...“Assess the usefulness of realist approaches in understanding crime and deviance” In your answer you should make use of material from the following areas; Religion, Education, Mass Media, Family & Households etc. Both left and right wing sociologists have attempted to develop ‘realistic’ theories of crime which offer practical solutions in dealing with the issue. However, the way these two approaches go about this is radically different, as right and left realism are from completely opposite ends of the political spectrum. Although like all sociological/criminological theories, they have their limitations and flaws, both approaches have proven useful in understanding crime and deviance for a number of reasons. The origins of left realism lie in the desire to move away from “pure theory” to something which can be utilised and applied practically in order to solve the problem of crime in Britain. Left realism is particularly useful in understanding crime and deviance because it avoids the age old divisions between structure and action. Instead, left realism sets out an agenda which contains all levels of analysis, both macro and micro. Young, Lea and Matthews for example, suggest that in order to truly understand and deal with crime, the interplay between macro and micro factors need to be considered alongside each other in what they call “the square of crime”. In essence, this means that when investigating the problem of crime, sociologists should consider the roles of...
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...the reporting time. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT KOZHIKODE POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME OFFICE End-Term Examinations (PGP 17, Term-III, 2013-15) Seating Plan Course Venue C2 C3 C4 FM-II OM-II CC1 CC2 C1 A1 A2 Section-A 01-15 16-27 28-38 39-62, D/205,219 Section-B 63-77 78-87 88-97 98-125 D/180,238 Roll Numbers Section-C Section-D 126-139 140-149 150-160 161-188 D/324 189-209 210-224 225-238 239-250 357-359 Section-E Section-F 251-270 271-284 285-298 299-304 360-361 FPM 2-5 305-324 325-338 339-352 353-356 362-364 FPM 8-11 Venue CC2 C3 EM MM-II IE C4 A1 A2 C1 C2 CC1 Section-A 01-33 34-48 49-62 D/205, 219 Section-B 63-95 96-111 112-125 D/180 Roll Numbers Section-C Section-D Section-E Section-F 126-146 147-167 168-188 D/111 189-210 212-232 233-250 357-359 251-271 272-304 360-361 FPM 2-5 305-325 326-356 362-364 FPM 8-11 Venue CC1 C4 C3 HRM C2 C1 A2 A1 CC2 Section-A 01-30 31-41 42-51 52-62 D/205,219 Section-B 63-91 92-101 102-111 112-125 D/180 Roll Numbers Section-C Section-D 126-153 154-163 164-175 176-188 D/324 189-203 204-218 219-232 233-250 357-359 Section-E Section-F 251-264 265-278 279-292 293-304 360-361 FPM 2-5 305-318 319-332 333-346 347-356 362-364 FPM 8-11 Course Venue A1 A2 C1 Section-A 01-15 16-30 31-44 45-62 D/219...
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...IMSE561/EMGT525 - TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND SIX SIGMA HOMEWORK-6 Name: Shyam V.H Karumanchi UM ID 0833-3824 Question 1: Describe the design procedure for robust design REFERENCES: 1. Chapter 20 Quality engineering lecture notes Products and services should be designed to be inherently defect free and of high quality. Robustness The product or process performs its intended function well within user profiles and insensitive to the variation including: Variation in production Differences in materials Differences in users or operators aging of the product or process, and the product or process accomplishes this without major cost impact. General procedure for robust design 1. Problem Formulation: This step consists of identifying the main function, developing the P-diagram, defining the ideal function and S/N ratio, and planning the experiments. The experiments involve changing the control, noise and signal factors systematically using orthogonal arrays. 2. Data Collection/Simulation: The experiments may be conducted in hardware or through simulation. It is not necessary to have a full-scale model of the product for the purpose of experimentation. It is sufficient and more desirable to have an essential model of the product that adequately captures the design concept. Thus, the experiments can be done more economically. 3. Factor Effects Analysis: The effects of the control factors are calculated in this step and the results are analyzed to select optimum setting of the...
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...2014 年秋季中国精算师资格考试公告 中精协发〔2014〕19 号 中国精算师资格考试是中国保险监督管理委员会主办的国家级 职业资格考试,委托中国精算师协会组织实施。现将 2014 年秋季中 国精算师资格考试的有关事项公告如下: 一、开考科目 本次开考中国精算师资格考试准精算师部分 A1~A8 科目; 精算 师部分 F3、F4、F5、F8 及 F10 科目。具体开考科目如下: 科目代码 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 数学 金融数学 精算模型 经济学 寿险精算 非寿险精算 会计与财务 精算管理 科目 科目代码 F3 F4 F5 F8 F10 科目 个人寿险与年金精算实务 员工福利计划 非寿险实务 投资学 健康保险 二、考试时间 日期 时间 上午 9:00-12:00 10 月 18 日 下午 2:00-5:00 10 月 19 日 上午 9:00-12:00 A1 数学 A2 金融数学 A4 经济学 考试科目 1 下午 2:00-5:00 上午 8:30-12:30 10 月 20 日 下午 2:00-5:00 上午 8:30-12:30 10 月 21 日 下午 2:00-5:00 上午 8:30-12:30 10 月 22 日 下午 2:00-5:00 上午 8:30-12:30 10 月 23 日 下午 2:00-5:00 10 月 24 日 上午 8:30-12:30 A7 会计与财务 F5 非寿险实务 A3 精算模型 F3 个人寿险与年金精算实务 A5 寿险精算 F8 投资学 A6 非寿险精算 F10 健康保险 A8 精算管理 F4 员工福利计划 三、考试地点 考区 北京 天津 上海 武汉 广州 成都 合肥 西安 考试中心 中央财经大学 南开大学 复旦大学 武汉大学 中山大学 西南财经大学 中国科学技术大学 西安交通大学 联系电话 010-62288158/62288156/13381412909 13072232967 021-55665146/65642341/13818889826 027-68752134/18971480365 020-84114060/18620907703 028-87352399 0551-63607241/13215698056 029–82656851/13772069342 2 重庆 南京 大连 济南 长沙 厦门 哈尔滨 重庆大学 南京大学 大连理工大学 山东大学 湖南大学 厦门大学 黑龙江大学 023-65678620/13883302157 025-83593881 0411-84706101-605/13998500066 0531-88364894/13806409823 0731-88684770/13975804736 0592-2181450/18959218870 0451-86604652/13796002792 备注:加拿大滑铁卢大学考试中心考试安排另行通知 四、考试报名 考试报名包括网上报名和报名确认两个阶段。 (一)网上报名 网上报名时间:8 月 1 日至 9 月 10 日。 报名网址:中国精算师协会网站(www.e-caa.org.cn)。 (二)报名确认 为保证考生报名信息提交成功, 考生须向所报考考区考试中心确 认网上报名信息并缴费。 1、报名确认时间与方式 报名确认分为现场确认和邮寄确认两种方式。 现场确认时间:9 月 11 日至 9 月 15 日 邮寄确认时间:9 月 6 日至 9 月 10 日 考生可在报名确认时间内直接到向所报考考区考试中心现场确...
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...Sociology A-Level This bridging work MUST be completed by the time you start your course and it will be assessed in September. The aims are for you to be ready to start learning at post 16 level. What do you do in your first year? Exam Board: AQA - all exam, no coursework. At AS two units are taught; Unit 1 Families & Households (40% of AS) Unit 2: Research methods in context to education (60% of AS). Summer Bridging Work- ESSENTIAL Research topic: Is the position of men and women in the family equal? The Division of labour refers to the roles that men and women occupy within the family. Many types of division of labour exist and have changed over time. Task 1: Research the following types of division of labour and complete the table: Type of Division of labour | Definition | Statistics or studies that support the type of division of labour | Instrumental role | | | Expressive role | | | Segregated role | | | Joint conjugal role | | | Symmetrical family | | | Patriarchal family | | | Matriarchal family | | | Dual burden | | | Triple shift | | | Find out the following: What are the definitions for each type of division of labour? Research either statistical evidence or sociological research that supports each type of division of labour – the evidence does not need to be recent. Create a table as seen above. Task 2: Write two statements; for and against the question “Is the position of men and women in the...
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...Using examples discuss the strengths and weaknesses of interactionist research methods. Part B One method of research used by Interactionists is known as the un-structured interview. They are less strict than an ordinary interview and are similar to that of an everyday conversation. Although it will be based around a specific subject or topic it allows the interviewee to go deeper into the question and give a more in-depth opinion. Unstructured interviews are commonly, open-ended and flexible as they can go beyond the question. (reference) whilst having an specific topic for the overall direction of the interview’s structure the flexibleness of the style can enter areas which may not be or have seemed not to be important. Although unstructured interviews are helpful they do hold some weakness, firstly the process can be expensive and take a great amount of time for discussion with more than just one person to improve reliability. A great deal of time is also spent in collecting and analysing the answers given afterwards due to key words, progression of trends and so on. Furthermore it is known that some participants to put themselves in a favourable position to the reality. Lastly it can be difficult to separate bias from opinion if the interviewer becomes friendly with the interviewee. However in comparison to this, it allows the interviewer the opportunity to come across in a more friendly and open manner than an appearance which may make the interviewee feel tense...
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...set against other theeories * Social policy and Left Realist ideas LO2 – Understand debates within feminist criminology LO2.1 – Analyse feminist positions in criminology Again materials will be presented and discussed in class. You will need to consider: * Feminist explanations as ‘woman centred’ * Are women really more law-abiding than men? * Do women commit crimes for the same reason as men? * Are women becoming more criminal? * The concept of ‘masculinities’. Can masculinity be used to explain all crimes? * Do other factors influence offending? * Is the criminal justice system (CJS) gendered? * What impact has feminism had upon criminology? Useful sources of information Kidd et al (2004) Sociology A2 for OCR: Heinemann pp.42-43 Hale et al (2005) Criminology: Oxford pp.345-365 LO4 Understand debates regarding the state of criminology LO4.1 Analyse the state of criminological development LO4.2 Compare and contrast criminological theories You will be able to draw from the range of theories that you have...
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...AQA A2 Sociology revision Unit 3 (SCLY3) Beliefs in Society (scroll down to find SCLY4) 1. Non-religious belief systemsIdeology, science, hegemony, pluralism, patriarchy, falsification theory and paradigms 2. Defining religion and measuring religiositySubstantive and functional definitionsGiddens' and Durkheim's definitionsWays of measuring religiosity (attendance figures, the census)Problems of measurement - Davie. 3. Functionalism and religionDurkheim, Parsons, Malinowski, BellahReligion as a conservative force 4. Marxism and religionMarx and EngelsReligion as a conservative force (Marx)Religion as an initiator of change (Engels) 5. Neo-Marxism and religionGramsci, Maduro, TurnerReligion as an initiator of change 6. Feminism and religionDe Beauvoir, El Saadawi, WatsonReligion as a conservative force 7. Weber and religionHistorical study - Calvinism, LutheranismModern view - rationalisationReligion as a past initiator of change 8. Postmodernism and religionLyon, Bauman 9. Religious fundamentalismDefinitions, examples, links to secularisation 10. Religious participationBy social group (age, ethnicity, gender and social class) 11. Religious organisationsChurch, cult, sect, denominationTroeltsch, Weber, Stark & BainbridgeWallis - NRMsReasons for NRM turnover 12. SecularisationArguments for - Wilson, Weber, Bruce (etc)Arguments against - Durkheim, Parsons, ArmstrongProblems of measuring secularisation - Davie NEW: my A2 students have produced brief summaries...
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...Positivism means “scientific” and positivist methodologies argue it’s possible and desirable to study social behaviour in ways similar to those used by natural scientists to study behaviour in the natural world. Positivism A basic principle is that social systems consist of structures that exist independently of individuals; they represent behaviour at the institutional level of society and people experience structures as forces that push us to behave in ways that shape our individual behavioural choices. Example: The rules of language structure the way we socially interact. Systems Actions The forces shaping social behaviour can be discovered using similar methods to those used in sciences such as Physics - systematic observations that create highly reliable knowledge, organised and tested using something like Popper’s HypotheticoDeductive model of research. Study of the causes of behaviour (social structures) rather than their effects (the different choices people make). Structures are real and objective forces; although they can’t be seen, their effects can be (empirically) observed. Reality Methods Quantitative methods are generally favoured because they allow for the collection of factual data. Objectivity Facts The researcher should not directly interact with the people they are studying since this might influence their behaviour (non-participant observation is acceptable, but participant observation is more problematic)...
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...Analyst information intermediation – private and public information –and the central role of knowledge and social forces in economic processes in the ‘market for information’. John Holland, University of Glasgow, Jo Danbolt, University of Edinburgh, Lei Chen, University of Keele. John Holland, University of Glasgow, The Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Main Building, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland Abstract: This paper develops a model of the information intermediation role of analysts in the ‘market for information’ (MFI). It illustrates how the same type of ‘soft’ intangibles information changes as it progresses through analyst information intermediation processes. The latter concern: company disclosure; analyst acquisition and analysis of company information; analyst reporting processes; and market impacts. The common information concerns ‘soft’ or qualitative information about the company intellectual capital (IC) or intangibles in the company business model. Banks and bank analysts are used as examples. Knowledge, social and economic factors in the wider ‘market for information’ (MFI) are shown to be major influences on ‘soft information’ and how it changes in analyst information intermediation processes. Negative knowledge and social factors play a role in weakening and eventually destabilising economic processes in analyst and the MFI. They were important factors in creating knowledge and information problems in analysts and the MFI, both ongoing...
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...How Society Works – Lecture Notes Sep, 11, 2012 Introduction to Classical Social theory * “Theories in sociology are abstract, general ideas that help organize and make sense of the social world” (attempt to link idea’s with actual events) * Classical social theory (1840s – 1920s) – The enlightenment, political revolution (American revolution, French revolution), the industrial revolution * American and French revolution inspired more widespread adoption of democratic principle and rights of citizens * Industrial revolution caused dramatic, rapid urbanization, changes in family relations, gender relations, increased secularization * Classical social theorist and macro and micro theorists – macro are interested are in social theory that can explain huge social phenomenon’s (past and future), micro are interested in smaller scale phenomenon’s * Emile Durkheim was a positivist, saw society as analogous to a body, concerned with social solidarity, and developed the idea of the ‘social fact’ * Social Solidarity: division of labour Organic: present in modern societies, high dynamic density, high degree of labour specialization (works like a human body, everything works together with high specialization) Mechanical: present in traditional societies, low dynamic density , low degree of labour specialization (works like gears, works together to complete society) * Similarities of Social Solidarity: Conscience collective similar ideas...
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...Draft An End in Itself and a Means to Good Ends: Draft Why Income Equality is Important Arthur MacEwan[1] March 2009 “The social system is not an unchangeable order beyond human control but a pattern of human action.”—John Rawls (1971, p. 102) In recent years “poverty reduction” has become the watchword in development agencies, in international lending institutions, and among development economists generally. The focus on poverty reduction reached a high point perhaps with the articulation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and with the extensive analytic work that has accompanied the MDGs.[2] Yet, much of the discussion of poverty reduction and economic development in low and middle income countries has either ignored the issue of income distribution or has tended to view income distribution only in terms of its impact on economic growth. Poverty and inequality, however, are intimately bound up with one another.[3] Both as an analytic issue and as a policy issue, there are severe limitations in attempting to deal with poverty – or, more broadly, with economic well-being – without also examining income inequality. Indeed, it is questionable that we can even define poverty independently of income distribution. In this essay, I want to develop the argument that economists and economic policy-makers should focus much greater attention on inequality as measured by the distribution of income (and wealth). The traditional...
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...CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS CSR? eople create organizations to leverage their collective resources in pursuit of common goals. As organizations pursue these goals, they interact with others inside a larger context called society. Based on their purpose, organizations can be classified as for-profits, governments, or nonprofits. At a minimum, for-profits seek gain for their owners; governments exist to define the rules and structures of society within which all organizations must operate; and nonprofits (sometimes called NGOs—nongovernmental organizations) emerge to do social good when the political will or the profit motive is insufficient to address society’s needs. Aggregated across society, each of these different organizations represents a powerful mobilization of resources. In the United States, for example, more than 595,000 social workers are employed largely outside the public sector—many in the nonprofit community and medical organizations—filling needs not met by either government or the private sector.1 Society exists, therefore, as a mix of these different organizational forms. Each performs different roles, but each also depends on the others to provide the complete patchwork of exchange interactions (products and services, financial and social capital, etc.) that constitute a well-functioning society. Whether called corporations, companies, businesses, proprietorships, or firms, for example, for-profit organizations also interact with government, trade unions, suppliers,...
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...Secularisation is the idea that religion is going into decline – the process of becoming less religious in terms of sacred, faith and belief. Some sociologists believe that secularisation is occurring in one form or another and their aim is to explore and explain the process of secularisation, others are uncertain as to whether secularisation is happening, and the rest see a transformation to a different type of religious practise happening, like an evolution of religion, rather than a decline in it. Woodhead and Heelas have identified two views of the secularisation process – The disappearance thesis – where religion has gone into decline because of modernity, and been over taken by other parts of life such as the media. They’ve called this the death of religion, and believe it will continue to decline until it has fully disappeared. This opposes view that religion remains constant. The second thesis is the differentiation thesis – where they believe that religion isn’t going into decline fully because people are still religious but in different forms – public religion is less significant but it has transformed into a private expression of religion as it does no longer influence the major institutions in society, such as the family and education, so it is not so apparent in wider society but still important in peoples every day private lives. This supports the view that religion remains constant. It is also important to note that Bruce does not see that secularisation is a...
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...------------------------------------------------- Religion in a Global Context For secularisation theory, modernisation undermines religion. The importance of science and technology in economic development, and the rational worldview on which they depend, are seen as destroying belief in the supernatural. On the other hand, religion may contribute to development, as Weber argued in the case of the protestant ethic (AO2 – Gordon Marshall and Peter Berger). More recently, sociologists have examined what role religion may play in development in today’s globalising world. Religion and Development Meera Nanda - God and Globalisation in India Globalisation has brought rising prosperity to India’s new middle class. Nanda’s book ‘God and Globalisation’ examines the role of Hinduism, the religion of 85% of the population, in legitimating both the rise of a new Hindu ‘ultra-nationalism’ and the prosperity of the Indian middle class. Hindusim and Consumerism Globalisation has created a huge and prosperous, scientifically educated, urban middle class in India, working in IT, Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology sectors closely tied into the global economy. According to Inglehart and Norris, these are precisely the people whom secularisation theory predicts will be the first to abandon religion in favour of a Secular View (AO2). Yet as Nanda Observes, a vast majority of this class continue to believe in the supernatural. A survey by the ‘Centre for the Study of developing Societies...
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