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Business Btec Unit 33 - Whole


Submitted By andy001
Words 16189
Pages 65
BTEC business Studies

The impact of communications technology on business
Business Unit 33
Andres Yunda

How the internet works
The internet is still in its younger age, and has barely any technology compared to its future designs. Each and every year, scientists and engineers find new technologies and languages to integrate into the internet. It is basically a global collection of networks, both big and small, which connect to each other in a variety of ways. To properly understand the internet, you need to look at some of the main components. One of which is hardware.

Hardware is the name given to the whole process of terabytes of information being carried to the computer that stands right in front of you. It is the collection of physical elements that constitutes a computer system. Other types of hardware that support the internet include routers, servers, cell phone towers, satellites, radios, smart phones and many other devices. All these devices create the network of networks when put together. The internet is a malleable system, which basically means that it will take little effect when different elements join or leave worldwide networks.
Internet as a network:
The internet began in the year 1969, and only had 4 main servers (host computer systems). Now, it has over ten million users and servers. Every computer that is connected to the internet forms part of a network. For example, your computer may use dial up or a modem in order to have internet connection. In working areas you are most likely using a Local Area Network (LAN) connection. This is because all the computers in a singular office or department will be connected together, sort of like a hive mind. There is a committee that was introduced in 1992 called “the internet society”. They introduced this committee because no one is the owner of the internet, and they had to set some

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