Species Profile of the Canada goose (Branta canadensis)
I. Introduction -Why I choose this organism? I choose the Canada goose (Branta canadensis) because it was one of the specie that I didn’t know too much about it and encounter this specie really fascinating over all. Over the two years I have been working on Fort Belvoir I had discovered that this species is protected and by doing this presentation I had plan to discover why and what is the story behind this. In this presentation I will try to give a voice to an organism that will have experience a lot of adversities in the tenure of his life. The scientific name (Branta canadensis) which is part of the animalia Kingdom; part of the chordate Phylum, part of the aves Class; in the anseriformes Order and part of the anatidae Family. Branta canadensis has been split into B. canadensis and B. hutchinsii. The Canada goose is this animal common name and people most knowing as a goose or geese; depending on the location you live. The area of residence…show more content… Males are slightly larger than females, but for the most part they weight between 3 to 10.9 kg. Their body includes brown-grey feathers on their back and for the most part cream or white feathers on their belly. The largest subspecies is Branta canadensis maxima, and usually weighs about 6.4 kg. Canada geese are 76 to 110 cm tall, with a width of 1.3 to 1.7 m. They are born with black bills and feet. Most of the offspring yellow with grey-green feathers on their back and sometimes their head, but overall it depends on the subspecies. There are seven subspecies, which can be told apart based on their size, plumage color, cheek marks, and