Premium Essay

Unit 15


Submitted By nadia76
Words 6303
Pages 26
P1 - Sources of Information


Description Location Benefits Disadvages
Job Centre

A government office in a town where information about available jobs is displayed and where unemployment benefits are administered Local Local therefore easy access – variety of choice Not very user friendly
Careers Service Provides careers advice and information on a wide range of jobs, training course resources and funding. Local

1. A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation. Worldwide This will give me the opportunity to “sell” myself to the employer
Career Fairs

Is an event in which employers, recruiters, and schools give information to potential employees. Job seekers attend these while trying to make a good impression to potential coworkers by speaking face-to-face with one another, filling out résumés, and asking questions in attempt to get a good feel on the work needed Worldwide
Recruitment Fairs

To provide an opportunity for the corporate sector to recruit prospective employees from a pool of qualified and talented applicants. Worldwide

Specific job information can be found for specific businesses. Anywhere
HR Departments

Can help you to progress with the career path available within a business Within the business

Type of Info How accessible is this information How relevant to you and why Description/ example
Career advice

Via the internet I have got several ideas of what I would like to do but the fact that I am an international student I would want to discuss the options available to me I would like to become a doctor but with the qualifications that I have gained I haven’t got the requirements to gain access to the university of medicine
Newspaper articles Easy access Not relevant as the type of career that I have chosen will not advertise job opportunities Doctor

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