Premium Essay

Bullying In The Novel 'Wonder' By Raquel Jaramillo's Wonder

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Did you know, that Canada is the 9th highest rate of bullying in the 13 year old category. The novel “Wonder” was published on February 14 2011, and was written by Raquel Jaramillo. The novel all starts with a 10 year old named Auggie, who was born with a face deformation. He lived with his parents and his older sister, and his dog. He was homeschooled until grade five, but his parents decided to put him in a real school. Auggie meets new students. He realises that one individual named Jack Will is not to nice. Auggie settles into the school for the first few months, and makes some new friends, but unfortunately Jack starts to bully Auggie. But, Auggie stays strong.Bullying can lead to emotional health, it can lead to physical injury, and social

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