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Business Plan Part 2


Submitted By guccimarcc69
Words 1833
Pages 8
Business Plan Part 2 By Mark Hamilton Professor Ellis Godwin Entrepreneurship and Innovation August 16, 2014

Mission Statement Smart Vodka sees an opportunity in the spirit market place where there is a demand for our society to be more health conscious about what they eat and drink. Our mission at Smart Vodka is to provide a low calorie vodka that today’s social drinker demands. So we have created a vodka which carries a variety of flavors such as, Pineapple, Cherry, Watermelon, and lemon Lime and they all are low in calories. Our mission is to allow our customers to indulge in their cocktails and enjoy leisure times without feeling guilty about. Our society has become more health conscious and this is why we came up with the product Smart Vodka. Smart Vodka is one of a kind because he carters to all types of beverage drinkers. We have distribution all over the United State and looking to expand globally. Through our efforts to help build awareness when it comes to drinking, adding slogans to strengthen drinking responsible etched into our bottle will give our consumers something to think about while having a cocktail spirit. So drink respectively with one of a kind Smart Vodka; “Encouraging responsible decision making is a strong business model for us when promoting our premium quality brands, In fact we discourage abusive consumption of our brands and urge consumers who choose to drink to do so responsibly.” Grey Goose. Mission statement
Conduct a competitive analysis in which you explain the sources of competition, the strengths of your competitors’ companies, and the other factors affecting your ability to compete.
Competitive Analysis Smart Vodka is the only spirit company located in Cherry Hill, NJ area that focuses on low calorie alcoholic beverages that carter to a

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