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Business Communication at Work


Submitted By minnie23
Words 449
Pages 2
Business Communication at Work
Marie Henkel
Charzeta Spencer
May 8, 2012

Business communication is the key to running a successful business. In today’s society people communicate generally through technology, no one really talks face to face anymore. The way many business gain recognition is through social networks such as facebook and linked in. Technology is the new trend of communication, society uses technology to communicate through Iphones, and computers. I am currently looking for a job, so communication plays a big role in my everyday life. In today’s society in order to gain employment a person must network his or herself through means of the internet. When a person networks his or herself it has to be done through online applications, job seeking, and resume writing. For example, first a person would type in local job search, this will give a list of job search engines (monster, jax jobs, and remedy staffing), then after clicking on a search engine the person will be guided through local companies hiring and how to apply. Very few business’s now a days except paper applications, this way the company can pick and choose people based on a resume and the company does not have to be bothered by people constantly calling to check the status of his or her application. The internet also provides people with specific tools for helping write resumes or just gain skills needed to impress employer. This is the way I must communicate very day in order to find a job. The new form of communicating is in some ways more convienent, for example, I have a five month old son and a ten year old son so I do not have a lot of free time to try and find a job. I can sit at home while my oldest son is at school and my baby is taking a nap and apply for jobs. The new form of communication also helps me improve my skills on the computer which is very important

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