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Business Process Management Case Study

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2.1. The concept of Business Process Management(BPM)
Nowadays companies and organizations are facing fast change in business environment with fast changing customer expectation, with fast changing technologies and product lifecycle, and globalization1 within a market. Now 80 percentage of products are digitals, so there is a high speed of innovation of an increasing digitization within our marketing environment, and the competition is growing and growing. Within this environment todays managers have to ensure a long term business access for their company, and in a growing marketing it is important to respond on this by investing in innovative new products, sales channels and marketing strategies. Organizations are operating in a tough market …show more content…
The history of Business Process Management
Era of scientific management2 comes to us from 19 century, in 1822 Charles Babbage developed the first automatic computing engine. In 1880 Frederick Winslow Taylor applies scientific management to improve manufacturing processes.
After Second World War
When the computer science developed in 1950th, IBM introduces 701 mainframe computer. In 1967 Mr. Williams used business process modeling to describe how techniques for understanding physical control systems could similarly be used for processes. In 70th the core of Six Sigma was born. In 1973-1974 the first documented idea for Ethernet was developed.
In 1980th the era of methodologies and document workflow was born. Ethernet was introduced to the world. Mr. Bill Smith officially introduced Six Sigma at Motorola in 1986.
The era of business process engineering came to us in 1990th, the enterprise integration begins to be used to describe computer-integrated manufacturing, operation integration, and information integration.
In the 1990's new innovations and technologies attended the way for BPM and its automatization. Workflow management was invented and new ideas brought into the BPM area. The era of business process management came to us 1999. Mr. David McCoy, he started talking about Business process …show more content…
Select the type of a model
2. Print the name of a model
3. Choose a model group where to save it
4. Create
The model is created and saved, if it is highlighted in blue color it is saved, when it is highlighted in red color it is unsaved.

• Drawing and connecting objects in a model
By using modeling toolbar to draw objects on drawing area (Figure 4. Drawing and connecting objects.). Hold your mouse pointer over the button and reading the tooltip opens.

Figure 4. Drawing and connecting objects

Start clicking from process and hold the mouse, go to activity. If something will go wrong, you can right click the object and edit it. Here you can also rename the object by using right click and rename it, or just click F2 and rename it.
• Editing Attributes of an object in a model
Right click, and press Notebook button, here u can edit all the attributes of the ADONIS notebook (Figure 5. ADONIS Notebook).
Figure 5. ADONIS Notebook

• Copy and paste objects
We can copy and paste the objects and connectors by selecting them, right-click and copy or just CTRL+C.

• Interfaces ADONIS’S offers:

1. ADL import and export
2. XML import and export
3. BPEL export

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