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Business Letter Sample


Submitted By aalmrf
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SAMPLE Research Proposal Letter (Business Letter Format)-remove before printing
Sally Smith
2007 Lake Circle
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 28 October 2009
Mrs. Jackson
Spain Park High School
4700 Jaguar Drive
Hoover, AL 35242 Dear Mrs. Jackson:
Every year I have the wonderful opportunity to write a research paper for English. (Your person’s name), the person who… (briefly state their scandal), will be the focus of my upcoming paper. *Here is where you need to add two to three sentences of additional information about the person to prove to me that you know their scandal.* I will compare/contrast how Hester Prynne and (your person’s name) were both shunned by scandal. Remember to remove the * and any of my notes!
I understand that the research paper is to be my own personal work. I am not permitted to have the same modern individual as anyone else in the class. Plagiarism is the action of using, without due acknowledgement, the thoughts, scholarship, or inventions of another person. I agree to provide enough information in my paper so that the reader can identify and refer to all the sources I have used in writing my research paper. I will turn in photocopies of all sources. I understand that all word-for-word quotations, any summaries, and any borrowed ideas that are paraphrased or mentioned must have cited sources. I understand that plagiarism or turning in another person’s work at Spain Park High School will result in a zero for the assignment, and may result in disciplinary action by the school.
I have acknowledged and recorded all of my due dates in my agenda, which I use diligently for organization. I agree to bring all of my materials to class each day, and keep any whining or complaining to a minimum. I understand that I will not only be writing a research paper, but delivering a speech to my class, and creating/presenting a letter for the individual whom I am comparing and contrasting to Hester Prynne.
I also realize that failure to turn in this school-required research paper will result a failing grade, which will more than likely put me in summer school where I will suffer in misery. Thank you for the opportunity to write this paper, which I believe will be a learning/growth experience.
Your handwritten signature goes between the 4 spaces!-blue/black ink only!
Sally Smith

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