Essay



Submitted By zakiahmad
Words 3337
Pages 14
pestel analysis
There are many factors in the macro-environment that will effect the decisions of the managers of any organisation. Tax changes, new laws, trade barriers, demographic change and government policy changes are all examples of macro change. To help analyse these factors managers can categorise them using the PESTEL model. Provides an understanding of the wider business environment.Encourages the development of strategic thinking.May raise awareness of threats to a project.Can help an organisation to anticipate future difficulties and take action to avoid or minimise their effect
Even Coca Cola, the worlds’ largest beverage company has to consider about their macro environment and its opportunities and threats. They too have to analyze their Political, Economical, Social Environment. limitations .The external factors considered during PEST analysis are dynamic and they change at a very fast pace. At times, these changes may occur in less than a day’s time, thus making it tricky to predict why and how these factors may affect the present or future of the project.Collecting enormous amounts of relevant data from the right sources becomes a bit of a problem, especially since most of the pertinent data must be collected from external agencies. This makes PEST analysis not only time consuming but costly as well. Also, getting the latest data and keeping the analysis updated with it becomes a problem.A proper PEST analysis requires a lot of information to be collected. But when handling too much information, the users tend to get confused and lose sight of what factors are more critical. This ambiguity in prioritizing the affecting factors can put the entire planning on the wrong track political Those Non- Alcoholic Beverages like; Coca-Cola, are within the food category, under the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). The government has control over the

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