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Business Analysis


Submitted By tonyd92
Words 1083
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Business Analysis Part 1: Motorola Mobility As the mutual fund manager, we will be analyzing Motorola Mobility Inc. (MMI) to make a decision on whether or not to invest in the company. The following is a business analysis that will be taking place over the next couple of weeks to determine whether or not Motorola Mobility is worth investing in. A SWOT analysis for Motorola will help with the decision making. This analysis will also include the company’s internal and external stakeholders, a description of their needs and wants and how the Motorola Mobility is fulfilling them. If MMI is not fulfilling those needs this analysis will explain what the company needs to do to ensure they are. SWOT Analysis The following will give both an internal and external perspective of Motorola Mobility (MMI). A SWOT analysis for Motorola Mobility will allow us to understand and evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, the opportunities available and any threats that Motorola Mobility may face.
Brand name is a strength of Motorola because of how long they have been around and the reliability of the product they put out. The brand name of Motorola is also attached to the brand Google Inc., after the Motorola Mobility and Google Inc.’s merger was officially approved in December, 2011.
Products are a strong point of the Motorola name. From the StarTAC which was a very popular cell phone to the innovative smart phones in the Android smartphone family, they have continued to release. The products should be in an even better position, when in December, 2011 the merger between Motorola Mobility and Google Inc. was officially approved.
Customer Service is a important part of any business and can really make or break a business. Motorola Customer Service has turned in some poor ratings and according to the Service Scoreboard, which reviews companies online, they scored a 36.33 out of 200. This is a very poor rating and this is something Motorola needs to improve on.
Profitability of a company is what can make them live and die in this industry. After the spin-off of Motorola Mobility back in January 2011, the company lost money on the stock market. They will be focused on long-term effort of the company. The company expected fourth-quarter revenue to fall below Wall Street expectations. Their projected revenue of $3.4 billion and analysts had expected $3.88 billion at least (, 2012).
The smartphone craze is what is favoring Motorola especially with the popularity of their Android smartphones. The Android smartphones are in demand and with the development of the new lineup of phones continue to be released it helps them remain ahead of the competitive mix.
Google and Motorola merge was a positive move for both companies. They will help enhance each other’s products especially their lineup of various Smartphones. When Google Inc. agreed to acquire Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. for about $12.5 billion in cash, a deal that spells the end of independence for a venerable American company and reshapes the booming market for smartphones as the trend continues from desktops to mobile devices (Wall Street Journal Online, 2011).
Competition is always an issue when it comes to the possible threats of a smartphone maker. Especially when one of your main competitors is Apple and their iPhone. They will need to continue to develop new products to keep up with their main competitors as the technology continues to make things more complicated.
Internal and External Stakeholders The internal stakeholders employees, shareholders, consumers, suppliers, manufacturers of both Motorola and Google. This is because Motorola Mobility split with Motorola and then merged with Google. The external stakeholders of Motorola can be their advertisers and marketers that are making them seen in the public eye. The device manufacturers, service providers like Verizon and AT&T and application developers that help with the success of their smart phones by making the applications available for their phones.
Fulfillment and Implications Now that the Motorola Mobility and Google Inc. merger has received approval and product manufacturing continue to evolve, you can expect the company to show a profit. Certain products like the first Android smartphone that has enough battery life for a full day’s business use was just another announcement that should fuel Motorola’s lunge into the spotlight with Droid Razr Maxx. An important goal would be to improve the weaknesses of Motorola Mobility. The customer service area is very critical and the company should make it a critical step of improving their customer service. Now that the merger is complete, the company should set up some type of employee incentive program and set their goals on raising their customer service numbers that were low in the customer service scorecard survey. An improvement in this area alone would be a very helpful step in making Motorola Mobility a profitable company.
As Motorola Mobility continues to compete with the big boys in the Smartphone market and have to find ways to show a profit and improve their customer service department. A very positive move was the merger between Google and Motorola, this will help make a positive push again the competition as they continue to release a lineup of strong Android smartphones. When I look at the SWOT analysis and see what they are doing, I can honestly say it would be a smart move to invest in Motorola Mobility even though fourth quarter projections are lower than expected. References
Merger Motorola Help Google. (2011). Retrieved from
Motorola Mobility Inc. SWOT Analysis. (2010). Retrieved from
Nickels, W. G., McHugh, J. M., & McHugh, S. M. (2010). Understanding Business (9th Ed.). Retrieved from
Customer Service Scoreboard. (2011). Motorola Customer Service. Retrieved from
Pikover, James. (2012, January). Motorola Droid Maxx, hands-on with the first smartphone with enough battery life for a full day’s business use. Retreived from
Whittaker, Zach. (2012, January). Motorola Mobility warns of revenue shortfall, misses Q4 estimates. Retrieved from
Yahoo! Finance. (2011). Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. (MMI). Retrieved from

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