...the reporting time. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT KOZHIKODE POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME OFFICE End-Term Examinations (PGP 17, Term-III, 2013-15) Seating Plan Course Venue C2 C3 C4 FM-II OM-II CC1 CC2 C1 A1 A2 Section-A 01-15 16-27 28-38 39-62, D/205,219 Section-B 63-77 78-87 88-97 98-125 D/180,238 Roll Numbers Section-C Section-D 126-139 140-149 150-160 161-188 D/324 189-209 210-224 225-238 239-250 357-359 Section-E Section-F 251-270 271-284 285-298 299-304 360-361 FPM 2-5 305-324 325-338 339-352 353-356 362-364 FPM 8-11 Venue CC2 C3 EM MM-II IE C4 A1 A2 C1 C2 CC1 Section-A 01-33 34-48 49-62 D/205, 219 Section-B 63-95 96-111 112-125 D/180 Roll Numbers Section-C Section-D Section-E Section-F 126-146 147-167 168-188 D/111 189-210 212-232 233-250 357-359 251-271 272-304 360-361 FPM 2-5 305-325 326-356 362-364 FPM 8-11 Venue CC1 C4 C3 HRM C2 C1 A2 A1 CC2 Section-A 01-30 31-41 42-51 52-62 D/205,219 Section-B 63-91 92-101 102-111 112-125 D/180 Roll Numbers Section-C Section-D 126-153 154-163 164-175 176-188 D/324 189-203 204-218 219-232 233-250 357-359 Section-E Section-F 251-264 265-278 279-292 293-304 360-361 FPM 2-5 305-318 319-332 333-346 347-356 362-364 FPM 8-11 Course Venue A1 A2 C1 Section-A 01-15 16-30 31-44 45-62 D/219...
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...IMSE561/EMGT525 - TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND SIX SIGMA HOMEWORK-6 Name: Shyam V.H Karumanchi UM ID 0833-3824 Question 1: Describe the design procedure for robust design REFERENCES: 1. Chapter 20 Quality engineering lecture notes Products and services should be designed to be inherently defect free and of high quality. Robustness The product or process performs its intended function well within user profiles and insensitive to the variation including: Variation in production Differences in materials Differences in users or operators aging of the product or process, and the product or process accomplishes this without major cost impact. General procedure for robust design 1. Problem Formulation: This step consists of identifying the main function, developing the P-diagram, defining the ideal function and S/N ratio, and planning the experiments. The experiments involve changing the control, noise and signal factors systematically using orthogonal arrays. 2. Data Collection/Simulation: The experiments may be conducted in hardware or through simulation. It is not necessary to have a full-scale model of the product for the purpose of experimentation. It is sufficient and more desirable to have an essential model of the product that adequately captures the design concept. Thus, the experiments can be done more economically. 3. Factor Effects Analysis: The effects of the control factors are calculated in this step and the results are analyzed to select optimum setting of the...
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...2014 年秋季中国精算师资格考试公告 中精协发〔2014〕19 号 中国精算师资格考试是中国保险监督管理委员会主办的国家级 职业资格考试,委托中国精算师协会组织实施。现将 2014 年秋季中 国精算师资格考试的有关事项公告如下: 一、开考科目 本次开考中国精算师资格考试准精算师部分 A1~A8 科目; 精算 师部分 F3、F4、F5、F8 及 F10 科目。具体开考科目如下: 科目代码 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 数学 金融数学 精算模型 经济学 寿险精算 非寿险精算 会计与财务 精算管理 科目 科目代码 F3 F4 F5 F8 F10 科目 个人寿险与年金精算实务 员工福利计划 非寿险实务 投资学 健康保险 二、考试时间 日期 时间 上午 9:00-12:00 10 月 18 日 下午 2:00-5:00 10 月 19 日 上午 9:00-12:00 A1 数学 A2 金融数学 A4 经济学 考试科目 1 下午 2:00-5:00 上午 8:30-12:30 10 月 20 日 下午 2:00-5:00 上午 8:30-12:30 10 月 21 日 下午 2:00-5:00 上午 8:30-12:30 10 月 22 日 下午 2:00-5:00 上午 8:30-12:30 10 月 23 日 下午 2:00-5:00 10 月 24 日 上午 8:30-12:30 A7 会计与财务 F5 非寿险实务 A3 精算模型 F3 个人寿险与年金精算实务 A5 寿险精算 F8 投资学 A6 非寿险精算 F10 健康保险 A8 精算管理 F4 员工福利计划 三、考试地点 考区 北京 天津 上海 武汉 广州 成都 合肥 西安 考试中心 中央财经大学 南开大学 复旦大学 武汉大学 中山大学 西南财经大学 中国科学技术大学 西安交通大学 联系电话 010-62288158/62288156/13381412909 13072232967 021-55665146/65642341/13818889826 027-68752134/18971480365 020-84114060/18620907703 028-87352399 0551-63607241/13215698056 029–82656851/13772069342 2 重庆 南京 大连 济南 长沙 厦门 哈尔滨 重庆大学 南京大学 大连理工大学 山东大学 湖南大学 厦门大学 黑龙江大学 023-65678620/13883302157 025-83593881 0411-84706101-605/13998500066 0531-88364894/13806409823 0731-88684770/13975804736 0592-2181450/18959218870 0451-86604652/13796002792 备注:加拿大滑铁卢大学考试中心考试安排另行通知 四、考试报名 考试报名包括网上报名和报名确认两个阶段。 (一)网上报名 网上报名时间:8 月 1 日至 9 月 10 日。 报名网址:中国精算师协会网站(www.e-caa.org.cn)。 (二)报名确认 为保证考生报名信息提交成功, 考生须向所报考考区考试中心确 认网上报名信息并缴费。 1、报名确认时间与方式 报名确认分为现场确认和邮寄确认两种方式。 现场确认时间:9 月 11 日至 9 月 15 日 邮寄确认时间:9 月 6 日至 9 月 10 日 考生可在报名确认时间内直接到向所报考考区考试中心现场确...
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...Case 09-7 A2 Auto Corporation Impairment A2 Auto Corporation (“A2 Auto”) is one of the world’s largest manufacturers and distributors of automobiles and automobile ancillary parts operating in the Asia Pacific and American Markets. A2 Auto’s automotive operations include the design, manufacture, assembly, and sale of passenger cars, recreational and sport-utility vehicles, minivans and trucks, and related parts and accessories. In its Form 10-K, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), A2 Auto has disclosed within Note 24, Segment Information, that it has four operating segments: (1) A2 Americas, (2) A2 Asia Pacific, (3) A2 Others, and (4) Financial Services. Note 12, Goodwill and Other Intangibles, discloses that A2 Auto has the same four reporting units. The following is disclosed within Note 11, Impairment of Long-Lived Assets, of A2 Auto’s 2010 Form 10-K: 1. On the basis of the assumptions underlying the acceleration of our strategy refocus, we project a decline in net cash flows for the A2 Americas segment, primarily reflecting lower market share assumptions, capacity reductions, and other aspects of our accelerated plan. As a result, in the third quarter of 2010, we tested the long-lived assets of this segment for recoverability and recorded a pretax impairment charge of $1.76 billion in automotive cost of sales, representing the amount by which the carrying value of these assets exceeded their fair value. 2. During the third quarter of 2010, we also...
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...Health & Clinical Psychology Healthy Living Stress Dysfunctional Behaviour Disorders [pic] [pic] [pic] Contents • Objectives for the Health and Clinical Psychology module 6 • What is Health Psychology? Careers in Health Psychology 7 • Unit G543: Health and Clinical Psychology 8 • Exemplar exam paper 9 PART A – INFORMATION TO HELP EVALUATE STUDIES • Evaluation sheet for the theories/studies of Health Psychology 10 • Guide for answering part A & part B exam questions 11 PART B – HEALTHY LIVING • Introduction to Healthy Living 14 • Theories of Health Belief 17 • Compliance with a Medical Regime for Asthma (Becker 1978) 18 • Internal versus External Locus of Control (Rotter 1966) 21 • Analysis of Self-Efficacy Theory of Behavioural Change (Bandura and Adams 1977) 23 • Summary of the health belief theories 26 • Comprehension questions for theories of health belief 27 • Part A exam question 28 • Part B exam question 29 • Evaluation sheet of health belief theories/studies 30 Introduction to Health Promotion 31 • Theories of Health Promotion • Chip pan fire prevention (Cowpe 1983) 32 • Legislation-Bicycle helmet laws and educational campaigns (Dannenberg et al. 1993) 34 • Effects of Fear arousal (Janis & Feshbeck 1953) 37 • Summary of the health...
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...Assessment 1 04. The highest levels of insolation are found in the areas where there is a lower amount of cloud cover because if there is a lower amount of cloud then less insolation is reflected back into space. The highest rate of insolation is over Egypt. Over oceans the level of insolation decreases with increasing latitude both north and south of the equator. This is because of the decreasing angle of incidence of the sun, and so lower amounts of insolation occur. Over land it’s a lot different. Areas on the equator have lower amounts of insolation than areas both north and south, despite the higher angle of incidence. This is due to higher levels of cloud cover in these areas which reflect higher amounts back into space. The rate of insolation given decreases more rapidly in the southern hemisphere compared to the northern hemisphere. This is because there is a much larger cloud cover in the southern hemisphere due to there being more sea on the surface that provides an increase in water vapour for clouds. 05. Thermosphere – temperatures rise rapidly with height, perhaps to reach 1500°C. This is due to an increasing proportion of atomic oxygen in the atmosphere. Which like ozone, absorbs incoming ultra-violet radiation. Mesosphere – temperatures fall rapidly as there is no water vapour, cloud, dust, or ozone to absorb incoming radiation. This layer experiences the atmospheres lowest temperatures (-90°C) and strongest winds (nearly 300km/hour). The mesopause, like...
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...Globalisation plan Asses the view that the process of globalisation has led to changes in both the amount of crime and types of crime committed (21 marks) AO1As Held et al suggests, globalisation has led to major changes in the amount and types of crimes throughout the world. He States globalisation has not only bought legitimate activities into being but also bought about the spread of transnational organised crime and other new crime opportunities. E.g castells argues that there is now a global criminal economy worth over £1 trillion per anum such as arms trafficking, trafficking in women & children, cybercrimes, green crimes and many more. Thus globalisation has given birth to many new crimes throughout the world. | AO2Globalisation has not only created new crimes but it has also created many insecurities among the world which sociologists call a mentality of “risk consciousness” where risk is tied global not just in one area. E.g increased movement of economic migrants seeking work or asylum seekers fleeing persecution has given rise to anxieties among populations in western countries about crime, disorder & need to protect borders. Due to globalisation and the media’s over exaggeration of dangers we may face has led to many insecurities in our world today. | AO1Taylor who comes from a socialist’s perspective would argue globalisation has led to many changes in the pattern and extent of crime. For example, he stated that globalisation has allowed transnational...
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...Week 1 Assignment 2 Basic Economic Concepts Principles of Macro-Economics Shacara Wyatt South University Online Absolute and Comparative Advantage An absolute advantage is the ability to produce a good or service while using minimum resources than any other producers (Hall & Liberman, 2014). The benefits of the international trade from absolute advantage is the fact that each country has an advantage in various goods and services. This advantage also has benefits for international trade, individuals have the opportunity to improve their economic welfare by making themselves specialized in the production of good or service that the nation has an absolute advantage and then exporting the goods and services to the other countries (Hall &Liberman). Which results in them having the availability to import goods or services from those countries that had an absolute advantage in producing those goods (Hall & Liberman, 2014). “Invisible Hand” Invisible hand is a phrase used by Adam Smith to explain how people in the market, in order to pursue their self-interest, are led by an “invisible hand” to promote the well-being of the entire community (Baumol & Blinder, 2014). Invisible hand has an important role in making decisions, as in a competitive market in which consumers have a choice to pick their product. Circular Flow Model components * Household: Households get income from factor market by selling their land, labor, and capital entrepreneurship. They...
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...Cody Unit 1 Assignment 2 I was also surprised with my high creativity score. I have never considered myself very creative. I always assume I can’t come up with something from scratch; I need something to build onto. The more I think of it though I always seem to get required things done even if I don’t have much experience or knowledge of the subject. It is my drive I am assuming that enables me to achieve my requirements. My lack of full self-confidence came as a surprise with a score of eighty-five indicating considerable stress when my expectations aren’t met. I have a tendency to put off many things that would advance my career and bring me feelings of success but I have a hard time believing that because going back to school for my Bachelor’s was a choice I made for the simple fact to advance my career. Maybe up until this point in my life I may have had those tendencies thinking my previous two positions were where I should be but not at my full potential. The assessment also showed that I dawdle on some projects or tasks and tend to be over attentive to details on other tasks. I assume that is just my way of knowing my priorities. Scoring in the middle doesn’t seem too bad to me even though I have room to improve I am not at the bottom recognizing that I do take the time to negotiate and listen to all views. I will argue my case to show the merits of my position but I try to avoid arguments to do...
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...Module 3 Assignment 2 One crime Mary Jones had been previously charged with is resisting arrest. In N.Y. State PEN. LAW § 205.30 resisting arrest is defined as: A person is guilty of resisting arrest when he intentionally prevents or attempts to prevent a police officer or peace officer from effecting an authorized arrest of himself or another person. Resisting arrest is a class A misdemeanor. Jones has had several run-ins with law enforcement. I believe that the society in which Mary Jones has become accustom to have had a profound effect on her behavior. Because of her drug use I believe that she steals and prostitutes herself in order to have money for the drugs she has become addicted to. The government must protect the rights of the suspect in any case. One way in which this happens is through the Fourth Amendment, which protects people from being investigated unless there is good reason for the officer to suspect they have broken the law. In the case at hand, when Officer Marconi approached the area he saw a woman matching the description given by the store manager, and carrying what appeared to be clothing. He recognized the suspect as Mary Jones, someone he had previous dealings with. Because of the past history with the suspect, Officer Marconi was aware of the potential problems that could take place so he called for backup. When he asked the suspect to stop she started running. Officer Marconi caught up with her quickly, but Jones struggled with Officer...
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...Prayer in Public Schools Derrick DuHart Race, Religion, Culture Arkansas Baptist College Dr. Johnson, Instructor November 4, 2014 Tables of Contents I. Introduction Background/Statement of Problems pg. 3-4 Purpose of the Study pg. 5-12 Research Questions pg. 13 Significance of the Study pg. 14-19 II. Literature Review Methodology and Sampling Design Strategy pg. 20 Data Collection Procedures pg. 20 Data Analyzed pg. 21 Ethical Issues pg. 21 III. Results Conclusion pg. 21-22 References pg. 23 Appendix: I. Annotated Bibliography pg. 24-26 II. Survey Questions pg. 27 III. Results (Charted/Tables) pg. 28-31 Notes: I. Introduction Background/Statement of Problem Prayer in Public Schools The courts have ruled against prayer in school. Many agree with the decision; yet many disagree. Prayer should be allowed in public schools because it is already practiced. It prevents...
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...CJA105 AUO Introduction to Criminal Justice M3 A2 Marital rape is one of the most under reported crimes in the western hemisphere. The common thought is how can the husband take something that belongs to him? Rape by someone you have been sexually intimate with is often not seen as “real rape”. Such attitudes are based on the premise that having given initial consent, the woman is not free to withdraw it. In a study done by Diana Russell, rape in marriage is the most common yet most neglected area of sexual violence. In a 1985 study, it is estimated that 100 to 14 percent of all married women have been or will be raped by their spouses. A study done in the 1980’s, on juvenile girls caused shock when the figures came in . Teen dating often involves rape and sexual assault, and it continues to be on the rise. 1 in 10 high school students have experienced dating violence and nearly 22% of college students. As I looked for a specific case, I began to notice something… I can’t find any. I cannot find anything in the US. You want to know why? Do I need to reiterate it? When a victim goes to file a report, to press charges and the Detectives say, “The Prosecutor will not go any further than this because you did, (such and such) before. What recourse does she have? If she has the stamina, she can leave him. If not, she lives in the hell her marriage has become. Although marital rape happens more than it should in American society, I have found that it is rampant with foreign...
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...> Compare the way writers present the forces of destructive love in Othello, Tess of the d’Urbervilles and A View from the Bridge. > > Shakespeare, Hardy and Miller present the forces destructive love in a variety of different ways, key ways include; through the use of literary terminology, representation of characters and symbolic themes of culture/society at the time. It is often portrayed within a mixture of other categories of love; patriarchal, romantic and unrequited intertwined with the most prominent themes of fate, family and tragedy. > > In terms of form, structure and context; Shakespeare has chosen the form of a play for his story of Othello therefore being divided into Acts and Scenes which develops the undertone of drama allowing for 'cliffhanger' endings, which when portrayed in the theater is positively reviewed by the audience. For example the first known performance in November 1604 at Whitehall Palace, which then created widespread delight causing the play to move across England. Perhaps the play was so greatly beloved due to the time in which it was written, as it came into the Jacobean period (when King James I ruled England) as the period of delight during Elizabethan times (due to War Victory) was over and so the tone of the play will be keeping well with the tone of the time between the reigns. It will also be coinciding with the theme of War as the play is set in the backdrop of Wars between Venice and Turkey when in reality the Spanish Armada will...
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...Using material from item 2b and elsewhere assess the Marxist view that the main role of the family is to serve the interests of capitalism. Marxism is a conflict theory which sees all society’s institutions, such as the education system, the media, religion and the state, as helping to main class inequality and capitalism. For Marxists, therefore, the functions of the family are performed solely for the benefit of the capitalist system. This view contrasts sharply with the functionalist view that the family benefits both society as a whole and the individual members of the family. First of all one reason in which the family does serve capitalism, is through the origin of the family. Engels argued that the need for the family arose when society started to value private property. With the rise of private property an organised system of inheritance became necessary. This serves capitalism, because if land and fortunes are inherited, inequality will be reproduced, in that middle class families can pass on more property to their family. Whilst the working class have little if anything to pass down to their family. This goes against everything to do with communism as they believe that property and earning should be shared. Therefore, this shows that the family serves capitalism. Engels also argued that monogamy arose. This was so that the farther knew who their offspring was, so that they could pass their property down to them....
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...Facts: A2 Auto Corporation is one of the world’s largest manufacturers and distributors of automobiles and automobile ancillary parts. In its Form 10-K, filed with the SEC, the following information was disclosed. First, on the basis of assumptions underlying the acceleration of the Company’s strategy refocus, management projects a decline in the net cash flows for the A2 Americas segment. As a result, in the third quarter of 2010, management has tested the long-lived assets of this segment for recoverability. They recorded a pretax impairment charge of $1.76 billion in cost of sales. Secondly, during the third quarter of 2010, management also reviewed their business plan for the Alpha and Beta operating units. These units projected lower sales, a decline in net cash flows, and currency exchange deterioration. As a result, they tested the long-lived assets of these units for recoverability and recorded a pretax impairment loss of $1.28 billion. Lastly, during 2009, management updated their Asia Pacific Improvement Plan for the Alpha and Beta operating units. They projected a decline in net cash flows for these units based on market projections that reflected the recent market performance for Alpha. As a result, management tested the long-lived assets for impairment and recorded a pretax impairment charge of $1.04 billion. After this 10-K was filed with the SEC, the SEC responded to the Company and required them to explain the inconsistencies of this reporting....
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