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CWA Local 3645: Case Study

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Pages 5
CWA President Chris Shelton.
CWA Vice President District 3 Richard Honeycutt.
CWA Local 3645 Barbara McKinney.

We hereby officially serve this letter to serve as charges against: the CWA Local 3645 executive board and officers, the CWA District 3, and the CWA National for non-representation and misrepresentation.

We, the Dues Paying Union Members of the Communications Workers of America Union Local 3645, voted to have the Communications Workers of America Union represent us in a positive effort to halt the injustice and disrespect from the company, Piedmont Airlines. We feel our union dues paid from our hard working paychecks are not being used wisely and we feel there is an eschewed effort of representation since January 2015. …show more content…
Many within the union would like to file a petition to decertify this local; however, we invoke our right to petition a recall of all the officers of this local and a new election to be held no later than ninety(90) days upon receipt of this letter.

In accordance to the;

(Communications Workers Union of America Local 3645 By-Laws ARTICLE XVII - RECALL OF LOCAL OFFICERS (Page Thirteen (13).
“A. Any member of the Local Executive Board may be recalled in conformity with the provisions of Articles XXI, Section 2 and XXII, Section 8 of the Union Constitution.”
(Communications Workers of America Union Constitution. Article XXI—Recall Petition against Persons Holding Elective Office in the Union (Page Thirty Seven (37).
Section 2—Recall Petition against Local Officers)
“A petition for recall of an Officer of a

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