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Bus 610 Business Ethnics


Submitted By shushu26
Words 841
Pages 4
Business Ethics Business speculators believe that ethical leadership is all about good character of leaders. Ethical leadership is regarding raising the bar, generating value for stakeholders, assisting people to understand their dreams and expectations, and doing these duties with the intensity and significance that ethic connotes. Ethical leaders speak directly to people about their identity and life conditions and they pay special attention to developing the people. Simply I would like to say ethical leaders are common people like us, who are leading their life as examples for people to live better. In this paper, I will explore the leadership style and methods of Robert Nardelli who was named Chief Executive Office of the Home Depot in 2001 (Ries, 2009).

Robert Nardelli Leadership Style Home Depot Robert Nardelli presented many latest initiatives to the corporate world such as company-wide analytics, centralized buying and better information systems, these are important for the company to remain competitive. Anyhow, most of his changes results in reduced productivity, significant dissatisfaction, low morale, and high turnover. This result was considered as the most dissatisfaction of customers in retailing history (Brabec, 2006). On the American customer satisfaction index (ACSI), home depot had customer satisfaction scores of 74 in the year 2001. In 2005 anyhow, customer satisfaction score of home depot fell to 67, which was the worst performance on ACSI that year. This instant decline in customer satisfaction led to important deterioration in fiscal performance for the company. In 2006, earnings for the company reduced by 28% and comparable store sales declined by 6.6 percent. This shows the financial decline for the first time in the history of the home depot. At end of the year, Frank Blake appointed as the Chief executive office of the Home depot.

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