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Business Ethics Module


Submitted By bb22
Words 673
Pages 3
BHL 6016, Contemporary and International Issues in Business Ethics

TOTAL Assessment: 2 pieces of coursework – 6000 words

The assessment is 100% coursework which will be in two parts each worth 50%.

Coursework 2:

An Essay:

“The right to freedom of conscience is justified by the interest we have in remaining true to our religious and moral convictions” Velasquez M (2012:427)

(Source: Velasquez, Manuel, G. 7th Ed., 2012, Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, Prentice Hall.)

Discuss this statement and consider how the phenomenon of “whistleblowing” may be minimised within a company with reference to the following:

The legitimate rights of the company, its shareholders and fellow employees

The way in which a company is organised

Consider how the following Ethical Theories may inform this issue:

Utilitarian Theory, Kantian Theory, An Ethic of Care, Virtue Ethics

NB illustrate your discussion with relevant and summarised examples

There will be dedicated tutorial time for discussion

Word count for Coursework 2

3,000 words total

Hand In Details for Coursework 2

Hard copies to be handed into the Izone on the stated date and electronic copies in to turnitin (one submission only)

Date of submission: on the last Friday of the Spring Term (27th March 2015)

NB. dates will be finalised as soon the assessment has been reviewed by external examiner.

Learning outcomes for Coursework 2

❖ Apply ethical reasoning to a range of contemporary business issues.

❖ Critically discuss the social and philosophical nature of ethics within a business context.

❖ Critically examine the contexts and contemporary debates of responsible business

Guidance for Coursework 2:
The Harvard system of referencing must be used
Reading: please refer to reading list below

• References should be given in the text

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