...Journal ofEngineering and Technology Management, 10 (1993) 229-264 229 Elsevier Impacts of programmable manufacturing technology: A review of recent studies and contingency formulation Jeffrey K. Liker”, Ann Majchrzakb and Thomas Choi” “Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA bZnstitute for Safety and Systems Management and Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA Abstract This paper reviews the literature on the social impacts of programmable manufacturing technology (PMT). Several perspectives on the social impact of technology are identified ranging from simple additive models that view technology as having a set of individual and independent causal impacts to a contingency perspective which views the impact of technology as dependent on technical and organizational characteristics. The paper statistically summarizes 30 empirical studies within the 1986-1990 period and finds common trends in findings as well as contradictory evidence. The common trends are that PMT tends to lead to more organic organizations, but also meets with negative employee attitudes, stress, and perceptions of reduced job security and mobility. The contradictory evidence is that most studies report simple, additive effects, while a substantial portion find that the impacts depend on a wide range of contingency variables. The authors argue that simplistic views of PMT as being...
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...THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION. 1.1 Introduction It has become increasingly necessary for all businesses to incorporate Information Technology (IT) solutions to operate successfully and be able to maintain a competitive edge within the market they operate. As a result, many corporations have adopted Information Technology on a large scale by investing in Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) to accomplish their business transactions and data processing needs. Through the use of technology, various organisations have ventured into more efficient ways of conducting their business operations. Focus has since shifted to adopting the latest technology in order to beat competition. In light of the accounting division, this has meant adopting different forms of ERPs, some of which have led to huge failures even in reputable organisations. In some organizations, decisions with regards to adopting newer technology are made independent of the accounting function. This implies taking on such projects without prior consultation of personnel in the accounting division. As a result, some of the failures in those projects have adversely affected the accounting function of many organizations. In this study of the Impact of Information Technology on the accounting function I intend to establish a conclusion as to whether the impact being made by Information Technology on the accounting profession is positive or negative with particular attention...
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...Abstract: Information Technology (IT) Vs. Management Information System (MIS)-in the context of Corporate Management: Information Technology The central aim of IT management is to generate value through the use of technology. To achieve this, business strategies and technology must be aligned. IT Management is different from management information systems. The latter refers to management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making. IT Management refers to IT related management activities in organizations. MIS is focused mainly on the business aspect, with strong input into the technology phase of the business/organization. A primary focus of IT management is the value creation made possible by technology. This requires the alignment of technology and business strategies. While the value creation for an organization involves a network of relationships between internal and external environments, technology plays an important role in improving the overall value chain of an organization. However, this increase requires business and technology management to work as a creative, synergistic, and collaborative team instead of a purely mechanistic span of control. Historically, one set of resources was dedicated to one particular computing technology, business application or line of business, and managed in a storage-like fashion. These resources supported a single set of requirements and processes, and couldn’t easily be optimized or reconfigured to support...
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...Summary This article focuses on how Knowledge Management impacts the Organization performance. As per the author, Knowledge Management is a process that transforms individual knowledge into Organizational knowledge. The aim of this paper is to show that through creating, accumulating, organizing and utilizing knowledge, Organizations can enhance Organizational performance. It talks about how Knowledge Management consists of various factors like strategy, cultural values and workflows. This article contributes to the Knowledge Management field through understanding those factors, their interrelation and the role of Information Technology in achieving a better business performance. The author emphasizes that one of the aspects of introducing Knowledge Management practices in Organizations is its positive impact on Organizational performance. The article talks about history, different sources and mechanics of Knowledge Management. It highlights the important aspects and tools of introducing Knowledge Management process in an Organization. For example, how technology can play a huge role in establishing and implementing a Knowledge Management system in the Organization; how it is a cultural shift, what information should be shared and how to set those key dimensions in an Organization; what is key role HR plays in implementing a Knowledge Management system etc. As per the author, Knowledge Management is essentially a people related discipline, with focus on strengthening collaborative...
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...The Impact of Smartphone in Employees Performance in AMA University A Research project Submitted to the College of Business and Finance In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject ITMA 570 Prepared by: Introduction Smartphone technology are growing so fast more than any other electronic equipment in the world and has improve our access to information technology. Smart phone applications for quick access and ease of service anytime anywhere . The usage of this technology on the personal and professional level is becoming a widespread nowadays. Casual observation shows that smart phone have taken the way people communicate in their workplace and affect their working performance. This comes as no surprise in the information technology world nowadays. Despite their popularity. One must consider whether smart phones are merely a workplace appropriateness or source of distraction. For instance, a worker attending a meeting can retrieve whatever information he/she needs while he/she is in the conversance room; however, that same worker can disrupt the meeting each time his/her phone rings. Arguably, there are pros and cons for the performance of the employee of using the smart phone in their work performance, but it is important to relies the potential liability that smart phone effect the employees performance. We are in a litigious society with a rise in the organization liability, Thompson and Bluvshtein (2008) (1) report that " … employee use of technology is resulting...
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...information technology usage with banking sector. Growing evidence that customer satisfaction and effective service delivery drives organizations’ economic health; this means that managers can no longer afford to ignore customers’ feedback. Rather, organization-specific examination of dimensions is vital and useful so that managers are able to assess and determine the precise level of both customer satisfaction and its influencing factors. The proposed exploratory instrument used here to measure customer satisfaction and effective service delivery with the banking sector could serve as a starting point for other studies in the professional services domain. Generally it is not known how information technology affects customer satisfaction and effective service delivery of the banking sector. This study proposes to investigate the impact of customer satisfaction and effective service delivery of the banking sector. 1.2 GENERAL INTRODUCTION As an emerged business trend, the vast applications of information technology (IT) on economic organizations are immense and immeasurable. Organizational systems and functions are now considered effortless and unproblematic because of Information Technology. Information Technology also expanded the opportunities concerning product development processes or innovations that provide organizations with cost and competitive advantages. In a much broader sense, information technology strengthens the business value of every organization. The parameters...
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...Influence of Information Technology on Quality Management in Pakistan Abstract Both information technology and quality management are important for the survival and sustainable growth of organization in the current era of competitiveness and both have been studied widely in recent last few years. But there is little well-founded research on relationship of information technology with quality management and how IT effects the different dimensions of Quality management like Top management support, strategic planning process, output quality assurance, important innovation, information and analysis, human resource utilization, customer satisfaction and quality results. This paper explores such linkage between IT and Quality management dimensions and the extent of affects through interview survey of different companies based in Pakistan. Using a pre test questionnaire we selecting the sample of 140 companies for targeted respondent and collect the data through face to face survey. After applying statistical tools on collected data we conclude that information technology influences all dimensions of total quality management and extent of affects increases with increased use of IT in total quality management. Ultimately, extent of IT use in total quality management reflects in shape of improve services quality, improved services productivity and improvement in quality management. Keywords Quality management, Information technology, empirical study, Pakistan, Questionnaires, TQM...
Words: 14317 - Pages: 58
...A Summary of “Strategic alignment: Analysis of perspectives” by Tiago Reis de Almeida Preston Coleman and Raymon Papp’s paper hub on strategic alignment model. Furthermore, how it has been operationalized to enable assessment of an organization’s business and technology strategies into one of twelve defined alignment perspectives using a web-based model. The authors emphasise that the first concept of strategic alignment remains actual and usable to corporate executives looking to achieve alignment of their business and technology strategies. This model is presented as a combination between four quadrants, which one constituted by three components and it’s divided into two distinct areas: business and information technology (IT). Each area has two quadrants that define that part of the business. Focusing on the business area, the two quadrants are business strategy and organization infrastructure. Business strategy has three different components: business scope, distinctive competencies and business governance component. The first component links everything that might effect the business environment, such as markets, products, services). Distinctive competencies cover all items responsible to create market’s success, like brand, research, value chain. The last component is Business governance that relates to the existent relationships between stockholders and the directors board, governmental regulations and relations with other strategic partners. The other quadrant...
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...March 30, 2014 Introduction According to Aspray, Mayadas, & Vardi (2006) globalization has resulted in billions of people joining the free-market world, and dozens of countries joining the World Trade Organization. This trend has produced a world where not only goods are globally tradable, but so is labor, which can be sent over a wire rather than physically relocated. Vales (2007) stated that the future may be hard to predict, but may not be hard to prepare for. Insurers are in close encounter with the tough new business, investment and regulatory environments that are emerging from the financial crisis. The article continued to state that the insurance industry however, also faces far broader challenges. Demographic shifts, the rise in power of the emerging markets and changing customer behavior will all help shape the sector’s longer term future. Insurers who can anticipate and plan for change can create their own future. Others who are “fast followers” will need to be agile enough to recognize the leaders and adopt similar strategies. White, (2009) wrote that many factors are contributing to the increasing diversity in the workplace, factors such as the rising numbers of immigrants, mergers or joint ventures with companies in other countries, the rising use of temps and contract workers, and the increasing globalization of business are a few of the forces making the...
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...behaviors and acquiring information (livestrong.com). In healthcare organizations where it is always busy, effective communication is essential to the success of the organization. Communication promotes knowledge in healthcare organizations and it is necessary for the organization to thrive in this fast paced environment. On a daily basis there is communication with doctors, nurses, medical staff, co-workers, patients, and customers. In this paper I will discuss ways which organizations can share knowledge and involve its employees in formulating solutions to the problems. I will also discuss effective/ineffective techniques for sharing information and ideas, how might these techniques be applied or modified in a healthcare work environment, and how technology can impact this process. Ways Organizations Can Share Knowledge One way health care organizations can share knowledge and/or information is through teams. The intention of a team-based approach is to break down functional chimneys, increase information sharing, and create more effective lateral relationships that improve problem solving and performance (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007). Some advantages of teams are better communication across functions, shared responsibility between all team members, improved morale and improved speed and quality. Another way to share knowledge and information is through technology networks. Network organizations...
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...Communication and Information Technology Technology is spreading like a wild fire throughout the entire world. In the United States technology is used mostly for communication and is done by the use of wireless phones, text messages, social media, and emails. In health care organizations the use of technology is becoming more popular. According to University of Phoenix Communication and Information Technology (2009), In the 1990s health care organizations have struggled with technology to figure out its purpose in health care. Communication and computer based information technologies are used throughout health care organizations to improve and change the structure of health care delivery, and to increase the quality of care that patients receive. There are many different types of information technologies that are used in various health care organizations. This paper will only be presenting one information technology that is used in many health care organizations, which is Electronic Medical Records or EMR. It will also discuss how efficient and effective communication is with EMRs, the advantages and disadvantages of EMRs, the affect it has on consumers, the short term and long term financial impact, and improvements that could be made in the future. Electronic Medical Records Electronic Medical Records or EMRs are computer based medical records that allow health care organizations such as hospitals and doctors’ offices to store, retrieve, and modify patient’s health information...
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...Technology and its Impact Carlos Terrones COM172 June 17, 2013 Robert Gallo Technology and its Impact Never before in history has innovation offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time. Technology has advanced and accelerated so fast in recent years. Modern technology can range from e-mails to smart phones to fax machines. Technology is visible in everyday life. It has changed everyday living dramatically, both in positive and in negative ways. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in the business industry. Everything from communication to competitive advantage has been influenced by technology. There are both positive and negative influences that technology has impacted in the business industry. Impact on Decision Making Many people feel that the internet is a wonderful thing. There is a plethora of information that can be accessed. Obtaining information is fast and easy. Before the internet people would have to go to the library to do painstaking research. In business this could involve several employees and take days, or even possibly weeks, to obtain the information they needed. Now in a matter of hours you can compile up to date information needed for companies to make the decisions. The reason why this is important is because businesses need this information fast and accurate to make the best choice for their company. However there can also be a downside to this. In past the information took longer to process. With the internet all this information...
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...THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION IN NIGERIA By: Idongesit Efiong Utah ABSTRACT This research focuses on assessing the impact of information technology on the Nigerian Accounting profession by examining four areas: Impact on the public and private sector, the challenges and reaction to the challenges posed by information technological innovation and information technologies enhancing effect on the Accounting profession. INTRODUCTION It is evident that we are in information driven age where information technology is a driving tool in the public and private sectors. The replacement of mainframe computers with personal computers which were affordable to most users has ushered us into an era of proliferation of information, speed of assess to and ability to disseminate information. The information technology revolution has brought about a drastic change in the business environment, its structure and the business process. Information technology has become a strategic tool that drives the strategic initiatives of organizations and businesses. Manual processes have been replaced with automated processes, routine bookkeeping and recording of financial information is being done electronically, and the ease and speed of transacting business has greatly increases. The accountant as a major player in the public and private sectors cannot afford to be left out. To function properly and competently the accountant must take the changes brought about by information...
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...Effective Communication Shelly Roberts University of Phoenix Trends with sharing knowledge within health care organizations settings have a widening array of resources that are inside and outside the company. This widening array can be co-workers, consultants, off-site employees, and/or other resources. In order for the organization to be successful sharing knowledge is critical, however the boundaryless form the organization takes it could be contacts outside and inside the organization. There are many techniques that an organization can utilize for sharing information and ideas in an effective manner. However there are some ways that can be ineffective. Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is how technology impacts this process of the sharing of ideas or knowledge in formulating solutions to problems. The ways in which the organizations that I currently am employed at shares knowledge or involves employees in formulating solutions to problems is done in different ways. Primarily the way to share this information at my place of business is through a program called CRM through Microsoft. Basically all workflows and case management are located through this program. They are also tracked through this program. The technique that’s been the most effective for sharing information and...
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...These factors, along with changes in technology, all impact and shape the organization and affect marketing decisions. This paper will identify environmental factors that shape the organization and impact marketing decisions. It will discuss the influence of global economic interdependence and the effect on trade practices and agreements. The paper will discuss the importance of demographics and physical infrastructure, analyzes cultural differences, and examines the importance of social responsibility. Finally, the paper will analyze the effect of political systems and its influence on international relations, the influence of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, and the influence of local, national and international legislation on Ikea’s business practices. There are many macro-economic factors that impact and shape marketing decisions at Ikea. These factors include economic, environmental, political, social, technological, legal and cultural (Unknown, 2007). These factors influence the decisions the organization makes, how it operates nationally and globally and how it will adjust to the factors to ensure the business will continue to operate smoothly. Politically, Ikea is impacted by local government and what products the local government believes that is best for the area. Because of the size of the physical store, the corporation must get special permission from local governments to ensure its size will have minimal impact on the local area, traffic and transportation...
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