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Counseling Latinos Ethical Analysis

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Ethics in Counseling Latinos According to the United States (U.S.) Census Bureau in 2013, there were 316 million people residing in the U.S.; the Latino population accounted for 17% of this number—that’s 54 million Latinos residing in the U.S. in the year 2013, especially concentrated in the Southwest. From 2012 to 2013 there was an increase of 2.3 million people living in the U.S.; Latinos accounted for 48% of this number—that’s an increase of 1.1 million Latinos. In respect to all members of the Latino household, the median annual income was $39,000 in 2012; twenty-nine percent of these people were living in poverty. Sixty-four percent of Latinos had at least a high school diploma in 2012; seven percent had at least a bachelor’s degree. …show more content…
They became greatly invested in the attainment of gold from the region and the indigenous, particularly from one of the largest native civilizations, the Aztecs; this large group of people was ruled by a man, Montezuma, who was frequently pressured by a conquistador leader, Hernan Cortes, to release large quantities of gold to the Spanish. Despite Montezuma’s generosity and desire for peace, Cortes, with the help of neighboring indigenous tribes, prevented incoming supplies to the capital, and many of the people within the capitol—now present day Mexico City—died of starvation or illness. The conquistadores captured Montezuma and the Aztec capitol in 1521 (“Mexico,” …show more content…
relates to the disparities between collectivism and individualism. It’s not uncommon for clients to have conflicting identities, as a traditionally collectivistic people live within an individualistic society; there are apparent incompatibilities in such circumstances. Collectivism involves priority towards family, while individualism involves priority towards one’s self. One of the most important multicultural concepts for counselors to understand is that of collectivism. Counselors should be able to empathize from a group perspective and engage in reflections in much the same way (Arredondo, 2004). A client’s sense of interdependence within a group, such as their biological family, entails the inadvertent involvement of its members into therapy. Collectivism is similarly referred to as allocentrism and includes extended biological family members, coworkers, and members of the community (Arciniega, 2015). The traditional Latino culture involves both horizontal and vertical hierarchies. The horizontal hierarchy was practiced by the indigenous and the vertical hierarchy was practiced by the Spanish and Portuguese (Arciniega, 2015). Examples of the vertical hierarchy include the prestige and authority of the father, the grandmother’s ultimate authority of the family, and the respect and cooperation rendered by the young (Ruiz & Padilla, 1977). An example of the horizontal hierarchy is that of the

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