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Bus and Man


Submitted By sandrikaki
Words 251
Pages 2
How much can you trust online information?
The article analyzes the effects of online information on perceived trust when there are either strong or weak social relationships between net pals or whether the perceived message is positive or negative and whether the product belongs to the experience (e.g. Hotels) or the credence (e.g. vitamins) goods. Nowadays consumers use online platforms in order to share opinions about products and services and that is the eWOM (electronic word of mouth) communication. The main question that the authors tried to answer is whether the costumers trust the information that they take from the source of the eWOM communication. The results of the research showed that consumers tend to trust the online information posted by net pals who are perceived to have stronger relationship to each other, than from those who are perceived to have weaker social relationship to each other.
Another fact is that consumers trust negative information more easily than the positive one and also their trust is different depending on whether the perceived social relationship among net pals in the online community is strong or weak. Additionally, consumer’s attitude is being affected positively by overall trust and positive information posted in the platform about the product or the service.
Another point is that the effect of positive or negative information through eWOM communication is stronger for experience than for credence goods. Finally, the strength of the relationship between information trust and overall attitude is also greater for experience goods.

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