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Bullying And Terrorism

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have been known AGEs for dual purpose use. The kidnapping of the 23 South Korean evangelists in Ghazni province last year rumored to have scored the Taliban a significant amount of ransom, but at the same time the value of the press they received as a result of this event is incalculable.
Many of the definitions of terrorism include the use of intimidation to force the government or the public. What does that bullying though? Bullying can vary from kidnappings, assassinations of public figures, with the indiscriminate use of IEDs, however, bullying does not always include direct violence. For example, in Afghanistan, "night letters" are a common form of intimidation. These are the letters of threat that can be directed either to a person or …show more content…
A recent incident in Kabul saw three policemen at a checkpoint offer some food for breakfast during Ramadan. The meal includes a sedative. Once the police were sedated, the Taliban fired at the police, they beheaded and then used to hide an IED that disappears when fellow police officers responded. Two other officers were killed. The more brutal the act, plus the intimidation of the community suffers. In this case, simple police agents are also the target of intimidation and increased fear in the community is palpable. A tactic that raises the specter of terror to a new level, but fortunately has often not been used by "terrorists" is the traditional chemical and biological / or terrorism. From using smallpox-infected blankets by the British against the natives of North America with the use of chemical agents by Aum Shinrikyo, these weapons have occurred over the century’s terror. Infected bodies of bubonic plague were catapulted over the walls of the city during a siege in the Crimea in 1346. From contaminate the water supply to the pollution of sources of public power, the tactic has been used. However, the use of chemical weapons seems to be more often associated with government actions rather than the actions of terrorist …show more content…
Between 1994 and 1995, Japan suffered a series of chemical attacks on the population by this group. In an attack in March 1995, the group placed diluted sarin gas in the subway killing 12 people. In April, nearly 400 subway passengers in Yokohama reported symptoms indicating that he had used some type of agent. In July, four more incidents occurred throughout Japan. Researchers have found that not only has Aum Shinrikyo sarin manufacturing plant, which also had a research laboratory of biological weapons (Stimson Centre, 1995). In late 2001, a number of people in the United States became ill as a result of Anthrax spores were distributed through the postal service. Postal workers, staff of the media and some government officials were affected by this outbreak. Ultimately five people died from the outbreak. However, although this is a tactic that could easily be used by terrorist groups, it seems that this particular set of events by one person, a scientist Army (Whitelaw, 2008) was launched. The fact that a person could commit a string of incidents demonstrate its potential for use by organized groups. Sabotage is a tactic that is not often considered when discussing the tactics of terrorist groups. If you take into eco-terrorists or several rights activists account, sabotage is certainly a tactic of choice. However, when staying with more traditional terrorist groups, it

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