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Bulletins from the Future


Submitted By KevinRizk
Words 423
Pages 2
Kevin Rizk
ID: 201500663
ENG 203-1
Bulletins from the Future
The establishment of internet has obviously had many impacts on humanity, whether by modifying our social lives, assisting researches or documentations, providing news etc… We have all read about the consequences of the internet on different levels. However, we remain unaware of those affecting the news industry. In this special report, “Bulletins from the future”, published in “The Economist”, the journalist clearly states how the internet has slowly found its way into integrating itself in the news ecosystem, modifying the entire business, trespassing all policies and limits.
Personally, I have never thought about how the internet might affect the news. Instead, I only believed that it stimulated the propagation of certain information and facilitated access to news. I had never seen it from a different point of view, which emphasizes on the fact that the internet has been jeopardizing the news industry. Actually, nowadays, news organizations as well as many websites are posting anonymous leaked documents that have triggered society, like, for instance, the Palestine Papers that represent confidential negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli populations. These restricted records have been publicly provided by Al Jazeera to its viewers, whether by means of the internet. The publication of similar posts cannot but stimulate mixed emotions in human beings who could somehow start a revolution, as it was the case in the Arab world.
Another thing that provoked me was the threat imposed on journalists. After reading the article, I have noticed that indeed, many people have been very active online, posting news, comments, pictures and videos, those taken live at the happening of a certain situation. This act of integrating the entire society, described in the article as “crowd-sourced journalism”, has revolutionized the news business: journalists are seen as regular people, with no distinction among others. As I see it, it is very demeaning to allow people to randomly add a post on social websites, communicating several uncertified news that are usually falsified and may contain loopholes.
Finally, this freewill raging over the news ecosystem has got me thinking about the chaotic environment it has and will continue on creating: people are acting with no rationality, no respect for news policies and no concerns for other individuals’ beliefs and opinions.
To conclude, the integration of the internet in the news industry has clearly changed the news upside down, setting rampageous, lawless surroundings. Enlightened by this article, I wonder: to what extent will we allow this technology to control our lives?

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