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Can Over-Reliance On Technology Lead To Depression And Anxiety

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Can over-reliance on technology lead to depression/anxiety?
What exactly is technology? The first thought that probably pops up in most of our heads is our cell phones and social media. Technology is anything developed that can be used to help us. Chris McCandless used technology; such as a canteen as well as a gun on his adventure in the Alaskan wilderness. Technology can have positive and negative effects on us by over-relying on social media that can lead to mental health disorders.
Technology has shaped the modern day world as we know it. Technology can be very positive if you are using it in the right way. When you are out fishing you probably have a fishing pole, imagine trying to use your hands to catch a fish. When you are hunting, you probably take some sort of gun to shoot the animals. Think about it, without technology you could not do some of the most simple everyday things like using your microwave every morning to heat up your oatmeal, …show more content…
He had no way really of knowledge about what was going on in the outside world. Chris should have put more thought into how he was going to survive this adventure. Chris went into one of the harshest places on earth with little knowledge of the land, no shelter, and very little food. If he didn’t find the bus he probably would have died way sooner. Chris didn’t take full advantage of modern day technology, and he could have. He should have taken a GPS He was only so many miles from being in civilization, he could have saved himself. Chris died by eating poison berries, but I think that could have been avoided if he had used the right tools. Towards the end of his life, Chris knew he was going to die. He knew he was trapped in the middle of nowhere. I think when he was dying he realized all his little mistakes and wanted so badly to correct them. I do not think he was ready to

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