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Caesarea Philipi Research Paper

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Caesarea Philippi was an important city in Biblical times. It was a distinctly Roman city, but it still had influences on the lives of many different types of people in Biblical times as well as today. Philip, the third son of Herod the Great, built Caesarea Philippi as the capitol to his tetrarchy. He named the city in honor of the emperor, and to differentiate it from Caesarea Marittima, it was commonly called Philip’s Caesarea, or Caesarea Philippi. The city lies in the northern areas of Israel, and has many springs which eventually trickle down to later become a part of the Jordan River. Because of the abundance of water, the land of Caesarea Philippi flourishes. There is plenty of green plants, comfortable shade, and waterfalls to boot. In its time Caesarea Philippi was a peaceful and flourishing city that provided retreat for those nearby. …show more content…
The area was called Panias at one time. This is a symbolic name representing the Roman god Pan, a satyr (half man half goat). In mythology the god Pan had a particular penchant for young women. His grottos were customarily places of promiscuous activity and human sacrifices. The grotto in Caesarea Philippi specifically, is full of beauty and the remains of ancient architecture. In the past young girls were sacrificed to the nature god by being sent into a holy cave after having been put through other rituals dealing with pleasing the god. Today the area is called Banyas, which still reflects the symbolism of the past. The ruins clearly depict the ancient practices of the past. There remains the ancient cave of Pan, the alter for sacrifice, column remains, and niches carved into the mountainside for idols of the gods. Today the area of Banyas in Caesarea Philippi still holds as a significant place in the history and culture of

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