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Submitted By kathleeen
Words 412
Pages 2
Count of Monte Cristo
Controlling Purpose: In the novel The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas presents the idea of moral injustice through the character Edmond Dantes. Dumas presents that even the most righteous people fight against the line between good and bad but end up choosing evil over virtue. Joseph Rao Kony, who is an infamous man, demonstrates the act of moral injustice through his unethical actions. Kony kidnaps children and forces them to join his army in which he uses them to kill other people. I. In the beginning of the novel, Edmond Dantes is introduced as a trustworthy and honorable young man, which is contradictory to his personality near the end of the novel.
A. Although Dantes is displayed as a spiteful character, he was once an admirable fellow before he got unlawfully sent to prison. 1. He had just become captain of a ship and was leading a pretty decent life. He had a promising future ahead of him. 2. Baron Danglars, Fernand Mondego, and Gaspard Caderousse, who were all jealous of Dantes, plot a scheme in which they would get rid of him.
3. They decide to have him locked up in prison.
B. Dantes turns vile, seeking revenge on those who had him sent to prison. 1. Baron Danglars and Fernand Mondego are his first two targets.

Cho 2 2. Once Dantes finds out that Danglars and Mondego are leading undeserved affluent, prosperous lives, he creates different disguises and uses those disguises to strip them of their wealth and make them miserable.
II. Dumas exhibits the idea of moral injustice through Dantes’s character in which he seeks vengeance on people, knowing that he is not doing the right thing. A. After being in prison for quite a while Dantes has an abundance of scorn and thoughts of revenge swimming inside his head. 1. Since his hatred is implacable, Dantes tends be immoral and does not have any sympathy towards those he will soon seek revenge on. 2. He believes revenge will not complete what his enemies truly deserve. He believes they deserve far more than just revenge. B. Only when he drives a man crazy, makes one commit suicide, and has the other financially broke, does he finally realize that he has done wrong. 1. He realizes all his actions were heinous and immoral. 2. He abandons all thoughts of revenge and hate and goes out of his way to make things right.

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