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Impact of Technology


Submitted By topofclass
Words 1514
Pages 7
A perception of today’s society has made clear the multitude of changes in our everyday lives over the course of the last decade; arguably as a direct result of technology. We are constantly reminded of the technological advances when attempting to complete the simplest of everyday tasks, viewing entertainment, and all other various forms of entertainment. Nearly everything we do on a daily basis requires some form of technology; cell phones, emailing, vehicles, computers, even schools are all the result of technological advancements that would not have been possible without the significant strides that have been taken in both the business and scientific worlds’. Understanding that technology carries such significance in our lives, can we fathom even just one day without any form of technology?
For any business, technology impacts internal and external users alike; companies should take heed to view any new technology they want to implement from all aspects. The company should conduct research to ensure any technological changes will ultimately benefit their customers, employees, and potential customers. One of the most important things to do as a business owner is to ensure that all updated technology is done so in such a way that is conducive to new and repeat business; by maintaining customer awareness, this will aid in the IT team developing the most beneficial technological advances while also discovering new ideas for improvement. * A business should introduce a new product to customers using technology. Technology gives individuals the ability to gain experience or knowledge from an unlimited amount of resources that are available. Thanks to the internet, companies are able to reach people all over the globe. With several different outlets to reach people, companies can deliver their product via as e-mail channels, advertising on a website, or social

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...   SVS cSW cW`S ScSZ` VV SaZ [Z S S`` S^ SYaZ _`^ W[Z[cST[a``W_W^bUW_WU`[^_Z ZVS W \SU`[XWUZ[[Y [Z_W^bUWWU`[^ W \SU`[X`WUZ[[Y  ZSZZY ZVa_`^  W^bUWWU`[^ __WU`[^ ZVS`[VS SUU[aZ`_X[^[^W `SZSX[X ZVS!_  W^bUW_[^`W !`W^`S^ _WU`[^![X`WWU[Z[ U[bW^_S cVWYSa`[XSU`b`W_W`^SVZY TSZZYXZSZUWZX[`SZWZ`^WS W_`S`W`^SZ_\[^`S`[Z_WUa^`  SZSYWWZ``WUZUSU[Z_a`SZU  S[ZY_WbW^S[`W^_ €€  °@½ ¾€ n  n°° f Z_a^SZUW WU`[^ SZZY WU`[^ W^bUW _WU`[^ ZX[^S`[Z WUZ[[Y  ZVa_`^ ZSZUS W^bUW_ W`SZY  n ¾ n°° f @ f¾¾ n¾fn¯ ° –  n°¾  ¾ n ° ¾°° ff ZW[X`W^WS_[Z_X[^`W_aVVWZY^[c`Z`W _W^bUW__WU`[^Z ZVSZ`WZZW`W_cS_`W TW^S S`[ZZ`W^WYaS`[^ X^SWc[^`S` YSbW^_W`[ZZ[bS`[ZSZVYW^W \[^`_X^[ `W_W^bUW__WU`[^ `_`[VS `WS^YW_`SZVXS_`W_`Y^[cZY_WU`[^ Y[TS U[Z`^Ta`ZY[^W`[`WY[TS[a`\a` SZVW\[ ZY[^W\W[\W`SZSZ [`W^_WU`[^ ° f° n  n ° €  ¾ n ° ¾°° f   ff°  nf°  @ f f€ n°#¾ n°¯n¾f   ¾ fnf  ¾¾ ¯ ½¾n f f¾°–f°  – °¯f°nf½f °° nf°n°  ½ n  °f°#¾– ...

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Premium Essay

Impact of Technology in an Organization

...Introduction Technology has left its magical touch everywhere. Business organizations are not out of that magical touch. Organization development and technology are very closely related. Every organization leverages technology to support their overall strategy. Different organizations are using technology to a various extent. By using technology, organizations have become more efficient than organizations before them. Technology allows the organization to achieve their goals. Technological developments enable productivity allowing reorganization of organizational structure, activities and culture. In return, it greatly improves the effectiveness of the organization. However, for this to last and stay a reality, the use of technology should be leveraged at its fullest extent to maximize results. Indeed, the rise in productivity could be a result of organizations having the ability to grasp, appreciate and absorb current technological advances into their structure, creation and culture. Efficient business processes enable business ventures to save money and time. To hold market share, organizations also try to incorporate the latest technologies as much as possible. Organizations should continue to strive to use modern systems that are concurrent with the latest technological advancement. Therefore, regulating modern systems confirms that organizations consistently use up-to-date technological systems to improve business procedures, as well as ensures that those systems and...

Words: 2299 - Pages: 10

Premium Essay

Impact of Technology in the Workplace

...The Impact of Technology in the Workplace The impact of computer technology in the workplace has been enormous within the past decade, both positive and negative. Distant communication through the use of computers and mobile devices have overhauled the office setting completely. Email, social networking sites and the world of the Internet have opened a whole new avenue of communication. Technology has changed the entire workplace environment, the relationships, and how things get done. Office workers and businesses are not limited to phone calls, meetings or mail to communicate with each other anymore. Electronic email can be used and not interrupt the recipient. The recipients can respond immediately or at a later time.Virtual calls and meetings allow for distant participation in meetings without everyone actually being physically present. Clients, business partners and employees can telecommunicate from their location of choice. The use of mobile of technology has eliminated the importance of an actual physical office space. Work can be done while traveling, across continents, or even from home. Even employees in the same office can chat, share projects, SKYPE to share screens and make group decisions without even being in the same room. Customer Service Departments use technology to serve customers in a timely manner as well. Automated phone systems and email expedite customer service questions and issues...

Words: 1831 - Pages: 8