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Business Ethics Reflection


Submitted By terisa0910
Words 597
Pages 3
I picked an article from Wall Street Journal. There were some opinions from doctors’ point of view, which was about whether doctors and patients should be Facebook friends. The discussion was in terms of how to be ethical when doctors dealt with the relationship with patients. Along with the rapid development of information technology, the social-media like Facebook and Twitter attracted more and more users, especially for young generation, and doctors and patients were no exception. These communication media application brought convenience to people, and it promoted the interpersonal activities. However, there was a boundary between professional and personal. If users use this kind of media inappropriately, their privacy would possibly be invaded.
The relationship between doctors and patients was related to ethical issue, because it showed that “The doctor–patient relationship forms one of the foundations of contemporary medical ethics, which is to maintain a professional rapport with patients, uphold patients’ dignity, and respect their privacy” (“ Doctor–patient relationship”). Doctors and patients are in a cooperative relationship. Regularly, when patient went to hospital or clinic to consult about themselves, doctors had responsibility to give instructions or prescription to patient. This was the doctors’ job, and patients just needed to follow what was doctors’ suggestion. This cooperative relationship was based on the exchange, which referred to doctors’ diagnosis and patients’ consulting fee. During the period of doctor’s responsibility, in my opinion, these behaviors were ethical. But, actually, people had this consciousness that the more communicate with doctors, the more benefit for patients. There was no specific ethically right or wrong, which depended on how you treated an issue. According to the textbook, “It has been said that ethics is

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